Purple glutinous rice dumplings, grains of rice are glowing, and there are a lot of ingredients in them.

Yuan Hua looked at the next one and arrived at himself, and the time was already 7:30.

He arrived at the door of the canteen at about 6:40, which would have been almost half an hour, which showed how early the people in front of him came.

“Add what?”

Li Yong and Hu Haitao stood in front of the window, quickly rolling glutinous rice dumplings.

“Add a tenderloin and salted duck eggs.”

I saw that the purple rice spread evenly was brushed with a layer of shiny sauce, and the aroma was fragrant, and there was a very strong sauce aroma.

After picking up a piece of tenderloin and half a salted duck egg, put it up and roll it up.

The weight of a rice ball is not small, and it is heavy in the hand.

Yuan Hua walked to the next canteen window to buy a cup of soy milk.

After buying breakfast for his roommates, he walked back and took a bite of the rice ball.

Sticky rice, which originally had no taste, became very tasty and chewy after being brushed with sauce.

Even without the fillet tenderloin is delicious.

However, the ridge meat here seems to be different from what was bought outside, Yuan Hua can’t eat where it is different, but it is very delicious, and it is very compatible with rice balls.

One bite makes you feel very satisfied with rice and meat.

Back in the dormitory, the roommates also got up and took their own breakfast.

“The money has been transferred to you, what is the small canteen this morning, so fragrant, smelling the aroma you brought back, I think my bun is even better.”

As the man spoke, he leaned over to Yuan Hua and sniffed hard.

“Purple rice balls.”

Originally, he had not finished eating his rice balls when he went downstairs to the dormitory, but he had to stand downstairs and finish eating before going upstairs.

If you take this back to the dormitory and eat it, I am afraid that it will be directly robbed.

He still knew what virtues this group had.

In October, the osmanthus flowers on the campus of Huada University bloomed.

After Xu Ming came out of the cafeteria, he walked around the campus to smell the smell, and he couldn’t help but think of various recipes about osmanthus flowers.

It is a pity that these osmanthus flowers fall to the ground, and it is not beautiful to eat and collect them to make dishes and eat them into the stomach?

So he went to a counselor and asked him to help him ask the school if he could use it as a food.

After a while, I got an answer, saying that it could be used, but I don’t want to finish it with some points.

Xu Ming replied and immediately sent a message to the ten students working in the canteen to let them go to Xue Guihua.

“Osmanthus flowers come back and make you osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root to eat!”

With this sentence, these ten people picked osmanthus flowers and actively did not work, and also called their dorm mates up.

A group of people were waving osmanthus flowers on campus.

Some passing students asked, saying that Xu Ming wanted to make osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root.

Everyone’s eyes lit up and spontaneously joined the ranks of picking osmanthus flowers.

Within a few moments, the osmanthus flowers on campus were looted and sent to the back kitchen of a canteen.

The ten students working in the canteen suddenly thought of Xu Ming’s words.

“Don’t finish all the osmanthus flowers.”

But now the osmanthus trees on the whole campus can be said to be all bald, and it cannot be said that there is no at all, and there are still some that have fallen on the ground.

The next second they saw that some students had organized everyone to sweep the osmanthus flowers on the ground with brooms and pick up osmanthus flowers.

Good guys, I really don’t let go of the osmanthus at all!

When Xu Ming woke up and came out of the dormitory, he walked all the way to the canteen and saw that all the osmanthus trees were bald.

Xu Ming: …

When they arrived at the back kitchen, the chef and the aunts had already prepared the osmanthus root glutinous rice honey and waited for him.

“How did you get rid of all the osmanthus flowers in the school?”

This makes him explain how to the school teacher!

“We originally picked it well, but the students who passed by knew that we were picking osmanthus flowers for you to cook, and they all came up to help, and as a result, everyone picked the osmanthus flowers on each tree.”

“When these people hear that they are making food, we can’t stop them at all!”

“These osmanthus flowers are also cleaned up by everyone sitting in the canteen.”

Xu Ming looked at the whole kitchen full of osmanthus flowers and also had a headache.

“All right.”

In fact, it is also very simple to make osmanthus lotus root, as long as the lotus is washed, cut off one end of the lotus knot, so that the lotus hole is exposed, and then the sediment in the hole is washed, drained of water, and then the glutinous rice is stuffed into it, at the cutting place, the cut lotus section is closed, and then tied tightly with a small bamboo.

Simmer the lotus root in a sand pan, add a little alkali, and continue to cook until the lotus root has turned red, just take it out and let it cool.

Everyone is working together to cook lotus root.

Xu Ming was beside a jar of pickled osmanthus nectar.

So much osmanthus nectar, when the time comes to send some to the school leaders, the school osmanthus flowers are all finished.

After simmering the lotus root for more than two hours, let it cool, pour the osmanthus nectar evenly, put it in the refrigerator, and wait until dinner time to eat.

“Go back and cut the lotus root into pieces, and each student who eats gives a piece of it.”

These osmanthus flowers are all hard work, and they must all be tasted together.

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