Until a plate of red ribs was brought up, and after one person ate a piece, everyone finally understood why it was called demon ribs.

“Sleepy, so hot, my mouth!”

One of the housemates can’t eat spicy, but can’t resist the temptation, has to eat, and then jumps spicy.

“Spicy and fragrant, delicious, a little spicy!”

“That’s so fragrant!”

Everyone bites a piece of ribs, can’t control it at all, the more spicy the more you want to eat.

Even the one who can’t eat spicy is no exception, a few pieces of ribs down the mouth are swollen, the face is painful, but not many eat a bite!

“Xi Lei, you can’t eat spicy, I’ll help you eat it, don’t eat stomach pain!”

“Today is my birthday, you guys let me go, this last rib belongs to me!”

“I’ve just finished shooting five kilometers, exhausted and need to replenish my ability, I need this rib to save my life!”

The four of them had a verbal argument in order to grab the last piece of ribs, and finally succeeded in solving it by force, and Xi Lei easily obtained the ribs by learning sanda.

Xu Ming looked at the menu and decided to make Babao meat first.

These eight treasures of meat must be made of pork belly, and he walked to the two hundred and fifty pounds of pigs and picked a good position to cut off a piece of pork belly.

The pork is cut into a pot and blanched in water, and it does not need to be cooked, about thirty or forty seconds.

This pork is silly in the morning, very fresh, and the meat is good, and the boiling water cannot be blanched for too long.

Next, the blanched meat is cut into slices.

In addition to pork, this so-called eight treasures are shiitake mushrooms, small mussels, jellyfish heads, tender tea leaves, ham meat, as well as bamboo shoot slices and walnut meat.

Pour the oil, heat the oil, put the pork slices into the pan and slide it two or three times, change color slightly, and then pour the soy sauce and rice wine into the pot and simmer.

After the heat is almost the same, pour the ingredients in the pot except for the jellyfish head and stir-fry on high heat.

Finally, add some sesame oil and stir-fry quickly.

When it’s time to get out of the pot, add the jellyfish head and continue to stir-fry a few times before you can get out of the pot and put it on the plate.

This dish does not use any spices, and it is delicious after basic seasoning.

The taste of Yabao meat is basically made up of various ingredients and the combination of umami flavor, which is a very pure flavor.

Seafood, tender tea, meat, nuts, these ingredients combine to present a unique flavor.

The fresh pork is slid through the oil, and even if it is not coated with starch, the meat is extremely tender and refreshing.

The aroma of various ingredients is already you have me, I have you, completely integrated.

Therefore, in pork, not only the aroma of pork, but also the salty aroma of ham, the tea aroma of tender tea, the nutty aroma of walnuts and the umami taste of seafood.

All kinds of flavors are combined, including plants and animals, as well as the sea and land.

Finally, sesame oil is fragrant, soy sauce is salty, rice wine is fishy, and the taste of all ingredients is well integrated, not abrupt, and surprising!

As soon as the eight treasures were served, they were directly snatched up.

Still no one can resist this multi-flavored dish, and there are always various umami flavors you like.

Xi Lei began to feel uncomfortable when he ate half of it.

But he has been enduring, such a delicious dish, what is the stomachache, the pain will also be eaten!

After eating this meal, I don’t know when I will be able to eat Xu Ming’s dishes for the next meal.

Even if he would vomit blood, he would probably finish eating and go to the hospital.

When the meal was finished, everyone realized that he was wrong.

“Xi Lei, what’s wrong with you?”

“Where are you uncomfortable?”

“It’s okay, I’m just a little stomachy, cow cow, you quickly blow candles and make a wish.”

Xi Lei insisted until An Niuniu finished blowing the candle and finished eating a piece of cake before fainting.

“Help, hit 120!”

“What’s going on, how did you faint?”

“He’s covering his stomach, is he upset?”

The box was suddenly chaotic, and Hongxin heard the movement and ran inside, and immediately informed Xu Ming.

Xu Ming came over and saw that Xi Lei, who had fainted, had a serious face.

Fortunately, the ambulance came quickly, and Xu Ming asked Ye Lixuan to go to the hospital with him, otherwise these students had no opinion and panicked.

Xu Ming’s side definitely can’t go away, and there are still so many guests.

Huada students looked at their classmates who had been pulled away by ambulance and talked about them one after another.

Fortunately, the school leaders reacted quickly, and immediately asked everyone to rest in peace and not spread false news everywhere, and waited until there was news in the hospital.

Let the counselor take care of the students.

According to the school that is hot search at every turn, as long as there is a little bad news that spreads out and is seen by those news people outside, it will not be clear and the impact is not good.

When I went to the hospital to check, it was because I ate too much spicy food, drank ice, ate too miscellaneous, and my stomach couldn’t bear it, so I fainted.

Ye Lixuan: …

What happened to these students, they couldn’t eat spicy food, they had to eat hard, and they ate it hard to the hospital, and they didn’t know what to say.

“I already knew that I wouldn’t order spicy dishes, I couldn’t eat them, so I couldn’t control my mouth!”

An Niu Niu said with some remorse.

Scare them to death!

“Who can bear the dishes made by Xu Shen?”

“I see that Xi Lei estimated that his stomach hurt after eating the ribs, but he has been enduring it, and the speed of picking vegetables in the back has obviously become smaller, and I have grabbed several pieces of meat from his hand!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lixuan couldn’t help but look at him.

What a good brother!

Their counselor followed and was speechless when he heard the medical account of the cause.

This is not the first time.

Since the beginning of the school, the dishes in a canteen have not been delicious, there has been a qualitative leap, and I want to eat it.

Every day, there are students at the University who eat and hold up, and the ones in their eyes last until the middle of the night have a fever, and the big ones are sent to the hospital at night.

There is also the school’s school doctor, who has been on duty day and night from the previous idle work to the present.

Because at any time, there are students running over.

In the school doctor’s office, there are several large boxes of stomach digestion tablets.

After the counselor passed the cause of the fainting back to the school, the school leaders were silent.

This is the first time since the beginning of the school year to eat themselves in the hospital?

It seems too much to remember!

In this way, it is not okay, and the damage to the body from eating and bracing every day is also very large.

The school leaders thought about turning on the campus radio and began to remind everyone.

“Cough, good evening students!”

“My side made a report on the cause of the classmate who had just been pulled away by the ambulance, because the student could not eat spicy, and then spicy to stomach pain, and kept eating, eating too much, plus eating miscellaneous, directly stomach pain fainted, went to the hospital!”

“This is already a number of such incidents in our school, I hope everyone takes this as a warning!”

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