But Paul is the protagonist after all. Although he is the protagonist in the virus disaster movie, he survives to the end of the film and still dies, but he is also the protagonist.

Although he was terribly afraid in his heart, but thinking that Kathy was his childhood sweetheart and his beloved girl, he still suppressed his fear and forced himself to calm down.


he called softly.

"Cathy, are you okay?"

"I'm not good at all!"

Kathy screamed, her expression contorted, she looked like she was about to collapse.

"How do you feel that I will be fine no, no! Ah!"

Before she finished her complaint, she suddenly screamed. This time, it seemed that she couldn't even express a complete sentence smoothly.

Nothing but screaming, just screaming.

And at the same time, her teeth began to become sharper, and a blood-red color seemed to spread from the corners of her mouth, as if the corners of her mouth were split to the sides.

"Kathy! What's wrong with you! Kathy!"

Seeing this scene, Paul naturally panicked too, but it was useless to panic, he couldn't do anything at all.


But at this moment, Karen who was beside him suddenly let out a terrified scream.

"What's wrong?"

Although Paul was worried about Casey, Karen was also his junior, and as a good-natured protagonist, he naturally chose to take care of everything!

"I, I, I saw her!"

Karen pointed in horror at an open space behind Paul.

Paul froze for a moment, but immediately understood what Karen meant. She saw it, saw the little girl Kathy was talking about.

"Damn it, it can't be contagious."

Paul murmured.


If you switch the perspective to Casey and Karen, you will find that they can indeed see a little girl that Paul cannot see.

The girl seemed to be of African descent, with dark skin. The reason why she used it seemed to be because she was dressed in tatters. It was hard to tell whether she had black skin or because her body was too dirty.

As Kathy said, she was dancing, a sacrificial dance, with her legs and hands spread apart, as if she was dancing wildly around a campfire.

But her real target is Karen.

She stared at Karen with an indescribable expression, her mouth was wide open and she was laughing wildly, but her eyes were full of malice staring at Karen.

There are two braids on her head, and the corners of her mouth are grinning, scarlet like a clown, and she is extremely weird.

And Karen could clearly see that the little girl Kathy saw had come to her side, she hugged her tightly like a baby, and brought a crazy smile to Kathy's face.

And she, the little girl she saw, was still about ten meters away from her, but at the same time, she was getting closer and closer, approaching.


Ciel and Madison pass the corridor.

A burst of light suddenly appeared on the two of them at the same time. Under the light, it seemed that there was a chorus of Hallelujah faintly emerging.

"How is this going?"

Madison's footsteps paused for a moment. She was indeed taken aback, but soon followed Charles' footsteps again.

"Some kind of curse is trying to infect us."

Charles' explanation was succinct.

The nature that protects them is not God, but the metaphorical magic Shire used not so long ago.

This is what he was worried about. Voodoo curses were hard to guard against. At some point, a curse might come down inexplicably.

"Curse, is that what you said?"


Charles shook his head.

"It should be another kind."

While the two were talking, they had already walked near the auditorium. There was still wailing in the ball, but it was much weaker than when Paul and others came a few minutes ago.

Because a part of the person has died.

"If you're mentally prepared, go see it."

"Maybe we will meet again in the future."

Charles pointed to the auditorium and said to Madison.

Madison naturally saw blood smeared on the glass of the auditorium door, and wailing and screams emerged from it. It didn't sound like a good place.

But since Charles said so, she went to have a look.

Because like Ciel said, it was something she couldn't escape.

And the two of them have already drank the aging agent, raising their age to about 18 years old. After adulthood, Madison is very confident in himself.

This is also one of the effects of aging agents.

Growing up will always bring people inexplicable self-confidence.

Madison walked over, and then Madison played GG.


Looking at Madison leaning on the wall and bending over to vomit, Charles took out Mr. Rabbit's pocket watch and looked at it. The time had not reached the middle of the night.

You still have time.


"How are you?"

Putting away the pocket watch, Charles took out a tissue and mineral water and walked over. With a tap of his wand, the vomit on the ground and the dirt on Madison's body disappeared immediately.


After vomiting part of it and gargling again, Madison did feel better.

She took a deep breath and stood up again.

Now she understands what Shire meant by hell. It is indeed hell, and everyone is dead.

Even if he is not dead now, he will be soon.

Flesh and flesh are melting, internal organs are flying around, blood and blood clots form a new ball costume, where there is no world, there is hell.

Madison doesn't have a cleanliness fetish, but she is also a clean person. She feels that if she is thrown in there by herself, she may not survive even a second.

"What the hell is that?"

she couldn't help asking.

Magic, witches, voodoo.

Charles talked to her a lot, but she never had the most intuitive understanding, and now she has.

Madison's face was pale. She finally realized what voodoo and curses meant. It meant death, a very cruel death.

It's not as easy as it sounds.

Just like now, a whole grade of students dies in wailing. Using the most cruel way, their flesh and blood will be fused together, and their blood will be mixed together, and they can't even be distinguished.

So many people died so easily.

"It's a curse."

Charles said.

Looking at Madison's pale face, he knew what she was thinking.

"Even in the magic world, Voodoo is known for its cruelty. Wherever they go, they are accompanied by death most of the time."

"On rare occasions, they show up to contain the virus or curse...but better hope you don't run into them doing that."

"Because only when a certain curse and virus is not contained, it will spread to the whole world and become uncontrollable, they will choose to contain it."

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