Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 257: If a fish is made into West Lake vinegar fish, it will die in vain

Eating West Lake vinegar fish is a classic part of visiting the West Lake.

However, I heard that West Lake vinegar fish is unpalatable, so many people are put off from it.

 Now, Jiang Feng’s stall + eating West Lake vinegar fish by the West Lake + tastes very good.

 Wang Zha combination.

Jiang Feng’s stall is undoubtedly popular.

 There are quite a few customers queuing up.

When it was almost done, Jiang Feng asked Sun Zhuangfei to go to the back and told the customers at the back that there was no need to queue up, as it was almost sold out.

 Two girls came over aggrievedly and asked Jiang Feng:

“Boss Jiang, is it really gone?”

“We really want to eat West Lake vinegar fish.”

 “I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.”

Seeing their expectant looks, Jiang Feng responded:

 “Sorry, it’s really gone. There are only so many fish, so we can’t do more.”

Hearing this, the other party couldn't express his disappointment.

There is nothing we can do about it.

 For Jiang Feng, running out of ingredients is an excellent reason to get off work.

 Because of this, he was not so tired.

 And there are no rules governing him.

Recently, a barbecue restaurant has become popular. The owner looks at the crowds of customers every day, frowning, and even takes the initiative to drive the customers to a rival barbecue restaurant.

  He also said that his food is delicious.

 Because it can’t be finished, it can’t be finished at all.

I don’t know why, but people nowadays are very enthusiastic about small stalls like this. As soon as they hear about a delicious place, they come here one after another.

What's even worse is that the boss of the Daily Fresh restaurant couldn't do it, so he came up with an excuse, saying that the barbecue restaurant's flue needed to be renovated, and took a week off to close the door.

The diners who come to eat barbecue are not used to it, so they quickly called the local culture and tourism bureau, and many netizens commented.

 The Bureau of Culture and Tourism immediately stated that it would send people to understand the situation, decorate the flue within one day, and open as usual tomorrow.

Then, the boss of RiRiXian was interviewed.

 Business must continue as usual.

 You have to do it even if you can’t finish it.

If Jiang Feng wanted to meet the needs of all customers, he would probably do it 24 hours a day and the queue in front of the stall would be full.

 After all, there are people who have finished eating at noon and can still come over in the evening.

 So, he decided on the quantity to sell every day and closed the stall as soon as he sold out.

 Let’s talk about it after we run away.

 The Bureau of Culture and Tourism has no control over him.

 After all, Jiang Feng was wandering around in various cities, and no one knew where he was going.

This makes netizens who want to eat his food very helpless.

 In the group of diners, everyone was chatting.

“Boss Jiang’s stall is getting more and more popular. If I queue up today, I can’t even eat!”

 “Many tourists are also queuing up!”

 “It’s really a hotspot for walking!”

“I really want to eat West Lake vinegar fish. The one he makes, I saw many people shared that the fish meat is particularly delicious!”

"It would be great if there were scalpers. I would pay double the price for them."

“Boss Jiang’s limit is that each person can only buy one copy, and scalpers can only buy one copy. They can’t make any money, so there must be no scalpers!”

 It can be seen that everyone really wants to eat the West Lake vinegar fish he made.

 But there is no way, there are only so many good fish, whether you can eat them or not depends on your luck.

 When Jiang Feng was setting up the stall, he also arranged for another person to handle the business of recruiting chefs for the restaurant.

This person is Zhao Cheng.

When Jiang Feng was walking around the streets before, he had eaten at a small home-style restaurant run by Zhao Cheng, and the West Lake vinegar fish he cooked was very good.

His skills can be seen not only in the West Lake vinegar fish, but also in other dishes.

 Zhao Cheng has specially studied cooking and is very skilled. Although he is twenty-nine years old, his cooking skills are very good.

Jiang Feng contacted him several times later to get to know his character and personality. He was very straightforward but relatively reliable.

Jiang Feng asked him to help with the application process.

 The first thing to do is to look at the other person’s resume and cooking experience. If you open a restaurant yourself, check out how the restaurant is doing.

 At that time, record the contact information of the good chef, and Jiang Feng will try the dishes himself later.

  Simply put, let Zhao Cheng be the HR.

 Human resources is not easy to do.

Zhao Cheng found that all kinds of monsters and monsters dared to call and apply for jobs. Some of the dishes he couldn't even recognize, so he asked if he could be the chef.

 It’s quite outrageous.

He selected and inspected with a serious and responsible attitude, and Zhao Cheng found that the chefs who cooked in big restaurants were the most reliable.

 The attitude of these people is very correct.

 Leave the matter of selecting people to Zhao Cheng, and Jiang Feng will also pay attention to the situation here.

 After all, he is not only a street vendor, but also a restaurant owner.

Jiang Yuetai Zhejiang Cuisine Restaurant opened on the edge of the West Lake, and Jiang Feng hopes to make it a signature restaurant.

 In the snack street, there is not a single grass carp left in the water basin.

 The stall setting up is finally over today.

Jiang Feng held a loudspeaker and shouted:

“Everyone, I’m really sorry, the West Lake vinegar fish is sold out, there really isn’t any left.”

 “I’m off work today.”

Hearing this, someone responded loudly:

 “Boss Jiang, please make a few more.”

At this time, there was someone carrying a bag with several fresh large grass carps in it. He raised the bag high and shouted excitedly:

“Boss Jiang, I have fish here, I have fish here!”

 At this time, someone else shouted:

“There is an aquatic product store not far away. Boss Jiang, we can buy as much grass carp as you want.”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng felt a chill coming over him.

He felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

If he really agrees, if nothing else happens, the guests will not let him go unless he works overtime until 11pm today.

Jiang Feng asked Sun Zhuangfei to pack his things quickly.

  I really can’t leave if I don’t go again.

He said to the guests:

“Everyone, I’m really sorry. Everyone knows that West Lake vinegar fish has very high requirements for grass carp.”

“If it were grassland from an ordinary aquatic product store, no matter how I treated it, it would still have an earthy smell and I couldn’t get rid of it.”

“And my grass carp was prepared two days in advance, and everything in the fish was completely drained.”

 “It’s not my own grass carp, so I can’t do it.”

 “Thank you for your understanding.”

As he spoke, he drove the dining car and moved out bit by bit.

 No way, there are too many guests.

Jiang Feng’s thoughts at this time are probably the same as those of Mr. Tianshui, the owner of RiRi Fresh BBQ. I feel like I can never finish it in my lifetime.

 Seeing him like this, the guests were also helpless.

 Indeed, you wouldn’t feel safe using someone else’s grass carp Jiangfeng.

 If there is a problem with grass carp, he will also be jointly and severally liable.

 It’s better to prepare the ingredients yourself.

Finally came out of the snack street, and as soon as the dining car set off on the road, Jiang Feng immediately drove the car and quickly disappeared from people's sight.

 “Huh, it’s okay.”

“I’ll contact the reservoir owner Li Duoyu later and buy another batch of grass carp.”

 “You can follow it and take a look this afternoon.”

 In the car, Jiang Feng said to Sun Zhuangfei.

 “Okay, boss.”

Sun Zhuangfei immediately agreed.

Jiang Feng couldn’t bear to disappoint too many people, so he still planned to increase the supply.

 All I can say is to do it as much as possible.

Of course, it won’t work if someone else comes over with grass carp and asks him to work overtime.

Jiang Feng called Li Duoyu and told him that he wanted to buy some more grass carp this afternoon.

“Okay, no problem, Boss Jiang, I saw the video online.”

 “You are actually making West Lake vinegar fish, which is quite profitable.”

 “The key is that it’s delicious.”

 “My locals don’t eat West Lake vinegar fish.”

Li Duoyu agreed wholeheartedly.

Jiang Feng said with a smile: "The meat of your fish is of good quality. That's why the West Lake vinegar fish is delicious. This kind of fish doesn't even need to be seasoned, it's delicious even when steamed."

 Hearing what Jiang Feng said, Li Duoyu was naturally happy.

 “That’s for sure.”

“I wouldn’t trust it if someone told me to use my fish to make West Lake vinegar fish.”

 “Because there is a saying on the Internet:”

“If a fish is made into West Lake vinegar fish, it will die in vain.”

Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh.

 He has seen this sentence before.

 Netizens are still very capable of making memes.

 If a fish is made into West Lake vinegar fish, it will die in vain.

You go to Hangzhou and you feel uncomfortable if you don’t eat West Lake vinegar fish, but if you eat West Lake vinegar fish, you can’t hold back the discomfort.

 There are many similar jokes.

 Fortunately, the West Lake vinegar fish made by Jiang Feng is quite delicious.

 No big problem.

 Li Duoyu invited Jiang Feng to come to his reservoir to fish.

“No problem, when I finish setting up the stall this week, I will go over and go fishing.”

Jiang Feng agreed.

To develop the Jiangyuetai Zhejiang Cuisine Restaurant in the future, it is indispensable to buy fish. The cost of raising fish yourself is too high, so it is most suitable to buy it from an aquaculture owner.

 At that time, a cooperation agreement was signed and regular supply was provided.

Jiang Feng also has to deal with work matters besides running a stall.

 In the evening, Zhao Cheng will report to the general manager on the status of the chefs he applied for.

 There are many chefs applying, but few meet the requirements.

 In the future, Jiang Feng will have to try the dishes himself.

Jiang Feng listened to Zhao Cheng's report, recorded the information about the chefs one by one, and then made an appointment to start selecting chefs tomorrow night.

If you want to build a signature Zhejiang cuisine restaurant, this step cannot be omitted.

 Have to work hard.

 People know the story of Guo Jiangfeng and their thoughts.

 Go to a place, appreciate the local food, then master the style of the local food, and open a restaurant.

The restaurants he opened are all real signatures.

 Taking the high-quality route.

 Making money is the second most important thing, and you have to build a good brand.

Perhaps for this reason, Jiang Feng is particularly concerned about his brand.

Jiang Feng parked the dining cart in the store and went home to rest.

 There is still time to play with cats and dogs.

 The next day, Jiang Feng came to the West Lake to set up a stall as usual.

Today, another group of people has changed.

 But everyone still had the same enthusiasm, and they still held up their mobile phones to take pictures of him.

 The team has been lined up long ago.

Moreover, the person in charge of the snack street specially assigned two security guards to maintain order.

 Some tourists came to West Lake to visit and were a little curious when they saw the queues at the snack street.

They went to a convenience store to buy something and asked the convenience store owner:

“Why are there so many people queuing up over there? What are they doing?”

 “Is there anything good?”

The boss took one look and replied calmly:

“Those people are queuing up to buy West Lake vinegar fish.”

Hearing this, the tourist suspected that he had heard wrongly, stretched his neck forward unconsciously, and was stunned.

"West Lake Fish With Vinegar Sauce?"

 “Queue up to buy West Lake vinegar fish?”

"Are you serious?"

 The tourist asked again.

 He remembered that West Lake was notorious for its vinegar fish.

“It’s West Lake Vinegar Fish, made by Boss Jiang. He uses the best grass carp, and it’s said to taste very good.”

 “There are quite a lot of people eating every day.”

 The boss began to explain to him.

 The tourists then understood.

I see.

 But he still felt strange.

 A large group of people lined up to eat West Lake vinegar fish by the West Lake.

It’s really a long-lasting series! (End of chapter)

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