Film and Television Unlimited Adventure

Chapter 155 Violent crushing

Wu Qizhe understood Selena's complicated mood somewhat.

However, the battle between werewolves and vampires is really not right or wrong. Vampires want to enslave werewolves, isn't it natural for werewolves to resist!

After centuries of struggle, the ferocity of vampires to werewolves is not necessarily less.

Wu Qizhe doesn't care about the grievances between vampires and werewolves, he only cares about Selena and the benefits he can get.

Selena's mood is particularly different. Vampires and werewolves have been fighting for hundreds of years, and they have never suffered such a heavy loss.

Although she has planned to withdraw from the battle between the two groups for hundreds of years, she still does not have a good impression of werewolves.

And the purpose of her trip was to gain the favor of Elder Amelia and to fight for her freedom.

But if the werewolf succeeds, everything will be too late. At that time, I can only hope that Victor will be kind to himself and Dennis, but is it really realistic! The old man who only abides by the so-called rules, anyone who violates the rules set by him will be severely punished, and she does not believe that she will be an exception.

Selena turned her hands and took out two pistols from her waist, her eyes were sharp and murderous.

"Dennis, follow me." Wu Qizhe was already walking in front of Selena's voice.

Seeing Wu Qizhe who didn't listen to greetings at all, Selena pursed her lips slightly, a little dissatisfied, but her heart was filled with more warmth.

Wu Qizhe made a gesture and asked Selena to follow him.

He slowly walked forward.

As a death walker, Selina is mainly good at archery and close combat. Although she can not fall behind, she is a werewolf who has a strong advantage in the face of physical strength.

So all this is left to him, Selena just needs to put a cold shot behind her.

The two moved forward from the dead pile.

The vampires made a surprise attack, and before they even had time to draw out their weapons, they were torn to pieces.

Right in front, a scene shocked Selena again.

A handsome vampire was pulling hard on the leather sofa, his whole hand had already scratched the cortex, sinking in, pushing a furry head with one hand, trying to resist his tragic fate, his mouth let out a miserable sigh. A sour scream.

Selena exclaimed: "Oh my God, it's Selene."

Seren is a death walker who has always been known for her ferocity and strength, and has hunted no less werewolves than her.

Selena heard the sound, turned the meat with difficulty, saw Selena, as if seeing hope, and screamed loudly: "Selena, Selena, save me, kill these animals! Ah! !" His last wailing, because a blood-red heart-shaped thing was pulled out by the black monster lying on him.

A monster with its head buried in Seren's stomach raised its blood-stained head high, let out a wolf roar, and swallowed the heart just taken out from the vampire.

This is a burly werewolf, with tyrannical eyes, eating the body of a vampire.

Seeing the enemy appear, Selena fired without hesitation.

The muzzle of the gun pierced through the fire, like raindrops, leaking out, hitting the werewolf's chest with precision, and the werewolf kept retreating.

Wu Qizhe was very calm.

Since he planned to rescue the vampire elder Amelia, he could not avoid fighting the werewolf.

Just to try the so-called werewolf how many pounds and two taels, which is better than vampires who are known for their speed.

He rushed over without saying hello to Selena at all.

Selena's pupils contracted, and Dennis was too reckless. He was a werewolf who was known for his strength. Pull the trigger, strengthen the firepower in his hand, keep moving forward, and be ready to help at any time.

Close combat.

The werewolf roared furiously because of the pain caused by the bullet, and slapped Seren's head with a slap with his hairy palm.

If the head moves, no matter how strong the vampire's vitality is, it cannot die any longer.

The werewolf roared, and he was about to rush to Wu Qizhe as soon as he leaped a few meters away.

In his eyes, Wu Qizhe, a human body, was vulnerable to a single blow in his hands, and he slapped it down and took care of it directly.

Wu Qizhe also planned to try the improvement brought by his own Pangu Zombie bloodline.

A jump, from top to bottom, the werewolf's slap landed in the air, clenched his fist into a thump, and the whole body's strength bombarded the werewolf's heavenly cover.

With the sound of shattering, the werewolf's brain shattered directly, the impact force gushed down, and the werewolf's body shattered directly following the place he stepped on, and the solid iron floor was completely vulnerable.

"Ah." Before the werewolf could react, he was directly involved. The tracks under the train, the heart-piercing screams, and the pain of splitting his body were all happening to the werewolf.

The train wheel was squeezed, and the friction sparks could be seen through the gap, and the werewolf's minions were still clasping a piece of iron. With the strength, the werewolf could barely hold half of his body in the carriage.

Selena's tightly gripped pistol had stopped firing, and the werewolf who was caught in the tracks no longer needed her to waste bullets. Seeing the werewolf whose body was being torn apart, there was a strange feeling of unbearableness in her heart.

There was no pity on Wu Qizhe's face, he had wasted a lot of time for this werewolf, he raised his foot directly, and stomped on the werewolf's head.

The werewolf couldn't stand it anymore, screamed in agony, tore off a piece of iron, and was completely involved in the railroad tracks.

"Selena, let's go quickly." Wu Qizhe had already rushed into the aisle.

"Oh." Selena was stunned for a moment before she realized it, and quickened her pace to follow.

Dennis, who has always been considerate to her, also has such a side, it really makes her feel disobedient, not disgusting. In hundreds of years, she has seen many more brutal and tyrannical things than this, but after all, it was the first time. Seeing him like this, it is inevitable that I need to get used to it.

Of course, Selena also knows that Wu Qizhe's ruthlessness is only aimed at the enemy, with a dumb smile on his snow-white face, when did he become so sentimental, the more powerful his man, the better he can protect himself? !

Unnecessary pity is cruel to herself. She who has experienced the changes of time, doesn't she even understand this?

Selena, who has figured out this section, is full of admiration and admiration for Wu Qizhe. She was fascinated by his thoughtfulness and carefulness before, and now she is deeply fascinated by his strong power.

There is no woman who does not worship the strong, let alone Selena who grew up in an environment like the vampire family.

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