First Player

Chapter 428 Chapter 426

Chapter 428 Chapter 426·"This is a perfect ceremony." (Additional update 1.55 by the leader of the Half Drunk Yuzu Alliance)

Su Lin's figure quickly disappeared among the crowd.

"...Praya, the legendary god."

Looking at Su Lin's leaving figure, Noel snorted with unknown meaning: "It's so powerful. I can feel his momentum from across the stall. He really doesn't hold back."

"If he would participate in the game with us in the eighth world..." Lu Shu said softly.

"It should be considered a bug-like character... It feels like the difficulty has increased again." Lin Yin said: "Su Ming'an, do you regret bringing him back? It's not safe. After a few of us, it will be you and him in the end. The ultimate duel."

"I'm not afraid of him." Su Mingan shook his head.

Frankly speaking, he didn't feel the threat from Su Lin.

After letting go of Praia's burden, Su Lin's sense of danger seemed to disappear. In the conversation just now, Su Mingan could not feel Su Lin's hostility.

He was not afraid of Su Lin, who was very similar to him in both his actions and his way of thinking.

Su Lin should bring more benefits to herself than disadvantages.

"Aren't you afraid of him?" Lin Yin touched his chin: "This guy's speaking skills are not inferior to yours, and his strength should not be weak, let alone his experience and experience... Maybe his only weakness is that he has not lived in the world since he was a child. In the modern world, the understanding of common sense is still lacking. In other aspects, they are basically hexagonal warriors. How can they fight this?"

"Sometimes, we don't have to defeat everyone standing around us." Su Mingan said: "Not all strong people are our enemies."

"Did your red rose prop bring him back?" Noel was very interested in this: "If there were more of that kind of prop, we would be invincible."

"No more." Su Mingan directly denied it without revealing his skills as a person in power.

He has not yet tried the new skill of the leader that turns NPCs into "followers". He doesn't know how powerful it will be. Before the skill is actually put into practice, he will not talk to his teammates at will.

"...Come on, let's go, why are we talking about dungeon games again... Let's not talk about this anymore."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Noel immediately stopped the topic. He put his hands on the shoulders of Su Ming'an and Lu Shu, one by one, as if they were brothers.

Lu Shu was very resistant to this, but it didn't matter.

Noel's hands were firmly on Lu Shu's shoulders, as if holding him in place.

"Su Ming'an, I just saw a very interesting and immersive game. I think it will be very suitable for you. Come and play with me..." Noel's tone was very excited.

As a fun person, he seems to only have eyes for all kinds of "fun" things. He has the most special curiosity and desire to explore that belongs to the nature of an adventurer.

The sun sets.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the venue, large swaths of blood-thick sunlight fell on people's smiling faces.

After playing what Noel called an "interesting game", the group left the venue.

The interesting game that Noel said was actually not interesting at all. It was actually a play that made people shout shameful lines face to face. Su Mingan gave up after shouting. In such an informal situation, he couldn't shout out at all.

Noel, on the other hand, was the thickest-skinned and persisted until he was the last one, shouting out all the shameful lines in the script without even smiling during the whole process.

In the end, he successfully got a small trophy issued by the organizer of the mini game.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the small episodes that occurred during this period.

Su Lin, who quickly left in front of a few people and showed no desire for anything, unexpectedly appeared on the most eye-catching stage in the center of the venue within a moment.

Su Ming'an and others discovered this when they were about to leave and passed by the stage. I don't know if Su Lin wants to hide it from them and go shopping alone.

Su Lin was personally invited by the host because "after public selection, this is the cosplayer who best recreates Su Lin's character."

When the host handed the microphone to Su Lin's mouth and asked him to say something, Su Lin looked serious.

The four Su Mingans, who were secretly hiding in the crowd to watch the excitement, noticed something was wrong.


Let Su Lin, who has no modern knowledge and even thinks this is a ceremony, go up and give an acceptance speech...

"This is a perfect ceremony."

Sure enough, as soon as Su Lin's voice echoed in the venue, Noel burst out laughing.

Lin Yin covered her face, she didn't dare to look.

The spectators nearby were stunned, and a man who was eating popcorn blinked.

"What are you talking about?" He spoke in dialect.

Su Lin on the stage, facing the stunned players in the audience, spoke solemnly:

“Thank you—thank you for the ceremony and dance you gave to the pioneers.”

"Your imitation in the sacrificial room reproduces the immortal souls of the pioneers, and your performance on the altar recalls their noble deeds. Among them - for the strong among you, those who travel through the world Travelers, you have shown your vow and will to share their fate."

"The era of peace also requires such rituals and remembrances. Even if you are wielding harmless, wooden weapons, or wearing clothes that are obviously defective, it is also a way of remembering the past and looking forward to the future. .”

"You will not succumb to senseless violence, and peace and kindness will share your fate."

"Perhaps I will be envious of your luck. You live in a wonderful world with superior material conditions and no need to fight against terrifying races."

"——May you pass on your love for peace and your will to fight without forgetting."

He returned the microphone to the dumbfounded host, nodded to the people, and walked off.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

After a brief moment of silence, people applauded.

"What a dedicated cosplayer. He even gave an acceptance speech so deeply." This was a girl who was dumbfounded.

"I think we can add a language cosplay award. The speech this coser just gave was very impressive, even better than the top player in the live broadcast." This is a member of the jury.

"He is so cool, I almost forgot to breathe just now... He is such a cosplayer with such a fitting temperament..." This is a young man holding a SLR camera.

Su Lin's speech was still in place.

Even if he just said it casually, as a god from the past, his aura was enough to suppress all the spectators below. Even Lin Yin, who was smiling, froze his smile.

"Not bad." She sipped the milk tea in her hand.

Su Ming'an turned his head and watched Su Lin's figure quickly move away. Looking at the lower edge of the man's blue sweater, another corner of his untucked white shirt was exposed...

Although he said he looked down on the world, Su Lin still showed an envious attitude when speaking.

Perhaps deep down in his heart, he is also longing for such a dream world.

However, the people living around him are no longer the residents of Praia that he loves.

...but a group of players who treat the people he loves as NPCs and do anything.

"..." Su Mingan was silent for a moment: "Go back."

It was almost evening and they could leave.

Finally, Su Mingan's team, as an excellent "first player protagonist team cos team", attracted the attention of many people.

Many people left screen recordings and images for them and shared them on public platforms.

People claim that this is simply the team of cosplayers who have the closest look to real people at today’s conference. Both the wigs and the makeup are perfect. The only drawback is that the four of them wore daily clothes and did not implement the standard combat clothes of the first player team, so they unfortunately missed the gold medal for the best coser selection.

Obviously, these people won't find out what they're missing.

When he waved goodbye to the enthusiastic photographers and agreed to come to the next event for cosplay, Noel was already laughing like crazy.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard... I'm laughing so hard. This group of people must not have thought of what they missed. Really, I really didn't expect that a group of people like us who had no cover up could actually be in a place like this. It moves so smoothly..."

Noel kept laughing.

The bloody sunset shone on his cheeks, illuminating his fair face flushed, and there seemed to be a warm temperature flowing on his cheeks.

He seemed to be so optimistic and cheerful all the time, and he was the happiest smiling throughout the whole process.

Positive emotions will always be smoothly passed on to others. Seeing Noel smiling like this made several people feel a little better.

Su Ming'an turned his head and looked at the silver venue, which was bathed in the setting sun and looked like a giant beast lying on its side. He saw the crowd swarming inside the glass.

The setting sun casts a patchwork of golden and dark light and shadow. People with their hair illuminated in warm colors walked out smiling, and cheerful music came from the door from time to time.

Gradually, lights of various colors lit up, like scales dotted on a silver giant beast. People were scurrying around like ants, and there was a warm smell of food in the air.

"..." Su Mingan's mood changed slightly.

This is the first time since the World Game started that he has been so close to these casual players.

They have no ambitions and dare not end up, but they seem to live happily in such a world. They have freely chosen their way of life, and even if it rots away in a year it won't matter.

Just like an observer.

Some people will give up their identity as players and become people with various identities for their own personal desires. In fact, there is nothing wrong with their choice.

From a big picture perspective, this is worthless. But not everyone has to be a drop of water in the overall situation. They also have the right to choose their own lifestyle.

For these people, he can only guide and try to change their minds, but he will not force them.

After all, people's consciousness and thoughts are different, and they can have the right to freedom.

The world is fair, and efforts and rewards may sometimes be unequal, but most of the time they increase in direct proportion.

These people have prepaid for their current happiness.

Although they themselves are not aware of this yet.

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