Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 230: Familiar question and answer session, Jiang Feng’s answer!

Chapter 230 Familiar question and answer session, Jiang Feng’s answer!

 The next day, the weather was fine.

 It’s good weather to set up a stall again.

After Jiang Feng got up, had breakfast, and took Xiao Hei to the store.

 He planned to bring Xiao Hei over, but he would not let him enter the kitchen and would rest outside.

 Some time ago, Jiang Feng unlocked a new function of the system called “leave request”.

In bad weather, such as storms and heavy rains, Jiang Feng can choose to take leave without affecting the completion of the task.

However, we still need to complete the seven days of setting up the stall.

 This is good for him too.

 In case of heavy rain, it is not suitable to set up a stall, so you cannot go out in the rain.

“Boss, I bought the duck and am washing it.”

 Not very talented in cooking, but better than seriousness.

 The two of them started to get busy.

 There are fourteen universities near the university town.

 Make ducks faster.

Jiang Feng went to the stove and started making sweet noodle sauce.

Sun Zhuangfei did not finish junior high school. After resting at home for a while, he began to work as a chef apprentice.

Jiang Feng said in admiration.

Sun Zhuangfei saw Jiang Feng leading Xiao Hei over and hurriedly reported it.

Jiang Feng entered the shop and found that Sun Zhuangfei had marinated more than 20 ducks and hung them on the shelves.

Then he also has to prepare the crispy paste. He has to brush the duck with the paste so that the roasted duck will be red and shiny with crispy skin.

After Jiang Feng entered, he followed suit.

 So the skill of choosing dishes is also very strong.

 The other three buddies don’t even play games.

“Let me go, these people are not all roast duck eaters, right?”

At the same time, everyone in Sun Lijun’s dormitory came out to join in the fun.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng shook his head and sighed:

 Are there zombies in the school?

 “That should be it!”

 For Jiang Feng, this is part of cooking, but there are too many ducks for him to finish, so he has to ask Sun Zhuangfei to help.

Jiang Feng said jokingly.

 While busy, each duck completed a gorgeous transformation and turned into an exquisite roast duck.

 When it was time to get out of school, a large number of college students went out.

Sun Zhuangfei took it seriously and hurriedly waved his hand and said:

“Boss, don’t be like this, you are the duck king, how can I rob you?”

Jiang Feng walked to the shop and saw that Sun Zhuangfei had bought about forty ducks and was cleaning them one by one, then marinating them inside and out, and stuffing them with onions, **** and other ingredients.

 The security guard at the door stood up immediately when he saw the college students coming out.

 Then, use a pump to blow up the duck until it becomes bulging, and then scald the skin with boiling water.

 At 4:30 in the afternoon, the two people got in the car and headed to the square of the university town.

“Good guy, you are very diligent. When did you do it?”

 It was almost five o'clock in the past.

At this moment, many college students know the news that Jiang Feng is setting up a stall here.

Some universities do not allow people to go out from Monday to Friday, but many universities do not have this restriction. Students of the school can go out normally after class.

 Wait a little while, it’s time for the college students to come out.

 There is not much sauce left from yesterday, so I need to replenish some.

 “Okay, it’s better to give you the title of Duck King.”

 “Okay, let’s deal with the duck.”

 No, what is going on?

 Why are you all leaving?

 “This is much more lively than school.”

“The ducks at the morning market I went to were good and fresh. I bought them from one store and they were all good.”

On the way, they saw people around them smiling and found it very interesting.

Sun Zhuangfei responded.

 With the preparations made yesterday, the efficiency of the two of them has been significantly improved today.

“Everyone is too busy and there is nothing going on in school.”

 “Go quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to catch up.”

 Everyone trotted along.

This scene also looks strange.

If someone looks down from the air, he will find that many students from the surrounding universities are coming out and congregating in the direction of the square.

 One share at a time.

 College students are so well-informed that everyone will know immediately if there is any excitement around them.

Of course, the number of people will not be as large as when a celebrity meets his fans. Overall, there are about four to five hundred people.

 In addition to watching the excitement, you can also eat delicious roast duck.

 Everyone is naturally more enthusiastic.

Jiang Feng is leisurely entertaining business.

 Not long after, I saw several college students running towards this side.

They came straight to Jiang Feng’s dining car and said as soon as they came:

“Boss Jiang, give me two roast duck set meals for two people.”

Jiang Feng responded:

 “Okay, right away.”

Jiang Feng took out a roasted duck with a glowing red face, picked up a long knife, and skillfully cut off the duck meat.

 He is still so calm.

 The knife seemed to be alive in his hand.

Each time the knife goes down, a piece of duck meat can be easily cut off.

 The first person to come stared at Jiang Feng's sword skills. I can’t say why, I just feel relieved.

Moreover, they felt that the value of roast duck had become higher.

 In the restaurant, the chef comes to carve the roast duck, and a meal can cost hundreds of dollars.

 Now you can eat it at a stall, and customers will naturally be satisfied.

Jiang Fengcai attracted seven or eight orders of business, and the area around the stall was blocked by students.

He picked up a loudspeaker and shouted:

 “Please line up in an orderly manner.”

"Thanks for the support!"

 College students are relatively well-educated, and soon a winding queue formed.

Sun Lijun and others soon joined the team.

 “There are so many people!”

They looked at the long and winding queue and were excited.

 It is lively after all.

“Boss Jiang, we are here just for you, please leave us a piece of roast duck.”

 Someone cheered.

 “I’ll try my best, it depends on the situation.”

Jiang Feng responded.

 There are more college students, and some people are thinking about making a new job.

Jiang Feng’s consistent style is that he can say a few words on any topic.

At this time, an outgoing female college student looked at Jiang Feng and shouted:

 “Boss Jiang, let me ask you a question!”

Jiang Feng replied calmly while cutting the duck meat:

"you say."

 College students have always been good at putting things together.

This female college student was asked this question recently, and she laughed to herself for a long time.

Now that I saw Jiang Feng, I thought I could ask Jiang Feng.

“Boss Jiang, why can’t a sheep fall asleep again after being shaved?”

 The female college student asked.

 While listening to the questions, many people pointed their mobile phones at Jiang Feng and filmed Jiang Feng’s reaction.

These videos will also be very popular if they are posted online.

Sun Zhuangfei on the side heard this question and immediately began to think about it. He thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Feng knew the answer, so he calmly replied:

 “A sheep can’t sleep if its hair is shaved?”

 “That’s because it’s lost its spunness.”

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly enlightened and laughed immediately.


This boss has something.

 Not only is he good at cooking, he also has quick reactions.

Sun Zhuangfei was even more amazed.

 He was wondering how the boss knew this weird knowledge?

Jiang Feng finished cutting a duck and looked at the college students gathered in front of him.

 He smiled and said:

 “Don’t ask for bad jokes, it’s a bit cold.”

 Everyone laughed even more happily.

 It’s best to have some fun while queuing up to buy roast duck.

 After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng said to the students:

 “The question and answer session is over, everyone can just buy the roast duck.”

 “Stop asking.”

 Seeing his appearance, the college students laughed even more.

Jiang Feng has a very good character.

I can chat with anyone without being cold-hearted.

  This is a business after all, and this is normal.

 Many people were taking pictures, and some were taking selfies, including Jiang Feng.

The atmosphere is very lively.

 The square was filled with college students.

 Some passers-by were very confused when they saw the huge crowd of people passing by the square.

 What is the situation today?

 Where did so many people appear?

 College students engage in activities?

Then don’t do it here!

Someone was really curious, so he walked over and asked why the college students gathered here.

He was even more confused when he heard it was for roast duck.

 “Eating roast duck? So many people line up to eat roast duck?”

“What? Is the roast duck so delicious?”

He couldn't help but ask.

 College students responded:

 “Very delicious, all freshly made and cut.”

 “You can’t buy anything else.”

“And the roast duck seller, Boss Jiang, is a great chef.”

“Apart from him, where else can I eat food cooked by a chef for thirty or fifty?”

Hearing this, passers-by nodded.

 It makes sense.

Then I’ll also line up and try the duck.

 (End of this chapter)

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