"Maizi, I'm a little scared."

Blanca whispered to Madison.

"Where is he!"

"catch him!"


The deaths of the witches continued, and Jason was like a haunted ghost. He was accompanied by shadows and blood, just like the moment a bullet was ejected from a revolver barrel.

Appearing means that death is doomed.

In just a few breaths, in less than a minute, Jason set off a bloody storm in the hall. Ava, who was hiding in the dark and in mid-air, clearly saw at least a dozen witches lying in a pool of blood , the body was separated, or simply broken in half.

As the number of Jason's killings increased sharply, his methods became more bloody and cruel, and the death conditions of the witches became more and more cruel.

And Jason seemed to realize that those old witches were not afraid of death, so he specifically picked those who were left alone and did not flock to the group of witches to attack.

It's true that Jason has no intelligence and can't communicate, but anyone who thinks he is a beast would be wrong.

On the way of killing, he is exceptionally talented.

The successive deaths turned the hall into a mess. Except for a group of old witches who were still running around in a mess, everyone else immediately felt insecure.

They are immortal, but aside from the extraordinary power gained from believing in the Witch Mother, they are essentially just a group of ordinary women, perhaps even inferior to housewives.

Whether it is combat experience or psychological quality, there is no doubt that it is zero.

It is normal to have instinctive fear in the face of death that will not die.

Like Blanca.

"do not be afraid."

Madison was vigilant, looking around, looking for enemies that didn't exist.

"It'll be fine."

Some of Madison's behaviors and rules of doing things are indeed hateful, but ruthless is really ruthless, whether it is treating the enemy or treating himself.

She is not afraid at all, you know, she is not immortal like the other group of witches, at least not currently.

Blanca turned her head subconsciously, her eyes glowing a little.

Shire knows Madison, whore is indeed a bitch, and sa is indeed sassy. People who are not used to her will never get used to her, and those who are used to her are like Blanca.

At this moment, she felt that Madison was extremely handsome.

Women are originally emotional animals, visual animals, as long as they are good-looking enough, they don't mind men and women, nor gender.

Otherwise why women are more likely to come out and be bisexual.

But the moment is really not a good time.

Because the moment Branca was distracted, Jason's shadow had quietly come to her front. The sharp machete was like a spear in the hands of a Roman soldier, as if carrying the power of the century, ready to kill Bran. Ca and Madison, the makeshift sisters, get a hole in the belly.

Madison didn't notice this, because her back was facing Jason, and her back should be protected by Blanca.

Unfortunately, Blanca didn't notice this scene either.

Fortunately, there is Charles.

"Be careful behind you!"

The reminder was timely, but Madison had no time to respond.

Without further ado, Charles grabbed her body violently, turning around like a pas de deux, and with a huge impact, he pushed Jason back four or five steps.

You know, Ciel's magic is different from these witches. Before Ava's object control ability could only make him stagger when facing Jason, the witches in the surrounding halls couldn't even shake him.

This was the first time Jason had retreated.

"Nice job!"

Ava jumped out of the air.

She also found that the situation was a little out of control.

Facing a guy like Jason, almost all the witches around him gave away their heads. There must be stronger witches to deal with him, but she can't deal with this guy by herself, it has been proven before.

Now that there is one more Madison, it will be different.

Ava didn't know who Madison was. In her eyes, she only knew that the witch sister had beaten this difficult big man back with a wave of her hand.

As for the fact that she hasn't met Madison, it's normal. There are so many witches, it's normal not to know each other.

Ava and Madison blocked Jason one after the other, and the other witches had a tacit understanding at this moment and did not continue to move forward, but surrounded the place from a distance and left the field to them.

Blanca was blocked by Madison, her eyes were shining because she thought Madison was so cool.

It's like a superhero among witches.

As for Madison, Madison is very calm.

Charles, who was under the illusion spell, was by her side. The two of them ran in the RV day and night for a few days before arriving at the Crystal Lake Camp. Personal assistance like now is no longer a problem. .

And she is well aware of Shire's strength, at least it is absolutely no problem to escape with her.

Jason held the machete in his right hand, the tip of the machete pointed to the ground, and stood motionless, as if watching them silently.

He didn't continue to escape either.


Ciel whispered in Madison's ear.

"Don't resist."


"Pay attention to the way I use magic. Like I said, object control is not just giving you an extra pair of air fists."

The next moment, before Madison could react, she seemed to hear Charles whispering something in her ear.

It's the Imperius Curse.

But not the actual Unforgivable Curse, but a magical variation of the Imperius Curse, a weakened spell that combined the Oblivion and Imperius Curses.

It can control the opponent like a puppet on a string, but because it is weakened, the opponent will immediately break free from the spell with almost a slight resistance.


Available here, but it couldn't be better.

The next moment, she felt herself start to move involuntarily, and Madison also realized Charles' plan. Instead of resisting, she was going to see to what extent Charles could use his ability to control objects.


In the cave, the birth ceremony of the Holy Child is still going on.

The battle in the hall did not affect this place at all. I am afraid that the witches here are not aware of Jason's appearance. Even Ava's mother and grandmother, after being resurrected, did not care about Jason's affairs, complaining to each other, complaining Then came to the cave.

The birth of the Holy Child is a major event.

At this time, nearly a hundred witches gathered here, and they brought huge dolls, huge tableware, huge tables, chairs and benches, etc., which were preparing for the birth ceremony of the holy child.

The whole cave looks very desolate, exuding a primitive and wild atmosphere, except for a large pile of burning bonfires in the middle, there is almost no sense of life here.

On the bonfire, there are two no-nos tied up, and there are five or six unlucky eggs tied up in a row.

They are just like kebabs, waiting for the moment to be cooked.

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