Chapter 22 – Florida Man Cures Stray Cat's Blindness Using Homemade Parasites

Leo ended up spending a few years of his lifespan purchasing bars of soap and a modern bathtub. After 30 minutes of scrubbing, Leo got out of the bathtub and poured the wastewater into the outhouse. Although he had some concerns if Cat could drink soap juice, he dumped the waste water there anyway.

After refreshing himself, Leo returned to the front of the store to resume butchering the wolf. This time, aside from his right hand, he wore some protection – the hazmat suit.

When Leo returned, he found the chomper licking the belly of the monster. Most of the yellow goo was gone. Noticeably, the purple skin of Cat glistened under the sunlight as if it had coated itself with premium lotions.

Leo frowned as Cat ate most of the goo. He complained.

"Cat, that mayonnaise is the ingredient of your purple juice. If you drink them all, I can't make you those."


Cat turned around and dropped its jaw. It covered its wide mouth with a few leaves, looking shocked.

Leo brought out a metal bucket that he always used to draw water from the stream. He put it next to the wolf and began scooping the remaining yellow pus into it. As not much fluid was left, Leo managed to fill half of the bucket.

"Don't drink this anymore, okay?"


Cat was dejected. Still, it seemed satisfied after the meal.

Looking at the chomper plant up close, Leo noticed something strange. Previously, its head was attached to its soft vine, and the branches were about one inch thick.

The present chomper's vines and branches were twice thicker. In addition, it grew flower buds on its branches, producing white fog around itself. Fortunately, the flower buds gave off a lavender scent, so Leo had no issue with Cat.

"Go play somewhere else, Cat. Daddy is going to work."


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