Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 108: Unexpected mission rewards!

 Chapter 108 Unexpected mission reward!

 A group of fishermen came to Jiang Feng’s dining car.

 Everyone's eyes were filled with hunger.

Jiang Feng looked at these guests.

 Having checked her eyes, she is the right person.

“Boss, you came just in time. I was so hungry that I almost started eating fish food!”

 “Give me one quickly!”

 “I want a piece of fish-flavored shredded pork!”

 “I want a piece of fried pork with fungus!”

The fishermen lined up and shouted.

 Jiang Feng received everyone politely.

 Scan the QR code, pay, and get a box lunch.

 The lunch boxes are selling out very quickly.

These people did not expect that there would be such a small vendor next to Moon River.

  It is simply a timely help.

One of them was a little hungry, so he opened the lid on the spot and started eating directly.

The warm lunch box moved him so much that he almost cried.

The lunch box he ordered contained fish-flavored shredded pork. After one bite, it was so fragrant that he almost swallowed it on his tongue.

 The shredded pork is wrapped in a sticky and delicious sauce. Use chopsticks to spread the sauce on the rice. The rice is dyed in an attractive sauce color. Taking another bite of the rice feels so real.

 The way he was eating was seen by others, and everyone swallowed eagerly.

 “Boss, bring me three rice bowls!”

 “I want four rice bowls!”

“Boss, you are such a good person. We have been fishing here for most of the day, and we are so hungry that we are still thinking about how to eat, so you come here!”

People lined up in front of Jiang Feng’s dining car and shouted.

 The feeling of hunger is very unpleasant.

 Cold, hungry, and empty in the belly.

  It would be fine if the attention was elsewhere, but I am afraid that the attention would be concentrated in the stomach.

 It was quite uncomfortable.

 Many people were hungry, and suddenly Jiang Feng appeared.

 It came at the right time.

Jiang Feng didn’t expect everyone to be so enthusiastic.

He smiled gently, scanned a QR code, and handed over a box lunch.

 Business is very easy to do.

There are also some fishermen fishing by the river. They are far away and cannot see the food trucks.

 “Is there really someone here selling lunch boxes?”

 “Is the lunch box delicious? It’s probably very expensive to set up a stall here.”

   “I’m already hungry after talking about it.”

“It’s almost dinner time, are you not hungry?”

Many people stood up and looked in the direction of the dining car.

 I only saw people rushing that way.

“Let’s go buy some too. There are so many people buying, so don’t sell out.”

 “Really, the stall can bring as much food as you want, don’t be robbed.”

 Several people discussed with each other, one of them was responsible for looking after the fishing rods, and the other two ran to buy lunch boxes.

They took three steps and two steps at a time, as if they were running.

 In fact, I understand it.

 Many people have been fishing for a long time. If they cannot buy lunch boxes, they will go hungry again.

Although I brought some snacks, the snacks are not as delicious as the hot lunch boxes.

Jiang Feng was happy to see this kind of scene.

 Although everyone is very enthusiastic, the scene of diners queuing up is still worse than before.

Moreover, the lunch boxes sell out quickly. Scan the QR code to pay and get the lunch boxes, all in one go.

 Many people have started to eat the box lunches made by Jiang Feng.

 Their original idea was that it would be enough to fill their stomachs.

This meal was not a big deal, and his expression suddenly became lively with shock.

 “I’ll go, this lunch box is delicious!”

  “It’s not bad, and it smells so good!”

 “It’s amazing, this lunch box is amazing!”

 “Such a delicious lunch box, how about some rice left over for making a nest?”

“The rice is so big, can the fish eat it? We should eat it ourselves.”

 Everyone was talking about it.

Some people returned to the shore with their lunch boxes and handed them to their companions.

The companions couldn’t wait to start eating.

As soon as I opened the lid, the aroma of rice mixed with the aroma of food hit my face.

This taste is very tempting, not only on the head, but also directly into the stomach.

I didn’t feel much in my stomach at first, but when I smelled this smell, I immediately heard a growling sound.

 They started to eat the rice together.

 Once I eat, I can’t stop at all and have no time to talk!

 Eat all the rice and vegetables in the lunch box.

 They took another sip of water and let out a sigh of relief.

 “This rice bowl is amazing! And it’s 18 per serving, so affordable!”

 “It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered such a delicious stall, and the lunch boxes are so well made!”

 “We’re lucky, we caught up!”

 Most of the information that fishermen pay attention to every day is related to fishing, and they pay less attention to food.

 So now about fifty or sixty people come to buy food, and no one recognizes Jiang Feng.

 Everyone just thinks this is a delicious stall.

 I am full of praise for the box lunches at the stall.

 High quality, low price, and cost-effective. Food in restaurants may not be of this level.

In the group of fishing masters at Moon River, there were even more compliments.

 “This stall recommended by Lao He is really good and tastes great!”

"The price is also cheap, only 18 a serving!" "It's a great meal. It would be great if he came here every day!"

“It’s really delicious. The fried pork slices with fungus are better than the ones in the restaurant downstairs from my house!”

 The information in the group is abuzz.

Some people weren’t hungry, so they didn’t buy lunch boxes.

 When I saw the news in the group, I was also murmuring in my heart.

 Is it really so delicious?

 Why is everyone praising you?

Then I have to try it too!

So, a few more people ran to Jiang Feng’s dining car to buy lunch boxes.

 There are all kinds of people who come to the Moon River to fish.

Some people look humble in appearance, but they don’t know how much wealth they have behind the scenes.

 There are many rich bosses.

 “Is the lunch box so delicious?”

 “And it’s less than 20 yuan.”

 “That’s the level of lunch boxes at the construction site.”

 A few very wealthy people thought to themselves after seeing the news in the group.

 They come here to fish just because they have nothing to do. The fishing environment here is better than that of professional fishing grounds.

 And there are indeed many fish.

Although this bend of the river is full of fishing friends, the Moon River has a long upstream and downstream, and there is a large reservoir below, and I don’t know how many fish live in it.

 Don’t be afraid of losing the fish.

Jiang Feng was happy.

 Business is pretty good.

 In a short time, more than 70 boxes have been sold.

And there are people driving over in an endless stream.

These people will always buy one after seeing the news in the group and passing by Jiang Feng’s food truck.

 Not long after, someone finally recognized Jiang Feng.

When he drove over and saw Jiang Feng’s dining car, he thought it looked familiar.

 Stop the car and come over to take a look, I’ll go, isn’t this Chef Jiang?

  I often change places to set up stalls, and countless people line up every time I make something.

I didn’t want to come to Moon River this time!

 He immediately took a photo and posted it on the "Moon River Fishing Boss Group"

 “This person is Chef Jiang, the very popular owner who randomly sets up stalls!”

 “Everything he makes is delicious!”

“There are always a lot of people queuing up every time, and there are so many videos of him on the Internet!”

 “Seeing him here, it’s good to know that the food is delicious!”

 “The food he makes cannot be delicious!”

 After seeing the news in the group, many people realized it later.

 “Hold the grass, it’s him! I have an impression!”

 “A particularly popular stall owner? No wonder he’s so popular, the food is cheap and delicious, and it feels very clean!”

 “It turns out to be him!”

 Everyone was talking about it.

At this time, the fishing friend who recognized Jiang Feng thought of something and sent a message to the group:

“Please do not post the news about Chef Jiang setting up a stall here, or post videos online.”

 “Don’t let others see you!”

“He has a lot of regular customers. If they all come here to buy it, we fishing friends won’t be able to buy it.”

 “You really can’t even grab it!”

 When the fishermen saw that this situation still existed, they expressed their opinions in the group one after another.

“Don’t spread this matter out, we will digest it internally.”

 “In the future, if we have lunch boxes to eat, fishing here will be even more enjoyable.”

 “I definitely won’t say it.”

Messages in the group are flying all over the place.

Jiang Feng had just set up his stall and caused quite a stir among the fishing group.

 Jiang Feng did not know this information.

 Just running a rice bowl stall.

Everyone is very enthusiastic, and people come to buy rice bowls from time to time.

 And I always buy three or five boxes at a time.

 There were more than 300 boxes of rice bowls in total, and by around 1 p.m., they were all sold.

Jiang Feng left one box for himself and one box for Xiao Hei.

 The system task has been completed.

 And today’s extra reward surprised him a little.

  【Serve diners 268/100, task completed for the day】

The reason why there are only more than 200 diners to entertain is that many people eat two portions each, or buy an extra portion and haven't eaten it yet, saving it for dinner.

 【Get additional rewards: Skill: Fishing Master】

 This time the reward is skills.

In addition to the cooking skills and noodle-slicing skills, Jiang Feng also gained a fishing skill.

 “Fishing? I have never fished before, how can I get such a reward?”

 “But it’s okay.”

“It happens that I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I might as well take Xiao Hei for a walk by the river.”

 “Just look at the scenery.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

Going back along the road, there is a fishing gear shop not far away.

Jiang Feng looked at the flowing water of the Moon River and wanted to try the skills he had just acquired.

So he went to a fishing gear store and bought a set of fishing gear.

If he could get a big fish, he would have at least dozens of cooking methods in mind to "transcend" the fish and send it to "rebirth."

 (End of this chapter)

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