First Player

Chapter 388 Chapter 386

Chapter 388 Chapter 386·"Congratulations on your immortality"

Last night, at the critical moment when the Siren King pounced, Su Mingan directly took out the artifact "Shabby Bed".

Since it was already dark, the moment he put it on his back, he directly entered the night phase and successfully escaped from sleep.

Of course, since it took time to put the bed back on his back, the aftermath of the claws still touched his chest, but it was nothing serious, just that the wound looked scary, and he could recover by filling a blood bottle with it.

He had just completed the fourth level of the night dungeon. At the end of the dungeon and at the moment he fell into the sea, he used the teleportation pocket watch to reach Naraku's side.

As for why he chose Naraku, it was because he knew that Naraku would definitely not be able to go to the front line. Soul Hunter would not let a young lady with little fighting ability go there. If he chose Noel and others, he might get close to the Kraken.

But she didn't expect that she would be in crisis during this transmission.

"Rin." Naraku looked at him covered in sea water and blood, not knowing where to move his hands.

"There's no time to talk. The situation is urgent. Let's go to the city wall first." Su Mingan wiped the blood from his face and turned to leave.

He had to get to the city wall as soon as possible now. He had just completed the fourth level of the night dungeon, and there were a lot of things to arrange.

"——Su Lin!"

Naraku's angry voice sounded behind him.

"——Do you want me to teach you how to shoot?" She shouted loudly, her tone was both happy and angry.

"Wait until the siege is over." Su Mingan said.

"Amber said you were dead!"

"He's talking nonsense."

"-I don't know what kind of hero you are in Praia, or how great you are, and I don't care!"

As if the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out, she roared loudly, tears falling down her cheeks:

"——I just want you to live, you know? I want you to live! You are just Su Lin, just a viscount of the Art Empire. When you come to the Empire and start over, don't you just want to throw away everything in the past? You There is no need to bear so much responsibility at all——"

Su Mingan turned around.

Naraku was momentarily stopped by the look in his eyes.

Her lips trembled, as if she heard the sound of something breaking.

...That was not the look in Su Lin's eyes that she liked before.

No expectations, no tenderness, no love at all.

He looked at her like he was looking at an ordinary person, like he was looking at the grass and trees on the roadside, the birds flying by, and like he was looking at all ordinary things.

What she wanted was nothing different from others when he looked at her.

...Why are there such strange eyes?

She felt that her body was getting colder and colder, and her thickened clothes could not stop the wind and snow sweeping around her.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to run away.

Even if it is just lost and found.

"This is not something I can decide." He said calmly.

Naraku was stunned.

"Naraku, do you want to go home?" Su Mingan asked.


"I can tell you're not happy in Praia."


"When this matter is over, let Sherrod... let Clifford arrange a ship for you and take you home." Su Mingan said.

His blood volume had been restored, so he turned around.

He left quickly and simply, without giving Naraku the slightest chance to stay.

For a girl who obviously liked the former Su Lin, he didn't leave any feelings for the two to be entangled.

Naraku bit his lip as he watched his figure move away.

"I don't want to go home..." She almost bit her lip.

The trembling words were crushed between her lips and teeth.

"It's too late, I've already..."

Su Mingan quickly rushed back to the city wall.

He already understood what the night session meant.

It represents everything the "gods" have done to Praia in the past.

God directs the flames of war, uses people's sacrifice and dedication to stir up war, and uses his followers to create hatred.

In this way, He, who uses people's lives and hatred as his source, can become stronger and stronger.

This night copy even deliberately fixed the contribution points that need to be obtained each night. If Su Mingan did not send soldiers according to the prescribed best route, he would only fail to meet the standard.

The copy just allows him to witness everything the "god" has done in the past,

At most he can change the direction of the soldiers' actions, but he cannot change the overall pattern of Praia.


If the "Devil King" means the "god" in the sky, the almighty "Golden Rose" means the eternal Tulip Princess, the "Black Lover" who swears to defend the Golden Rose refers to the Black Pike who protects the Tulip Princess, and the person responsible for "messaging" "Holy Glory" represents the Pope, "Frost Ruler" and "Silent Knight" represent Servia and Alcherev who are at odds with each other, and "Moonlight Watcher" represents Lucia, the deputy leader of the Soul Clan.

Then the existence that the gods are most optimistic about is Su Lin, the only one who has successfully returned from Yunshang City.

Among all the soldiers, he must be referring to the "despicable ones in the kingdom of heaven."

This was no different from his previous guess.

But among them, Su Mingan discovered something that he cared about.

In the previous week, when he observed Yunzhong City at close range, he had already discovered that Yunzhong City was an empty city. There were no residents who were sent there sixty years ago, and there was even poisonous gas that could kill people.

In fact, this can already show that all those residents have died long ago.

The so-called "message day" and those letters are just a means used by the gods to confuse the residents, to make them think that their relatives are still alive, and to make them believe in Him devoutly. This is the “divine radiance” responsible for copying the work, which is what the Pope does.

——All the residents are dead, which means that Su Lin actually failed.

Su Lin did not realize his wish to keep the half of the people he brought up alive. Instead, as planned, all the people who went up died. They succeeded in conserving resources, allowing what was left of Praia, the above-ground half, to survive.

...Su Lin is the only one who survived among those who ascended.

Su Ming'an had seen from Su Lin's Memory Stone before that the Siren blessed Su Lin's body without being troubled by poisonous gas.

Perhaps it is because of this that Su Lin did not die from poisonous gas like other residents. Instead, he successfully survived and was favored by the gods, making him the most favored being by the gods and becoming the "despicable person in heaven". He became the only person who came down from Yunshang City.

Then everything makes sense.

Last night, during the night session of the fourth level, Su Mingan tried to change the situation by assigning different soldiers. He even allowed the red and blue sides to fight to the death, making the situation one-sided.

But the final result was that the contribution value did not meet the requirements to pass the level, the level failed, and he died directly.

After returning to the file, he also tried to "sell" some soldiers, but the prompt for the sale was "After the sale, the soldier will no longer believe in the Demon King, and all previous contributions will be erased."

He could only sell some soldiers he had just received, and this sale was of no use.

He still can't guess, in the final level of "The Demon King and the Brave", whether the "brave" who will fight is himself, the "despicable one", or Sherrod and others?

If the person who finally fights is me, how can I control the Demon King to avoid passing the level in the final level and avoid killing myself at the same time?

...This is a very troublesome problem.

He took out a blood bottle and filled it, restoring the blood volume consumed by using the teleportation pocket watch.

At the end of the fourth level, he had already expanded the Demon King's Castle to its highest level, and was just waiting for the last brave man to come up. The fifth level must be the final battle.

He waited for nightfall today.

Outside the southern city wall, there is a temporary soul hunting headquarters.

Knowing that it was impossible to kill the Siren King, everyone was working overtime to repair the barrier.

Under Shadow's order, they are unconditionally expropriating the resource stones of the entire Praia to repair this last line of defense, hoping to last for a while until the Siren King no longer wants to argue with them, and until the Siren King no longer wants to argue with them. The army retreated.

At this time, many people gathered here, some were pushing carts to move bricks, some were transporting the injured, some were delivering information, and some were sitting on the spot and starting to rest. This area is full of busy people. Even the non-combatant residents are working for free. Many people are so tired that they fall asleep and snore.

Accompanied by snowflakes and dust flying in the sky... many local residents gathered in this camp, and there were even players who received temporary tasks such as "moving bricks" and "delivering letters from home". Players will do some simple errands here to get some meager points that can be used to buy blood bottles.

"Les, give me that bag of bread!"

"Are you really stupid? Don't you know how to get it yourself? The distribution point is over there. Here, there is a temporary house that looks like a dirtbag." A carefree local male resident pointed impatiently and fiddled with it. I went down to the sea to have my hair cut just before the feast started, and started talking to the beautiful girl next to me who was reading a letter:

"Hey Linda, you're dressed so... dapperly today."

"You can't wear a dress and move bricks around here, can you? Honey, I know that red dress is nice, but I don't want it to get dirty here... I think if we survive, I might be able to wear that Let's have dinner with you." The girl covered her mouth and smiled at him.

"I feel like we can't defend this place anymore," the male resident said with a wry smile.

"——What nonsense are you talking about? I swear to God, even if my head is broken, this barrier will not be broken!" A strong man lying on the rag next to him opened his voice: "That Siren King is recuperating. That's it, if she dares to come again, she will never come back! Why don't you relax a little and lie down here like me. Although the ground is a little colder, it's better than staying up all night..."

"But Master Su Lin is dead." The smile on the girl's face disappeared, and her expression became a little sad.

She looked at the nearby residential building that had been requisitioned as the soul hunting temporary headquarters: "Maybe we shouldn't laugh so happily, there's still a funeral being held over there."

"The right sacrifice, no need to be too sad. At least, he bought us a chance to repair the barrier."

In the corner, a white-haired old man was smoking a big pipe, blowing out smoke rings from his mouth.

His somewhat cloudy eyes cast into the distance, as if he was remembering something:

"...More than sixty years ago, when I was a child, I saw Master Su Lin's appearance, and his appearance is no different from now...He must have been prepared when he comes down this time." He As he spoke, his distant gaze gradually moved downward: "He is a person blessed by the gods. Even if he is sacrificed, his soul will definitely ascend to heaven. Perhaps, at some point, we can see his immortal soul again. …Ghost ah ah ah—”

The girl blinked.

Just as she was about to turn around, she heard the manly-looking man beside her also start screaming, his voice as cruel as a high-decibel soprano.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

For a moment, the screams joined together, like a group of sopranos singing out of tune.

She turned back immediately.

She saw a figure walking towards the wind and snow, covered in blood, and looking at people's eyes as if they were seeing ghosts.

The originally lively camp suddenly became silent, with only the sound of the raging wind and snow remaining.

Her red lips were slightly opened, her eyelashes trembled, and the appearance of the figure in front of her gradually became clearer...

She was confused.

The sea-blue, heroic blue siren floated behind the man, rising like blue fire. He seemed to have just walked out of hell, walking in the eyes of everyone in shock and disbelief.

The waves swept over, the boat broke apart, and the Siren King gave a hateful blow. Such a situation should have been impossible to survive.

But the man came back anyway.

With him, the blue siren, who could rival the monster, reappeared in everyone's sight and became the only focus of their eyes at this time.

"He is indeed the creator of miracles..."

Duoya, who was still wearing a plain white dress, murmured to herself as she walked out of the conference room.

"It seems that your memorial service has completely collapsed." Ying, who was repairing the barrier with resource stones on the city wall, acted like a normal person, facing the somewhat annoyed looks of other soul hunters: "Don't look at me like that, just start talking It’s a joke. You yourself don’t believe he can live, so why do you blame me for telling this joke?”

He shrugged nonchalantly.

Some players who were ready to make a move also forcibly restrained their thoughts.

Even if Su Ming'an looks very fragile now and there is no one around him, they don't dare to take action in public. Those admirers are not just decorations.

This group of Su Lin's local admirers can really do anything for the hero in their hearts. Their belief is far beyond that of a fan group that simply gathers just because they like it, and they can fight with all their strength at any time to protect the hero.

At this time, almost all NPCs present were loyal defenders of Su Lin, and no player dared to take action against him at this time.

Players are his potential enemies.

Npc is his loyal comrade-in-arms.

"--Welcome back."

Eske, the minister with yellow hair, walked out with his arms spread out, as if he naturally wanted to give the hero Su Lin a big hug.

"Where is the Soul Hunting high-level conference room?" Su Mingan passed by him.

He has more important things to say now and doesn't have time to reminisce with these people one by one.

"So cold...over there." Esk pouted and pointed to the temporarily renovated house next to him.

Su Mingan turned around and looked.

At this time, the house was surrounded by white flowers.

Herbs representing mourning for the dead were hung outside the door, and a large portrait of Su Lin hung on the door, still in black and white.

The soul hunting ministers, wearing plain clothes and skirts with white cloth on their shoulders, were standing at the door, looking at him blankly.

In their hands, they also held bouquets surrounded by white flowers.

A strong wind suddenly blew, and a banner on the door was suddenly blown off and floated into his hand.

Su Mingan opened it and saw that the banner had white text on a black background.

[The hero Su Lin will be immortal].

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