Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 210: Delicious fried chicken, business is starting to pick up!

Jiang Feng’s store is open from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The fried chicken restaurant doesn’t even need to be renovated. It just needs a new sign that reads:

 “Secret delicious fried chicken”

A cashier, a waiter who cleans the shop, and two who deliver food full-time.

Sun Zhuangfei saw so many people and chatted with Jiang Feng in private.

“Boss, why do I feel like these people don’t look like waiters?”

 “I feel like my academic qualifications are quite high.”

Sun Zhuangfei commented.

Jiang Feng didn’t know why he had this idea, he just said:

 “It’s okay, don’t worry about it, just do your best.”

Jiang Feng started to prepare fried chicken, and Sun Zhuangfei followed suit.

 Fried chicken uses chicken leg meat.

 Put the raw chicken legs on the chopping board, cut them horizontally and vertically with a knife until the bones are exposed, and break the meat apart.

 In this case, pickling can enhance the flavor.

Then add onions, ginger, salt, oyster sauce, and pepper, and marinate the raw chicken evenly.

 Each chicken drumstick is marinated in a basin for half an hour.

Sun Zhuangfei put on his gloves and helped.

 Then, Jiang Feng started to prepare the crispy fried noodles, which is to use corn starch, flour, baking powder and water to make it into a thick yogurt-like consistency.

 Put the marinated chicken in and dip it in the fried powder. After dipping, shake it off in water and dip it again. Finally, fry it in the pan.

 This is how fried chicken is made.

 In addition to fried chicken, another thing that needs to be prepared is sauce.

Jiangfeng has prepared four types of cheese crispy fried chicken, amber sweet and spicy fried chicken, honey mustard fried chicken, and spicy meat sauce fried chicken.

The sauces are all carefully prepared by him, and they all taste surprisingly fragrant.

 Perfect for fried chicken.

A young policeman named Zheng Chuanlin is in charge of cashiering at the counter.

His eyes looked at the bar opposite from time to time, but his overall behavior was normal.

 Soon, the store received takeout orders.

 The guest ordered fried chicken with spicy meat sauce.

After Jiang Feng saw the order, he immediately put it in the pot and started frying it.

 Put the chicken legs coated in fried flour in the oil pan, and instantly, countless small bubbles pop out.

The chicken legs are originally wrapped in white fried flour batter. After deep-frying, the chicken legs instantly become golden and the skin becomes crispy.

 The fried chicken tastes very fragrant.

Ma Jiang, who was about to deliver takeout, couldn't help but swallowed when he smelled the smell.

Jiang Feng put the fried pieces of chicken in a paper box and closed the paper box.

 Then put on disposable gloves and a small bottle of drink.

Ma Jiang glanced at the address and immediately went to deliver the goods.

 Seeing Ma Jiang like this, Jiang Feng remained calm.

 Still inexperienced, how can I pick up a takeaway and deliver it immediately?

 You can’t make money this way.

However, Ma Jiang has no intention of making money.

 After a while, another couple came over.

 The two of them entered the store and chose to scan the QR code to order.

They ordered a sweet and spicy fried chicken, and Jiang Feng started to get busy again.

 After a while, a box of sweet and spicy fried chicken was delivered to the table.

 At this time, the couple was still chatting normally.

 After they smelled the aroma of fried chicken, they were instantly attracted to the fried chicken.

 “Smells so good!”

 “Try it quickly!”

The two of them put on disposable gloves and picked up a piece of fried chicken that was still piping hot.

  Blowed twice and then bit directly on the fried chicken.

 In an instant, the fragrant juice was squeezed out of the fried chicken, and my mouth was burned for a moment.

 The fried chicken is crispy on the outside and the chicken inside is tender and juicy when you bite into it.

 The aroma emanates from the fried chicken.

This piece of fried chicken is carefully marinated by Jiang Feng and then fried to perfection.

 The taste goes without saying much.


The girls’ eyes lit up while eating fried chicken.

 The taste of fried chicken was completely unexpected.

 The appearance is very crispy, very dry and very fragrant.

 The chicken inside is a different story.

 Not only is it soft and rotten, but it is also juicy.

 “This store is delicious!”

 The girl exclaimed.

 I thought it was just ordinary fried chicken, but I didn’t expect it tasted so good.

  Simply unexpected.

 The chicken is very fresh and tender.

 The batter is very fragrant when fried and has a crispy texture.

 It goes perfectly together.

The boy stood aside and showed off his chicken legs without saying anything.

This fried chicken is indeed extraordinary, much more delicious than ordinary fried chicken steak.

  I don’t know how it is made, but the inside of the chicken is particularly delicious.

 When I eat, my mouth is full of oil, and I want to swallow it all with my tongue.

 This is actually normal.

 Fried chicken has been marinated for a long time before being put into the frying pan, and the condiments have already entered the inside of the chicken.

 After deep frying at high temperature, the flavor is brought out and locked in by the batter.

 So it is fragrant and tender.

 The two of them were satisfied after eating the fried chicken.

 “This store is really good, but I feel like the business is just average.”

“I also think that with such delicious fried chicken, business should be booming.”

 After the two of them finished eating the fried chicken, they drank a cup of sour plum soup and felt completely refreshed before leaving with satisfaction.

At the same time, Jiangfeng received many takeout orders.

 The main thing among young people nowadays is that they can’t move without moving.

Isn't it good to wait for the meal to be delivered to your door? Why should I take the initiative to go there and eat it?

 A pure waste of time. Today's pace is so fast, we have to use the simplest method to eat.

In a certain office building, several programmers are still concentrating on writing code.

 For them, the afternoon is the beginning of work.

  After working for a while, several people became hungry.

 “Let’s order takeout, what do you want to eat?”

"I'm looking!"

 “There is a new fried chicken restaurant here, it looks good.”

 “Eating fried chicken? Might as well eat a hamburger!”

 “Just eat fried chicken, give me one!”

A few people discussed it and made up their minds.

They placed their order, and within a short time, the steaming hot fried chicken was delivered to them.

A few people immediately stopped what they were doing and gathered together, planning to finish eating the fried chicken.

 When they started to taste the fried chicken, they immediately lost their composure.

 “It’s quite delicious!”

“Ah, are there any condiments in the fried chicken in this store? Why is it so fragrant?”

“Give me some of your sauce and I’ll try the meat sauce flavor. This fried chicken tastes so good!”

Several people immediately became excited.

Generally speaking, fried chicken is greasy.

 Everything fried tastes good.

But the fried chicken fried by Jiangfeng is not just delicious.

 Tear open the fried batter on the outside of the fried chicken. The meat inside is extremely fresh and there is a rich soup.

 This is simply not what ordinary fried chicken can achieve.

I can only say it tastes great!

The programmer ate all the fried chicken, and there was still some left to be desired.

 They didn’t wear gloves, they ate directly, and they couldn’t help but **** their fingers a few times after eating.

  Really sucking the original chicken!

“Let’s order some more tonight, I think this fried chicken restaurant is open quite late.”

"I think so."

 “It’s really good, I’ll order from him in the future!”

A few people made up their minds.

 Business spread out little by little.

 The wind in the river is neither urgent nor slow.

 Selling fried chicken here is quite good, few people can recognize him.

 This way you can concentrate on the food.

 At the same time, Ma Jiang and others also performed their respective duties.

 They work very hard and enthusiastically, as if they have endless energy.

The key is free.

 Who can I talk to to reason with this?

 They always look towards the bar opposite from time to time.

According to their understanding, the wanted criminal should be hiding in this bar.

However, there is no way to apply for a search warrant, and there are often many secret doors and secret passages inside the bar. If it can be concealed, it is not easy to find a few people inside.

 So, they can only squat and guard.

 In the evening, Jiang Feng took advantage of the lack of people and made a few more portions of fried chicken for Ma Jiang, Zheng Chuanlin and Sun Zhuangfei to eat together.

This is the first time Ma Jiang has eaten fried chicken made by Jiang Feng, and he is full of praise for the fried chicken.

Zheng Chuanlin seemed to have expected it, and he ate with satisfaction.

 At this moment, these plainclothes men did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

 Especially Ma Jiang.

 Since there were not many customers on the first day, the total number of takeaways was not too large and was still within an acceptable range.

 But it’s hard to say what happens next.

 After all, Jiang Feng’s fried chicken always attracts repeat customers.

There are too many people making repeat purchases, so naturally there will be more people ordering takeout.

 This is still the case when there are no regular customers.

If Jiang Feng’s regular customers knew that his stall could actually order takeout, there would be countless takeaways waiting around.

 People came and went, and the first day of sales was successfully completed.

 The time was almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

 “It’s done, we’re going to leave.”

Jiang Feng said to Ma Jiang.

 “Okay, no problem, just get off work normally.”

 Ma Jiang responded.

“Aren’t you guys watching at night?” Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"There are night sentries, which have been deployed and controlled. They are not under our control." Ma Jiang said with a smile, "Just treat us as employees."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng stopped taking care of himself.

 He just does his own thing.

 It’s quite strange to open a business on the first day after coming to Yangzhou.

 A few plainclothes workers.

 As for whether he can lure out the so-called wanted criminal, it depends on luck.

Jiang Feng looked towards the bar opposite.

 There were many men and women outside, all dressed in unique styles. Some were waiting for people outside, while others went in in groups.

Sun Zhuangfei also glanced over there.

But they are not interested in any of these.

“Go back to bed. Come over after noon tomorrow, wash the chicken legs and marinate them.”

 “There should be more people tomorrow.”

Jiang Feng said to Sun Zhuangfei.

 “Okay, boss.”

Sun Zhuangfei immediately replied.

 The group of people just left.

It may seem like just an ordinary day, but Jiang Feng’s fried chicken restaurant has already caused some impact in the surrounding area.

 At 9:10 pm, even in the bar, many people came out to eat fried chicken.

 The delicious taste of fried chicken keeps many people coming back.

 The fire seems to be inevitable. (End of chapter)

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