FH Chapter 26


Little Show of Cooking Skill

A rainy night is good for sleep, after escaping from the Li family and not having to marry that perverted damn old man, Li Haitang solves a matter of her heart and is in a good mood, sleeping her first good night’s sleep since she transmigrated over. 


After getting dressed, she went to the clean room to wash up. After last night’s meal, Xiao Lingchuan took her for a walk around the courtyard. There were three rooms in total, sitting north and facing south, with the middlemost main or principal room, which was slightly higher than the ones on either side. The windows had been converted into floor-to-ceiling windows that could be supported.


The floor is a uniformly clean wooden floor, emitting the aroma of raw wood.


“Let’s eat ba.”


Xiao Lingchuan poked his head out of the kitchen, carrying a food box in his hand. With the sudden addition of a young lady in the house, he hadn’t slept too well last night and had gone down to the mountains at dawn to probe some informations. 


“There’s also spicy tofu (bean curd flavored with hot spices), my favorite!”


Li Haitang looked at the bright red chillies floating on top of the tofu pieces, he instantly smiled and narrowed her eyes.


After the rains in late autumn, the temperature plummeted and when she opened the window in the morning, the cold breeze dug in, freezing her and making her goosebumps. It is best to eat something spicy to dispel the humid weather and drive away the cold.


These days, bean curd is only several pennies cheaper than pork and, in contrast, the villagers prefer to eat meat, which has a lot of oil. 


“You’ve cooked the rice!”


Li Haitang washed her hands and went into the kitchen to help. She was really surprised for a moment when she saw the white rice in the pot.


It wasn’t brown rice (unpolished rice), it wasn’t porridge, it was proper (husky) cooked rice!


If she married the wild man and lived in the mountains, she could grow vegetables, peanuts and sweet potatoes in the front and back yards, but grain, she could only spend silver to buy, which was a large sum of silver money. In the future, it would be better to live frugally.




As soon as Li Haitang approached, Xiao Lingchuan took a few steps back. He almost never dealt with women, his hands and feet, he didn’t know where to put them, it was very uncomfortable.


“In the future, just make some porridge in the morning, make some small pickles, scramble eggs, julienned potato pastries, and cut a salted duck egg.”


Li Haitang was a foodie in her previous life so she studied how to eat and cook good food later. She didn’t consider herself a guest at all and filled a bowl with rice quickly and neatly. Looking at Xiao Lingchuan’s big build, she thought that he would be able to eat a lot, therefore she chose a large bowl.


There were tables, chairs and benches in the kitchen. The two of them sat opposite to each other, with Xiao Lingchuan always having a blank face.


If last night she was a bit scared, now Li Haitang is really relaxed and at ease. His back is broad, his walk is calm and strong, always giving people a sense of security, even the hideous scars on the corners of his eyes look much cuter.


Of course, it is estimated that there is no one else in the whole of Da Qi appreciating arts like Li Haitang. She knew that Xiao Lingchuan went to buy tofu from a village house this morning, moreover he also scared two children around five or six years old into tears.


When the villagers teached their own children, they would always say, “If you don’t behave well, the wild man in the mountains will take you away and eat you!”


Xiao Lingchuan never crossed paths with the villagers, so the first time he came to the door to buy tofu, the village people almost dropped their jaws in shock.


There was leftover chicken soup from last night on the dining table, mala tofu and just little pickles that tasted so bad that it tasted nothing but salty.


Li Jia Village village is snowy during the winter, as yellow does not reach green (idiom for the yellow autumn crop does not last until the green spring crop) so basically they can only live on cabbages, carrots and potatoes which are easy to store. If they were served such salty dishes all day long, Li Haitang, as a foodie, would have to collapse.


“I see there are still some vegetables in the backyard. There is still salt at home, right? I’ll make some pickles.”


Food was the number one priority therefore Li Haitang decided to improve her life. She simply forgot to ask for the Li family news .




With a woman in the house, Life is different. Xiao Lingchuan lived on his own, washing his own clothes and cooking by himself, hunting to earn money. He was good at everything but only sewing clothes. He has practiced many times, yet he has no talent so there are many holes in his clothes. He sewed them up like a centipede crawling on it. 


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