Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 This is the correct end

"Da da da da!"

Papa Buddy and a group of people ran wildly in the corridor, and in front of them was a little burning voodoo doll, leading them the way while running around.

Voodoo's unique way-guiding magic cannot be used by others.

They use things like ancestors to guide themselves, and according to the spell, the ancestors should have existed for a long time, and it even avoided God's great flood.

Not to mention whether God or the Great Flood exists, but at least it has a history of thousands of years, and it has covered every inch of land on the earth with its feet.

No matter where there are people, or sparsely populated, has not been set foot by human beings.

Although the little voodoo doll has short legs, it runs at a whizzing speed, but the flame on its body burns faster. It doesn't seem to be a normal flame. It is almost as big as a rag doll in just a few breaths. Little voodoo dolls burn out.

But this period of time is enough for him to lead Paddy Buddy and the others out of the maze.

At the last moment, the little voodoo doll that was burned with only one arm left struggled, and with great difficulty, pointed its arm to the right side of the front, and in the next moment, it was completely reduced to a pool of ashes.

Paddy Buddy's expression remained the same, this guy had to add drama to himself every time he came out, he was used to it.

Following the corridor on the right, a group of people quickly walked out of the guiding maze. This is indeed the last arrow drawn by Charles.

"It's over there."

Kayo's body is huge, and it is inevitable to leave traces when he moves. Sanluo can see the direction when it evacuates without Papa Buddy's hands.

Exactly off-campus.

"No, let's go back."

But Papa Buddy put forward a different opinion.

The obstruction halfway made him realize that the appearance of this unknown snake was not accidental, someone was controlling all of this, and it might waste more time to continue chasing it.

And wasting time is not the point, the point is that the other party wants to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

I don't know what happened to patient zero.

Sang Luo's experience is not as rich as that of Papa Buddy, but he is not an idiot. After a few reminders, this black bald man understood Paddy Buddy's worries.

"I see."

His face also changed slightly.

And when they returned to the vicinity of the auditorium, they saw the huge wall of fire that was as tall as a person, trapping everyone inside.

Of course, there are some unlucky people who passed out in the disintegrating flesh and bones on the dance floor.

"Damn it!"

Realizing that Patient Zero was gone, Papa Buddy let out a roar.


"Snakes! Snakes! There are snakes!"

When Patient Zero arrived, Charles turned around and left.

The voodoo sect sealed off the school building, and the entire town is still safe. They haven't been able to seal off the entire town yet, but with the loss of patient zero, they may start to expand their search.

He was going to leave overnight.

But before that, he still stayed in the school with Paul, Madison and others, and he was waiting for Kayo to come back.

Paul, Casey and others naturally stayed with him and Madison. Paul was very curious about patient zero, but unfortunately patient zero who was petrified could not speak at all.

He also has no objection to staying inexplicably again. In his opinion, as long as he can escape the purgatory of the teaching building, nothing else matters.

Then when he turned his head, he saw a giant python more than ten meters long, coming straight towards them.

"There is a snake!!"

He kept screaming.

Paul's exclamation alerted Casey, Karen and others nearby, but Charles blocked their mouths in time, and blocked their screaming and nonsense.

"Everything is going well, Human Charr."

Kayo crawled over, and in the process of crawling, its body became smaller and smaller until it became as thick as an ordinary person's arm.


[Name: Kayo]

[Agility: 500]

[Skills: Snake Swallow, Disguise Mags]

[Remember: Listen, my voice. ]

【Snake swallow】

Quality: Epic

Effect: Your mouth will always be slightly larger than your prey.

Remember: Look, there's an elephant over there, let's sneak up on it

【Transfiguration Mags】

Quality: Premium

Effect: Nice, you can change your body shape, but not the color of your hair, sorry, you don't have hair.

Remember: I don't have hair, but I don't have fists either.

During the recent period, Charles has been brushing the instance of the Beast Legion, but his luck is not very good. What he wants has not been spawned, and there are quite a few snake formulas.

So he used Snake Tun and Yirongmagus on Kayo.

Kayo turned into a little snake, and Charles also unlocked the magic on Paul and the others. Facing a little snake, they naturally had nothing to fear.

Although they couldn't understand why a snake could become bigger and smaller, but after thinking about what happened to them tonight, they felt that there was nothing to make a fuss about.

But curiosity is still there. For example, Paul keeps asking questions.

"What kind of snake is this?"

"Is this also magic?"

"Why are you ignoring me?"

Hearing the last question, Charles finally stopped in his tracks.

"Because I don't want to talk nonsense with dead people."

At this time, the group of them had already left the school, and were about to go through the grove and take a shortcut back to the small town.

Paul was slightly taken aback, his expression a little unnatural, as were Casey and Karen next to him, their heads almost immediately came up with killing and killing, those common plots in movies.

"Don't get me wrong, I won't kill you."

Charles laughed.

"and you.."


Before Paul finished speaking, he coughed suddenly. With the coughing sound, he suddenly covered his mouth. When he let go of his hand again, he found that there was a trace of scarlet in the palm of his hand.


"I'm infected.."

Paul was in a trance for a while, but he was the first to realize what happened to him.

He's infected, which means he's going to die, no wonder.. no wonder Ciel says he won't kill himself.

At this moment, Casey and Karen beside them also turned pale, not because they vomited blood, but because they seemed to see that scary little girl again.

"If you're worried about that little girl assimilating you again, don't worry."

Charles looked at the two of them and said suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

Casey was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a little expectation, what solution did she think Charles had, after all, this thing was really scary.

But in the next moment, before Charles could answer, she and Karen also coughed violently, accompanied by sporadic pieces of meat and falling teeth, and the front of them soon turned scarlet.

And at this time, Charles' answer came slowly.

"Because you won't live until that time."


Standing in front of the three dirt bags, Madison seemed to have a sad expression on his face.

After all, the protagonist group did not escape the end of the group's destruction. The curse of voodoo actually started this morning. At that time, the drinking water and food already contained the curse of flesh and blood.

Just not eating or drinking at the ball can not escape the fate of not being cursed.

Yesterday, Madison and Shire went shopping in New York again. They hung out together at night and performed the witch's awakening ceremony. The ceremony had just ended in the morning and arrived in the afternoon.

And she knew the truth a long time ago, she didn't drink any wine or eat food at all, so she was fine.

Paul and the others were actually cursed a long time ago, but their intake was relatively small, and the onset of the curse was indeed later.

This thing is irreversible, and Ciel is not lying to them. If they are accidentally infected during the game, they can only read the file and start over.

But after getting to know each other, Charles didn't let them experience disintegration. They died in pain, but sent them off with the cutting curse with their own hands, and then buried the bodies.

In this way, when it is dug out later, it can also remain relatively intact.

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