FH Chapter 16 : 意外之喜

An unexpected happy event

What is the character of the Li family? Ruan knew in her heart, if she was no longer here, Li Haitang and her little brother would have no way to support the family and would have to live under the roof of the family in the future.


“Mother sold the bracelets she brought from her grandmother’s place and she exchanged it for a small house in the county. She was afraid that we would be driven out and have no place to live.”


Li Haitang would get married later, and Ruan also had this in mind, writing Li Jin Hu’s name on the deed to the house, and giving her most valuable jade pendant to her daughter.


The original body did not know about this, however, Li Haitang was not at all uncomfortable, She only sighed at Ruan’s good intentions as a mother.


“Jie (Big sister), there is rice-flour noodles in the courtyard, and I planted cabbage seeds some time ago, so we can save some and have something enough to eat.”


In the county, every family’s yard is small, and Li Jin Hu is very good at passing or living his days. He wants to catch hens and raise them, but unfortunately there is a distance between the county and the village, so he cannot find time to feed the chickens. 


As soon as Ruan left, Li Jin Hu knew that Old Lady Li would have to make a mess of things so he didn’t say anything when he was sent away. It was just as well that his eldest aunt Liu’s mother’s house was closer to the small courtyard in the county. He wanted to set up the house first and then take his sister and escape from the Li family.


He is still a child, no matter how smart he is, he is still a child and cannot think things through.Li Jin Hu did not know that his sister had gone into hiding and the Li Haitang now had changed its core. 




The location of the courtyard is not known to anyone but the two siblings. No one knew about it and it was very safe, Li Haitang thought that she would have to live in a place with no fixed place in the future, but now she had a place to live, which was a pleasant surprise.


“Big sister, then I will wait for you in the county seat.”


As Li Jin Hu watched his family’s yard being taken over, his eyes showed a touch of hatred. If these people had not oppressed her parents, they would not have died so early.


If these people had not oppressed my parents, they would not have died so early.


Now, before his mother and father’s bones are hardly cold yet, these so-called relatives are eager to come to the door, take over the house, occupy the land, and force her sister to marry the old man, sucking their flesh and blood dry little by little! Now, he is still young, but he has a strong feeling in his heart that he must take revenge!


“Don’t worry about me, Jin Hu. I’m at least a few years older than you.Besides, I’ve brought a dagger, medicine, and money. In a few days at the most, I will come to you.”


Li Haitang touched Li Jin Hu’s head and felt a bit sad for this little boy. He is still young and has to bear so many psychological shocks. She will definitely take good care of him in the future. She will fulfill the responsibility for the original body.


“What are you doing? If you guys keep talking, no end to it. It’s an auspicious time, if we don’t go yet, we won’t be able to explain or justify (to our master!)”


The two siblings had only spoken a few words when the Qin family’s servants outside the door could no longer hold back and urged them on, and two women pushed their way in, one on the left and one on the right, pinning Li Haitang down and shoving her straight into the horse carriage.


Li Haitang felt the light dim, squinted her eyes and took a long time to adjust to the darkness inside the carriage, she lifted up the cover and looked at everything inside the carriage, locking her eyebrows.


The windows of the carriage were closed and thick curtains were drawn to block out the light from the windows.There is a small table in front of the bench. There is also a teapot and tea bowls on the top and a dim kerosene lamp.


Everything in the carriage was decorated in red, with tassels on the window screens and large red wedding letters on the windows, making it quite festive.


“You this little brat, what brings you here?”


“Ai yo yo, the girl from the second house of the Li family is getting married in time for the full mourning!”


Outside the car window, there was a lot of noise. The villagers rarely saw the way of the world. A few days ago Sun Xing, the son of Sun’s widow, married the daughter of a rice shop owner, and she was accompanied by a maid, which, in the eyes of the villagers, was a rare sight.



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