Fall In Love With A Substitute

Chapter 16: The Little Fortune Butterfly (16)

In front of Zhiheng Square in the western district of City B, there were crowds of people, and domestic and foreign media gathered together.

After the low-key people left their names on the signature board, they went to the VIP area to rest. Artists have to walk through the red carpet and accept short interviews to attract traffic for the opening ceremony.

On the Internet, there will also be an official live broadcast to follow up on the event, including the small banquet after the ribbon cutting ceremony.

In the past, the entertainers entered the banquet, and the audience could only wait for the media to report. I didn't expect to see it live this time. Many people speak eloquently, HY is to announce the so-called "big news" as soon as possible.

No one knew, this was Jian Yixin's request.

Lin Qinglu's appearance was overwhelming the audience. She put on the thick and colorful purple, and she was so beautiful. She raised her eyes and raised her eyes, and her swaying posture caused dense shutter sounds.

Not to be outdone, Ye Zixuan's sweet style followed closely, with a cute and fresh smile. She changed the feeling of being restrained and restrained by Lin Qinglu in the past, her complexion was very good, and she was so energetic that many people looked at her.

"Today's Zi Xuan is so self-confident!"

"Think of that sentence: cuteness is useless in front of sexy"

"Although, why can't Ye Zixuan think of standing next to Lin Yinghou hahahaha, I love her a little bit"

Ye Zixuan didn't know the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room. During the interview, she scanned the audience and said meaningfully: "Tonight will be a very happy and bright night."

And she will be the brightest star.

Under Ye Zixuan's expectation, the ribbon-cutting ceremony passed very quickly. Except for the President of the Song Group when she appeared on the stage, she was fully focused on the moment she was about to attract attention.

The small banquet site was arranged like a small auditorium, Ye Zixuan found her brand and sat down with Lin Qinglu next to her.

She frowned without a trace, then straightened her back, smiled and complimented when the camera turned around, and refused to let the wind down.

The banquet has a lot of fun, and the longer it goes on, the higher Ye Zixuan's expectation will be.

Almost, the moment of my own highlights is coming soon——

Finally, after a singer starred in friendship, the lights suddenly dimmed and only the stage was on. Everyone screamed, Ye Zixuan was happy and cheered up.

"...The next award to be announced is the last award on the scene: the spokesperson award." Li Fei faced the audience behind the camera, pretending to sigh sadly, "Unexpectedly, the news that we had to choose a spokesperson has leaked out. ."

After issuing a series of funny and funny awards, HY finally released the news.

"Sure enough, it is the spokesperson!"

"You guessed it right, you guessed it wrong! Lin Qinglu Lin Qinglu Lin Qinglu!"

Ye Zixuan was breathing fast, staring at the stage.

Li Fei said: "However, the rumors on the Internet are somewhat different from the real situation."

As soon as this sentence was said, the scene was quiet, and many people looked at Lin Qinglu in secret.


"Not Lin Qinglu?????"

"Sure enough, did Lin Qinglu fire himself in embarrassment"

Ye Zixuan sat next to Lin Qinglu, trying to press the corners of her lips, her heart was delighted, her chin was raised high, and she looked forward to Li Fei's next words even more.

"Next, let's ask a spokesperson to come on stage, and Mr. Song Zhe will award her the award." Li Fei stepped aside after saying this. A beam of light was constantly beating in the field, and many people's eyes followed the beam of light. go with.

"Is it my idol?"

"Eh eh jumped away again"

"It won't be Lin Qinglu anyway! The official rumor is the most embarrassing hahahahaha"

The beam of light slowed down and slowly approached where Ye Zixuan was.

The answer will soon be revealed.

Ye Zixuan pretended to look straight ahead naturally, and began to recite the thoughts she had prepared.

"It seems to be Ye Zixuan over there???"


In the chaos of the barrage, under the gaze of everyone on the scene, the white light beam enveloped Ye Zixuan. Ye Zixuan smiled and stood up without hesitation.

Yes, that’s it. I’m the focus of tonight, I’m the one HY wants to hold up with both hands, not a shit, Lin Qing——

Ye Zixuan's smile had not yet reached its limit, and the beam of light left lightly.

The darkness swallowed Ye Zixuan mercilessly. At her hand, the white light beam stopped her stride, and hung it on another person, with brilliance and glory.

It's only a short distance away from her.

"Lin Qinglu, please come on stage!" Li Fei said loudly.

"??? How many times did the question mark swipe the screen this time, and it keeps turning?"

"Or Lin Qinglu?? The news is correct??"

"What's wrong with Ye Zixuan, why is she standing up?"

"...Extremely embarrassing"

Ye Zixuan was frozen in the cold dimness, unable to move.

She didn't know how she sat down.

Until Lin Qinglu appeared on the stage, she suddenly woke up. In the body with cold limbs, the blood circulated rapidly again, and immediately rushed to her face. The pale face suddenly became hot and red.

She tried to keep her precarious smile, her face stiff.

How is this going?

what happened!

Embarrassed, embarrassed, helpless, angry.

Ji Jing deliberately made her foolish? why!

She was trembling all over, just wanting to ask Ji Jing quickly—

Why is it not her endorsement? How could it be Lin Qinglu's!

The male voice of Qingyue on stage came into her ears:

"Congratulations to Qinglu, becoming the global spokesperson and elegant ambassador of HY."

——Global spokesperson.

Ye Zixuan's eyes turned black, and she barely held her posture while holding the armrest of the seat, but she could no longer control her expression, her eyes were red with jealousy.

Global spokesperson? what! So what they said was "some discrepancy" referring to this? She squeezed the handrail tightly, why?

Why does even Ji Jing dare to only promise the extravagance of spokespersons in the Asia-Pacific region, so Lin Qinglu can get global endorsements casually?

HY not only extended an olive branch towards Lin Qinglu, but also gave her the crown of top fashion resources.

Ye Zixuan felt that her career and even her whole person were shrouded in the shadow of Lin Qinglu. What's more hateful is that she was scorched with anger, her eyes burned with jealousy, and she gritted her teeth, but Lin Qinglu never looked at her more.

Listening to Lin Qinglu's deep speech and the endless applause in the field, Ye Zixuan couldn't bear it, she just wanted to get up and escape.

But she can't go.

She got up for the first time, putting her in an awkward situation. In the future, as long as Lin Qinglu's highlight moments are mentioned tonight, she will inevitably bring her this joke to embellish it.

She can't stand up for the second time, otherwise, the media will pierce her with the sharpest words and make her blood dripping.

She could only sit coldly under the dim stage, looking up at Lin Qinglu.

It is ridiculous and funny like a clown who fails to perform.

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