Film and Television Unlimited Adventure

Chapter 270 The Ambition in Kiyoko Anura's Heart

Li Shi, who was tortured by Wu Qizhe again in the bathroom, fell into a dream soon after lunch, she was really tired.

Wu Qizhe called Anpu Qingzi and asked for another day off.

Due to Wu Qizhe's recent excellent performance, Anpu Qingzi readily agreed, and wanted to say a few more words, but unexpectedly, the other party just said goodbye because of something, and hung up the phone.

This made Kiyoko Anpu, who was sitting alone in the office, feel a little aggrieved. This child doesn't care about her teacher at all. It seems that she doesn't even want to give her time to say a few more words. Always think about him.

However, Qi Zhe's outstanding performance in the past week has really made her more face. Before, some people have always criticized her for recommending her student to be a top investigator, saying that he is nepotism, and a series of bad words, but now Those people all shut their mouths.

Some of the people in ccg who see the wind and the wind immediately start to praise her for being virtuous and not avoiding relatives. Kiyoko Anpu just laughed it off. She has seen such things a lot, and she doesn't care at all. Of course, she also does not care about the performance of her own students. Fully affirmed, gratified and proud at the same time, this is my student.

It's just that occasionally at certain times, especially at night when I can't sleep alone, I often have some indescribable things happen with my student Wu Qizhe in my dreams.

Every time she wakes up from a dream, her body always undergoes some subtle changes, which makes her feel both shy and immoral /stimulation/stimulation/, and what is left in the end is endless endless Dharma/filling/filling/of/emptiness/emptiness/feeling, because it is just a dream after all!

Frequent encounters in dreams, and some unspeakable things happen from time to time, which makes Anpu Qingzi uncontrollably have a certain desire for her student Wu Qizhe. Although she knows it is immoral, she just can't restrain the thoughts in her heart .

And Qizhe probably doesn't hate me as a teacher. Thinking of this, Kiyoko Anpu couldn't help showing a beautiful smile on the face of a girl. She thought of the day when Qizhe pressed him on the sofa. Although it was an accident, this smelly The boy actually wanted to kiss himself, if he hadn't pushed him away, he would have succeeded.

Biting her red lips with white teeth, if she hadn't stopped that day, would the relationship with Qi Zhe have made substantial progress? Even, when Kiyoko Anpu thought of the scene in her dream, her whole face became delicate and blushing, mature The charm of women is revealed to the extreme, but it is a pity that no one can appreciate it.

"Alas." Anpu Qingzi sighed slightly. As the saying goes, a woman is easy to grow old, and she is about to enter her forties and become a middle-aged woman. Do I really want to be single for the rest of my life?

But when she thinks that the person she likes is her student, she feels extremely difficult. Even if she doesn't care about other people's opinions, what should Qi Zhe do? He has a bright future, and she can really not care about others at all vision?

In her heart, every embarrassing encounter in her dream tortured her body and mind again and again. She could no longer regard Wu Qizhe as only her student.

Their relationship has always been very close, because Wu Qizhe was an orphan since he was a child, although he was already in his teens when she officially contacted him.

The fate of the two is wonderful, she taught more than one student, but Wu Qizhe was the only one who really walked into her heart, it felt like fate was imperceptibly pushing behind her, and the bond between the two became deeper and deeper.

I don't know when it started, but this bond has undergone a shy and unspeakable change, maybe it was when they met for the first time in the dream.

In the dream, her teacher no longer looked like a teacher, and her student Wu Qizhe no longer looked like a student. She resisted in the dream, but she didn't insist. In the end, it happened with half push and half.

After that night, when she met Qi Zhe in a dream later on, she was completely let go. She knew that she longed for that, but she knew that it was just a dream, and she didn't have to bear any responsibility, and she didn't have to be judged by others ,

Or maybe the ambition in her heart was induced, and she became more and more cooperative, and even took the initiative.

Today, in her dream, she and her students have done all the things that should be done, and the most embarrassing thing that can be imagined also happened in the dream.

But the more this happened, the more unwilling the seed she planted in her heart became. It had already taken root and sprouted, bloomed delicate flowers, and formed green fruits, waiting for the right opportunity to fully mature after being watered.

Qingzi Anpu felt bitter in her heart, and her eyebrows frowned slightly, but perhaps, the love she had for her students in her heart could only be a green fruit for the rest of her life, and there would be no day when it would mature, so she could only taste the bitterness alone Sour and sad, but why, I was so unwilling in my heart.


Wu Qizhe arrived at the school before Dong Xiang left school in the afternoon.

Ten minutes later, seeing the students coming out one after another, a beautiful figure came into his eyes. It was Dong Xiang, whom he had not seen for a week.

Simple short hair, familiar school uniform, and a slightly youthful figure are naturally incomparable with Lishi, but there is a youthful and beautiful beauty that makes you involuntarily attracted.

Seeing Dong Xiang who had already walked out of the campus, Wu Qizhe waved his hand from a long distance away.

When Dong Xiang saw Wu Qizhe, he was overjoyed at first, but then, there was no more, his expression became very indifferent, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him, and walked directly in the opposite direction.

Wu Qizhe looked at Dong Xiang who was avoiding him, rushed up and grabbed the other's little hand: "Dong Xiang is me, brother."

Dong Xiang turned around and looked at Wu Qizhe with a cold expression on her face, but her flickering eyes seemed to be telling others that this was not her wish.

"What do you want to say to me?" Her pink lips parted slightly, and she spoke without any emotion, but her figure trembled slightly.

"Dong Xiang, why are you completely ignoring me, seeing that I want to walk away, do you know how much you hurt my brother's heart?" Wu Qizhe held onto Dong Xiang's little hand tightly, not letting go.

With tears flickering in the corners of her eyes, Dong Xiang couldn't pretend anymore, and said slowly, "You are the investigator, right?"

Wu Qizhe nodded, even if he wanted to deny it, he couldn't deny it.

Dong Xiang's little hand twitched violently, but she didn't pull it back. Tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, and said bitterly: "Then we have nothing to talk about. Don't you expect me to be fooled by you like before? Wait someday When you teased me enough, you mercilessly..." Killed, Dong Xiang said the last two words, she could not cry, if she was betrayed by the person she loves the most Killing, she didn't know how to describe the mood at that moment, although nothing happened yet, but she was really sad and sad.

Wu Qizhe hugged Dong Xiang tightly in his arms, let her small body struggle in his arms, and asked in his ear: "Why do you think so, is it because I am an investigator that I will hurt you?" You? Why do you feel that way? Do you know how important you are to me? How can I be willing to hurt you? "

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