Final priesthood

Chapter 347 Dark Armor, Monarch, Sickle (Thanks to Vera 0205 for being the leader)

Under the sky that looks like molten gold, the lush green virgin forest is like a vast expanse of blue sea, and the smoky blue mist flows silently, presenting an ancient and quiet wilderness scene.

Deep in the dense forest, two figures, one tall and one short, flew close to the ground.

Most of a person's face has floating blue squares. The mechanical electronic eyes are suspended outside the eye sockets, blooming with a hazy blue light. Most of the body has a metallic color, and virtual characters and the light of energy transmission are constantly lighting up on the surface.

The other person's whole body was wrapped tightly in lead-gray exoskeleton armor, and his body shape could not be seen at all.

The two of them were moving very slowly, and it was obvious that they were very cautious.

Take turns from time to time to clear away dangerous obstacles ahead.

"I'm so lucky. I haven't encountered any serious dangers so far, and I have gained a lot."

After walking for a while, one of them stopped and began to charge the exoskeleton armor on his body. At the same time, he opened the protective mask on his face and said with a sigh of relief.

The other person did not relax his vigilance. He looked around and replied: "This is how secret land reclamation is. When it is difficult, you will die if you take a wrong step. But when it is smooth, it is like walking in the park... This is a deep fog area after all. It’s better not to take it lightly.”

"I know."

After the equipment was rested, the first person to speak casually asked: "How much ember are you worth now, and are you in the top 100?"

"I'll take a look and guess it's not there. It's not even close."

The companion was about to answer when suddenly.


A gust of wind blew out of nowhere in the forest.

The wind blew from the road ahead, carrying a slight heat, but the wind was full of decay and grayness.

It's like the smell of wood rotting, weathering, and turning into tiny dust that disperses in the air.

The two people who were chatting suddenly looked tense, looked at each other, and then rose up into the sky together, arriving above the forest sea.

"It came from that direction!"

One person found the location accurately, and the two looked up.

In front of the forest, it looked like the Black Sea was pouring in.

A huge circular black wave roared up and was rolling towards their direction.

Wherever he passed, patches of dark green forest were swallowed up by black. In the forest, a large number of ancient trees rotted and collapsed, and the flowers and plants turned into smoke. It seemed that all the vitality was swallowed up and plundered by the black tide.

The two people suspended in mid-air looked at all this with blank expressions, completely unaware of what happened.

Before he could fully recover from the shock, one of them suddenly narrowed his eyes, pointed at the front center where the Black Sea was pouring in, and blurted out: "What is that?!"

There was a majestic shadow slowly rising there, as if something was about to break through the water.

The two of them stared at that position closely, trying to figure out the reason for all this.

Finally, their pupils shrank sharply, and they saw clearly what was rising from the black sea——

It was an extremely huge black crow.

The breath is cold, the posture is terrifying, and there are countless large and small eyes growing on the head.

There is endless desolation and death in every eyeball.

It appears in the black sea of ​​death, as if it is a catastrophic natural disaster that will bring decay and destruction to the entire world.

"Uh uh uh"

The two people who witnessed it were already gripped by fear and panic. A deep chill came from their souls and spread throughout their bodies in an instant.

Their necks seemed to be strangled tightly by invisible hands, and they were unable to utter a clear and complete syllable.

Finally, he thought of running away, turned around, and ran towards the direction he came from as if he was desperate.

Deep valley.

A deep valley completely shrouded in black.

The shuttles and cannons stopped roaring, the mecha was suspended, and the battle had stopped.

All the exploration team members were staring at everything in front of them with blank expressions. The blood descendants of the phoenix knelt on the ground with fearful expressions, muttering something in their mouths, as if they were praying for something.

They saw countless dead energy condensed into waves of water surge upwards, filling the sky, knocking down trees, and shaking deep valleys.

The hundred-eyed black crow, which was so huge that it completely covered the entire sky above the deep valley, floated silently, its wings spread out, and lightning-shaped black deathly energy fell down like raindrops.

This is a terrifying scene that looks like the end of the world.

And in the center of this horror, there was a slender and tall figure floating quietly.


Deep, thick, heavy black armor with complicated patterns.

Three pairs of exquisite and gorgeous wings with a wingspan of over fifteen meters.

Condensed into satin, an extremely long cloak of dead air that automatically becomes windless.

On top of his head was the huge, cold, hundred-eyed Dark Crow Dharma that was fully displayed, and a black vortex appeared on his chest, with endless death energy pouring out of the vortex.

He blended perfectly with the desolate and decaying atmosphere that was everywhere in this space. He was condescending, with a pair of indifferent eyes calmly watching everyone in the deep valley under his crystal-glossy mask.

It's like a monarch looking at every subject under his rule.

The monarch of the kingdom of Hades.

"What power is this?"

In the deathly silence, someone murmured in a daze.

This murmur broke the calm and instantly made many people recover from the shock.

No order is needed at all, just in an instant.

All the shuttles, mechas, and reformers in the entire deep valley opened fire.

Naturally, they aim in the same direction.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Dense energy beams, light groups, and rays directly intertwined into a gorgeous rain curtain in mid-air.

The super engines of the three earth-level mechas roared like wild beasts roaring.

The wings of the raptor-like mecha spread out and shook slightly. Large dark cyan energy light blades tore through the air, forming a small cyan torrent that surged out.

The beast-shaped mecha opened its mouth and sprayed out a beam of plasma energy that was several meters thick.

The samurai mecha holds a pair of super-large alloy swords. The body vibrates at high frequency, one flashes, and two long-lasting red and blazing sword marks can be seen in the sky.

A large number of energy attacks converged into a terrifying energy frenzy, and large areas of the air in the deep valley were melted.

In just the blink of an eye, the slender figure in the center of the battlefield, wearing gorgeous and heavy armor, was directly submerged.

This round of salvo lasted for less than half a minute.

When the artillery fire stopped and the light of the energy beam dissipated, everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at the center of the battle group, their nerves tensed.

After half a breath, all the turbulence subsided, the distorted and blurred void returned to calmness and clarity, and the scene at the center of the battle group appeared.


Everyone's pupils shrank sharply, and then their expressions fell into a daze for a moment.

I saw a pair of huge crossed and closed crow wings slowly unfolding.

Under the wings, the figure wearing the monarch's heavy armor was unscathed, the eyes under the crystal mask were still calm, and the appearance was as noble and calm as before.


A beast-like roar suddenly sounded in the silent field.

A figure cut through the sky, and a figure of more than five meters tall expanded rapidly in mid-air, reaching seven meters.

A jagged blade came out from under his body. What was originally just a reddish silver thread turned completely blood red.

This hideous and terrifying figure, like a demon with a blade, was carrying an extremely strong aura of violence and bloodthirsty. It pounced at supersonic speed and rushed towards the figure wearing dark armor.

The latter just raised his eyelids slightly, then raised his arms and slashed


A thin black line quietly appeared in the sky.

The black line quickly unfolded and spread out in the shape of a dark half-moon.

There is no sound.

There were no signs.

The figure of the blood-red demon, which was charging at supersonic speed, suddenly slowed down. After continuing to rush out a short distance with inertia, the ferocious huge body separated up and down silently, and fell from the air in two halves.


In the quiet place, the bodies of the members of the exploration team trembled violently, their eyes widened so wide that they almost burst from the corners of their eyes, and then there were the sounds of gasps one after another.

Three earth-level mechas also paused in mid-air, and in the cockpit were three pilots whose movements were frozen and whose expressions were horrifying.

"Lord Heynes. But he is the sixth level?!"

With a casual blow, the difficult chestnut-haired man was split into two. There was no trace of fluctuation in the eyes of the man wearing the dark armor.

It was as if to him this was just a matter of swatting an annoying fly to death, rather than killing a strong man who had reached the sixth level of strength.

He glanced around casually, and then spoke calmly.

"The Crow destroys the world."

He raised his arm a second time.

Seeing this action, many of the exploration team experts, shuttles, and even the three earth-level mechas in the deep valley immediately felt their scalps tense, and without any hesitation, they turned around and left.

Unfortunately, the arm had already fallen down, accompanied by an indifferent voice coming from under the crystal mask.


A larger black line spread out than the one that wiped out Hines before.

Black and smooth.

It was like a huge invisible sickle that silently swept along the center line of the space.

The black light flashed away.

Immediately afterwards I saw——

In the huge deep valley, many transformation-type experts, combat shuttles, mechas...the energy protective masks around them all lit up with extremely dazzling light.

It's a pity that this light only bloomed for a moment, and then extinguished like candles in the wind.

Then a large number of silhouettes of mechas, shuttles, etc., with their engines roaring, staggered and fell towards the bottom like dumplings.

The sky over the crowded valley was suddenly cleared.

The man wearing the dark armor opened his palms, and several crimson crystal fragments from the deep valley flew into the air.

After doing all this, he flapped the six broad, dark wings behind his back, turned around, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the vast sky in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

At the entrance to the secret realm, in a conference room, twenty-seven leaders in front of a long metal ring table were staring at the light curtain in front of them, falling into collective silence.


The broad, six-winged wings more than ten meters long stirred up the wind of desolation, causing the green forest waves below to undulate violently. Under the strong erosion of the dead air, a large number of dark green leaves quickly withered and turned yellow, then withered, and completely rotted into mud before they even hit the ground. .

A figure in gorgeous and majestic armor walked step by step down from the sky.

With his feet lightly stepping on the ground, the armor on his body, the long and narrow cloak behind him, and the crystal mask on his face disintegrated inch by inch, turning into thick black smoke that quickly dissipated, finally revealing Lu Yuan's pale and handsome face. .

Lu Yuan closed his eyes, the blood pill on his chest rotated slightly, and his energy and blood surged like a tide.

The shocking wounds on the waist and abdomen immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye until they returned to their original state.

"The injuries on my body are okay, and my mental strength is only slightly overdrawn, that's it."

Lu Yuan reached out and touched his chest, and felt that the Hundred-Eyed Crow Feather hidden in his body was now dim and without any fluctuation.

He looked as if his body had been hollowed out.

"No, it's just that I have dug deep into a wave of power. I absorbed so much death energy in the Wailing Ruins. I can't just use a little to get me to the legendary level."

Lu Yuan tried to continue to use his mental power to test the feathers of the hundred-eyed crow.

Fortunately, this thing still responded to his consciousness.

A lot of the dead energy stored inside was indeed consumed, but there was still a lot left.

It can probably support him to fight with the same intensity as he did in the deep valley for about three more times.

ps: Thanks to Vera 0205 for being the leader! (Bang bang bang! Kowtow!) The flu has been very severe recently. Everyone must remember to take precautions. Fever is really uncomfortable.

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