Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Hermione and the Useless Boys (Part 2) (Part 1)

At the same time, the corridor on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle.

"Are you sure we don't have to notify the professor?"

After running wildly all the way, he finally stopped near the restricted area. Ron, who finally took a breath, asked vaguely with his small eyes wide open.

I have to say that Ron, who has not yet grown up and is not yet disabled, is still very cute, but his head is a bit stupid.

Shire chose the male-oriented version, so the modeling of male npcs is closer to reality, and the beauty level is not high. In the female-oriented game options, the modeling of these male npcs is so dazzling!

"I have notified."

"But the professors aren't there."

Hermione stared at the three stupid boys in front of her, and corrected them word by word.

"So in order to prevent the Philosopher's Stone from being lost, we have to steal the Philosopher's Stone in advance. This idea is really brilliant."

Harry couldn't help complaining beside him.

He found that he was really good at vomiting, and he seemed to be developing more and more in the direction of complaining.

Hermione gave him an annoyed sideways look.

In the original plot, it was Harry who suggested that they stop Snape's actions, but here, it was Hermione who proposed to transfer the Philosopher's Stone in advance.

Essentially no difference.

Well, because I was afraid of losing things, I stole things in advance. There is nothing wrong with it. It seems that not only the heroic agents in the United States like to do this, but also the successors of the old British style.

But it wasn't true that Hermione didn't tell anyone, she also went to find the professor immediately, but Dumbledore was going to use this matter to test Harry, which meant that she was not there, so Harry could only go to battle in person.

"Also, I have called someone to help."


Neville couldn't help asking.


Bai Xue, who was standing next to Hermione, walked around happily, and beside her, there were Rapunzel and Ella who were waiting in full battle. Aisha was also paying attention to this place all the time because she was worried that she would encounter danger next time.

Of course, others cannot see them.

"Is it Charles?"

Harry reacted.

Hermione nodded.

"But Charles..."

Harry knew that Ciel was very powerful, but he didn't have an exact idea of ​​how powerful Cire was. That was Professor Snape, a professor, and the head of Slytherin.

Can Ciel really stop him.

Yes, the blame was still pinned on Snape.

"Do not worry."

Hermione said confidently.

During the few days in the tree house, Charles also briefly explained to her some strength divisions in the magic world and some necessary things to know.

Regarding the future, Charles didn't say much, but it was enough for Hermione to know what level she was at this time.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The Slytherin kid who eats and drinks?"

The belated Ron finally realized who Hermione and Harry were discussing, he said in surprise.

Hermione squinted again.

"If you pay attention, you will find that you eat twice as much food as him."

"Exactly twice."

Hermione said very seriously, and stretched out her small hand, making a two.

"And he's not a Slytherin kid, at least it's enough to protect our safety."

"Actually, it's enough for me alone."

"Now, we don't need to waste any more time here."

After that, she turned and left.

Ron, who was almost sprayed all over his face, was a little stunned.

"Is she crazy?"

He said to Neville next to him.

Although Neville didn't speak, but from the look on his face, the meaning was similar. Only Harry, who had experienced the wonderland, murmured in his heart, but he was still a little uneasy.

The killing of gods seemed very shocking at the time, but children are forgetful, and after a semester, Harry naturally began to doubt and hesitate again.

After all, even if he has an extra experience, he is still just a child, so how different can he be from the original book.


"That's Lu Wei."

Ron gestured silently to his two friends with his mouth.

The puppy Hagrid was talking about.

"It's really cute."

Even though there was no sound, Harry and Neville could still hear the exasperation in Ron's tone.

Indeed, from Hagrid's point of view, Lu Wei is of course a cute puppy, but he is not so friendly to ordinary people.

Lu Wei was dozing off at this time, and there was a harp beside him.

Ron, Harry and the others didn't feel any better, and were still complaining, but Hermione keenly noticed something was wrong.

"We were one step too late."

The existence of the harp means that someone has come early.

Harry is not an idiot, he has a background in Wonderland, and he adapts quickly to this kind of adventure.

"Then we have to hurry up."

He said hastily.

At this time, Ron tugged at his sleeve and said in a daze.

"I think we can maybe talk about that later."

Because between the few conversations between them, the three-headed dog Lu Wei has gradually awakened. It is a magical creature that is very suitable for guarding treasures. Even if two heads sleep, there is still one vigilant. Everyone is on alert.

That is to say, music can make its three heads fall into a deep sleep for a while at the same time.

At this time, the three-headed dog was more than a circle bigger than when it first started school, and almost one head was bigger than Hermione's body. As the three-headed dog began to wake up and stood up, Neville's face behind him turned pale with fright.

Harry was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses and bravely ran to the harp. He doesn't know how to play the harp, but music... there is always a difference between good and bad, isn't it?

But Harry's movements were obviously not as fast as Lu Wei's waking up, because in the next moment, the three-headed dog Lu Wei stood up from the ground.

One of the huge heads was just in the way Harry had to pass. Its huge eyes were opened, and its sharp teeth were almost touching Harry's face. It made him slam on the brakes and quickly turned around to hide behind a nearby pillar.

Thanks to Lu Wei who just woke up and was still in a daze, otherwise he might just swallow Harry in one gulp.


One head of the three-headed dog stopped Harry, and the other two heads were aimed at the three of Hermione. The huge head and huge body instantly filled the entire room as it got up, looking like a hill.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Accompanied by the angry roar of the three-headed dog, Neville was so frightened that he screamed continuously.

Harry, who was hiding behind the pillar, was very calm. He looked around and tried to find another chance to run to the harp.

Ron is very brave. In other words, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He was indeed afraid of the three-headed dog at first, but when it roared loudly, Harry and others around him were instantly in danger, so he was not afraid anymore.

He looked left and right, and also aimed at the harp not far away. He was not stupid. He knew that he could not be the opponent of the three-headed dog anyway. If he wanted to solve it, he could only use the weakness Hagrid mentioned.


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