Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 237: Only when you are full can you have the strength to work!

 Corporate planning department.

Lin Qiaoqiao and Liu Yao returned to their work stations with smiles on their faces.

 Both men were obviously very happy.

 Another male colleague next to him was a little surprised when he saw the two of them.

 Those who can still laugh after working overtime either have a problem or have a big problem.

 Most people work overtime, their eyes are blank, as if they are soulless walking zombies, mechanically handling the business at hand.

 Can’t laugh at all!

"What's going on with you two? Why are you laughing so happily?"

 “Is there some happy event?”

 “Are there going to be bonuses?”

The male colleague asked Lin Qiaoqiao.

Hearing this, Lin Qiaoqiao responded:

“No, I just went to the cafeteria to have a meal.”

“A new kiln chicken stall has opened in the canteen.”

 “That kiln chicken tastes absolutely amazing!”

 “I have never eaten such delicious chicken!”

“I recommend you to try it, it feels very good.”

“Kiln Chicken?” The male colleague was slightly startled, “Newly opened?”

“Okay, I’ll go take a look later.”

Male colleagues were surprised.

 Your mental state can become so good after just one meal.

What kind of magical power does this chicken have?

So he put down what he was doing and got up and went to the canteen.

Lin Qiaoqiao and Liu Yao rested contentedly on the chairs for a while, then they got into the mood and started busy.

 They were surprised to find that their work efficiency seemed to have improved.

 As expected, I am in a good mood and everything goes smoothly.

 The male colleague came all the way to the canteen.

From a distance, he saw the chicken stall.

 The signboard of the stall is new and very conspicuous.

Furthermore, because it is newly opened, there are many Alibaba employees around, all buying kiln chicken here.

The stalls in canteens tend to remain the same. Occasionally a new one opens, and everyone must change their taste.

After eating this, I can’t control myself.

Everyone was surprised to find that this kiln chicken is actually so delicious.

  It feels so good to fly up.

 Especially the slightly spicy version.

  When you are satisfied with the food, your mouth will be hot and spicy, and you will take a big breath and feel that every pore in your body is opened.

 “There are quite a lot of people!”

The male colleague was slightly surprised.

So he walked over and lined up at the back of the queue.

 After a while, he bought a set meal of kiln chicken for one person.

Put on insulation gloves and disposable gloves, and peel off the tinfoil layer by layer.

The hot juice still remains in the dents of the tin foil.

The chicken is steaming hot, and the chicken skin has been roasted to a golden, crispy texture and is sizzling with oil.

 Looking pretty good.

 The male colleague tore off a chicken drumstick.

  Basically, the first step in eating Yao Chicken is to eat the chicken legs.

The chicken melts in your mouth, extremely tender, the meat is juicy, soft and tender when chewed.

 There is a juicy feeling in the mouth.

 He ordered the spicy chicken.

 The slightly spicy feeling along with the soup stimulates the taste buds, as if the taste buds are completely opened.

 Eating piping hot chicken, it feels like your tongue is no longer your own.

 “I’ll go, it’s really delicious.”

 There was a hint of joy in the eyes of the male colleague.

 The taste of this kiln chicken is perfect!

 He glanced at the egg fried rice in the small bowl again.

 The crystal rice is intertwined with yellow eggs, and is garnished with chopped green onions.

 Looking very bland.

Considering that kiln chicken has a strong taste, Jiang Feng deliberately made the egg fried rice lighter.

 In this case, the tongue will not be so burdened.

After a strong stimulation, eating a bowl of delicious egg fried rice can not only fill your stomach, but also soothe your mouth.

 Perfect match.

 An employee was attracted by the aroma of egg fried rice after eating it.

 Since only a small bowl was provided, I finished the egg fried rice in just a few bites.

An employee came to the cafeteria stall and asked Sun Zhuangfei:

“Boss, let me ask, do we sell the fried rice alone? I want to buy a bowl of fried rice.”

Jiang Feng had explained this matter to Sun Zhuangfei, so Sun Zhuangfei also knew how to answer.

 He responded:

 “Sorry, the quantity of egg fried rice is relatively small, so we don’t just sell it.”

 “This is served with roast chicken.”

Hearing this, the employee still didn’t give up, “Is that okay if I add some more money and buy a small bowl for five yuan?”

Sun Zhuangfei replied firmly:

 “The boss has told me that not only does it sell a lot of egg fried rice, it’s really not much.”

 There is a stove behind the stall.

Jiang Feng sometimes comes to the stove wearing a mask, heats up the oil, and fry a pot of fresh egg fried rice to replenish the stock.

 After all, egg fried rice is consumed very quickly.

 Egg fried rice definitely cannot be sold alone. If it were sold alone, it is estimated that many people would come directly to buy egg fried rice.

 The profits of doing business in that way are too low, and the system's tasks cannot be completed.

 The people around me looked disappointed when they heard that egg fried rice could not be purchased separately.

This egg fried rice is also delicious.

And the price of egg fried rice is not expensive. If they can buy it, they can come over and have two bowls of egg fried rice in the future.

 It’s a pity that you can only buy it with the Yao Chicken Set Meal.

Of course, the Yao Chicken is also delicious, and it is perfect when paired with egg fried rice. It is also worth it.

At this moment, the male colleague had finished half of the kiln chicken, eating it completely, leaving only a lot of bones in the tin foil.

 He also ate all the egg fried rice.

He leaned back on the seat, with a little sweat on his forehead, his stomach felt a little stretched, and he didn't want to move at all.

 He kept panting, trying to use his breath to reduce the spicy feeling in his mouth. All the pores on my body seemed to be open.

 My whole body is hot, and I feel like there is a surge of heat.

 “Phew! It feels so good!”

 He took another brief rest and then left the canteen with satisfaction.

 Not long after, he returned to his department.

 When he arrived at his work station, he sat down on the computer chair and slumped back, his face full of satisfaction.

When Lin Qiaoqiao and Liu Yao saw this, they laughed and said:

 “Did you just come back from eating chicken?”

 “That kiln chicken is pretty good, isn’t it?”

Hearing this, the male colleague gave a thumbs up.

 “It’s quite delicious. It’s really delicious!”

“I finally understand what it means to move forward before the troops and horses are moved, and the food and grass go first.”

  “Only when you are full can you have the strength to work!”

 The three of them all started to get busy. The work is never done, there is always something to do.

 Department leader Ren Yuan came out at this time, preparing to arrange tasks, and asked several people about their work progress.

 He was quite surprised when he saw the appearance of several people.

 Employees are working hard.

 Looking very serious.

  And it looks quite energetic, unlike the vicissitudes of life before.

 “You guys are in good shape today!”

Ren Yuan praised.

"Manager, we just came back from the canteen. There is a new chicken kiln there, which is very delicious."

 “I feel really good after eating.”

Liu Yao said immediately.

Lin Qiaoqiao also said: "We all ate chicken from that restaurant and felt very comfortable."

Ren Yuan was even more surprised to see them like this.

 “Eating chicken still has this effect?”

 “If that’s true, then I’ll eat it every day from now on.”

 Ren Yuan said something.

He happened to be eating too, so when he heard the two said that there was a new stall in the canteen, he became interested.

 I hadn’t even finished the work at hand, so I planned to eat something casually and have a late-night snack after finishing the work.

 Now he has changed his mind.

“I also went to the canteen. I wasn’t hungry at first, but after hearing what you said, I became hungry too.”

 “Remember to report your weekly work to me.”

 After saying that, Ren Yuan also went to the canteen to eat kiln chicken.

Lin Qiaoqiao and Liu Yao continue to be busy.

The male colleague said:

“You feel energetic after eating, but I feel sleepy after eating.”

 “I just want to lie down and sleep, I don’t want to move at all.”

“This chicken shop is really good. If it’s still open after get off work, I’d like to eat half a chicken again.”

Hearing this, Lin Qiaoqiao said:

 “You have a really good appetite.”

“By the way, check for us. If you are still here after 10 o’clock, I can go there for a late-night snack.”

The three of them were chatting.

 Such conversations are taking place in several departments.

 After eating Yaoji, many people immediately recommend it to other colleagues in the same department.

 The news was passed on like this.

“There’s a new restaurant in the cafeteria that sells kiln chicken, it’s very delicious!”

“That chicken kiln tastes really good, I suggest you go there quickly!”

 “I will go to his house for dinner from now on!”

“The chicken he cooks is absolutely amazing, so fragrant and juicy. It makes me so happy when I eat it!”

 With everyone's discussion, more and more people know about this matter.

There are several buildings in Ali Baba Park, and each building has two or three canteens.

 In addition to the employee canteen, there is also a high-rise canteen.

 Different levels correspond to different canteen levels.

For example, high-rise canteens are all well-cooked food, and the ingredients are relatively expensive, such as shrimp, crab, beef, etc.

The staff canteen is average in taste and is contracted by outside catering companies.

 So, it is very rare to encounter a delicious stall.

The emergence of Jiangfeng has allowed the working community animals to taste rare delicacies.

 Everyone was extremely happy.

 At this moment, Jiang Feng is very relaxed.

This time, no one is selling delicious food because of his reputation.

 It’s all about tasting the delicious food.

 Feels pretty good.

 The task has also been completed.

 It can be seen that people here like the kiln chicken he makes very much.

Several people came to the stall to praise it and asked about the opening time.

 There will basically be no worries about business in the next few days.

 The task is also very easy to complete.

Sun Zhuangfei is responsible for cashiering, working part-time, and delivering kiln chickens.

Jiang Feng was resting in the back, occasionally frying a pot of fried rice with eggs.

 It is indeed easier for him if someone does odd jobs.

 At this moment, the Corporate Planning Department.

 Ren Yuan walked into the office area with a satisfied face.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Qiaoqiao and Liu Yao knew that he had just eaten kiln chicken.

 “Manager, how does it taste?”

Liu Yao asked immediately.

 Ren Yuan nodded, "That's really good."

 “I will go to this restaurant to eat in the evening from now on.”

 “This boss’s craftsmanship is really good.”

 “It’s great.”

Ren Yuan smiled and praised.

This dinner was really satisfying. (End of chapter)

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