Film and Television Unlimited Adventure

Chapter 159 Before the Storm

Klein vented alone in the room, and he smashed everything that could be smashed.

He felt that since the appearance of that human man, nothing had gone well for him.

First, Selena, the woman he regarded as a must, ran away with this human man.

When he received the call, Selena and that human rushed into Amelia's special train, rescued Amelia who was in a period of extreme weakness, rescued people from the werewolf's elite army, and sent the werewolf fight away.

"This bunch of useless rubbish." Klein was furious. This bunch of werewolf wastes who failed to do anything well enough to cause trouble for him.

Then Amelia's roar was heard.

It came as expected.

With his confidants and weapons in hand, he walked towards the hall solemnly.

At that time, the big deal is to directly launch a coup and seize power by force.

Both Victor and Marcus are still sleeping, but Amelia whose strength is less than 20% of her prime, plus Selena and that human man, he doesn't pay attention at all.

Although forcibly killing the vampire elder will cause a certain degree of retaliation, life and death are at stake, and he can't be so scruples now.

He walked slowly in front of Amelia and knelt down respectfully.

"Dear Elder Amelia, I welcome you here."

The expression on Klein's face at this time was respectful and submissive. Even Amelia, who was all about life and death, would not be able to attack on the spot for a while.

Amelia looked at Klein coldly: "Are you really welcome, or do you hope that I will never come back again?"

"Elder, I can't understand what you said at all. As your most loyal servant, of course I hope you can come back." Klein said submissively, without any flaws.

"Very good." Amelia smiled coquettishly, and passed by Klein: "Then we will start the awakening ceremony immediately."

What a keen eye Amelia had.

Klein and his subordinates have long seen clearly that their waists are bulging, and they must be hiding weapons and plotting evil.

If Klein was declared a traitor at this time, although some vampires in the big house were loyal to him, most of them would definitely fall to Klein.

Most of my men died on the train, and the manpower of the Vampire House accounted for less than 20%, and the rest were Victor's men. When the time comes, it will really be difficult, and I will not have the advantage.

With a greatly reduced strength, it will definitely be difficult to deal with the rebellion when the number of people is not dominant, but if Marcus, who has been sleeping for a hundred years, is awakened, the two of them can completely smash Klein's wolf ambition.

Two vampire elders are enough to crush all conspiracies head-on.

Even if all the vampires in the big house are on the opposite side of him, as long as he has Marcus' help, the balance of victory will fall to him.

For Marcus, Emilia is also very relieved.

He and Victor have been at loggerheads, and Klein is Victor's confidant. Marcus absolutely despises Klein, and what Klein has done has already threatened the interests of the entire vampire family. No vampire elder will sit idly by.

Facing a traitor, no one can tolerate it, let alone Marcus, who has a bad temper.

As soon as Amelia finished speaking, cold sweat broke out on Klein's forehead.

Of course, he also knows that among the three elders, Marcus looks down on him the most. Even if he is fine, he will deliberately make things difficult for him when he is resurrected. lack of confidence.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

What's more, he has done so many things that betrayed the interests of the vampire family.

Klein forced a smile on his face: "Elder, Elder Marcus' wake-up date will be two days later. You also know that the re-election period is a big day. According to past traditions, it cannot be held in advance before the date arrives. "

Amelia's cold voice sounded again: "Are you the elder or am I the elder? Do I need you to question my decision?"

Klein was choked speechless.

"I am the only one awakened among the three elders, and my words represent the supreme authority of the vampire family." Amelia glanced coldly at every vampire in the hall: "My order is that the awakening ceremony will be It will be held tonight."

The vampires in the hall trembled in a daze. The long-standing supreme authority of the vampires made them dare not raise objections.

Klein couldn't stop Amelia, because no one stood up for him, and he was alone.

Under Amelia's proud expression, everyone followed the steps of the vampire elders and walked into a spacious hall in the core of the big house.

The hall is guarded by three death walkers day and night. The walls of the hall are reinforced with special marble and granite, which are difficult to be damaged by external forces.

As soon as Wu Qizhe entered the hall, he felt the chill, as if he had entered a mortuary where corpses were placed in a horror movie.

Selena leaned closer to Wu Qizhe's ear and whispered, "This is the place where the elders fell asleep, the forbidden place of the vampire family."

The hall is more than ten meters high, and in the center of the spacious hall, arranged in a triangle are the resting places of the three elder vampires.

The three shafts each use different letters to represent their respective identities, and the wellhead switch marks are decorated with complex Gothic patterns.

Amelia looked at Marcus' mark and glanced at Klein, a fierce look flashed across her face.

She will never show mercy to traitors who threaten her life.

Waking up Marcus was the safest way. Even if no vampire in the hall dared to stand up against her for the time being, she didn't dare to take the risk.

"Raise the coffin of Elder Marcus immediately." Amelia ordered.

Wu Qizhe put his hands on Amelia's smooth shoulders and shook his head slightly.

Although he didn't think Marcus could threaten him, he still hesitated, and immediately stepped forward to stop Amelia.

Amelia's beautiful lake-blue eyes narrowed into a slit: "What do you mean?"

Was Wu Qizhe worried about Marcus' strength? Maybe a little bit, after all, it can be regarded as the most powerful boss besides the werewolf ancestor William.

Recalling the original plot of Underworld, in the second part, although Marcus was resurrected, he obviously didn't have the same heart as the other two elders.

The three elder vampires each have their own origins.

Fourteen centuries ago, Victor was an aging lord in Europe, and Amelia was the leader of the largest mercenary group in Europe. And Marcus was the first vampire!

The first generation of vampires!

Marcus and his brother Williams, one was bitten by a bat and became the ancestor of vampires, the other was bitten by a wolf and was regarded as the ancestor of werewolves, and the other brother was not polluted and maintained his pure blood, while at the same time Carrying the perfect gene that can fuse the two bloodlines of werewolf and vampire.

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