Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 233 The so-called method

"It is also very simple to break this magic."

"You just have to.. beat 'em."


Hearing this answer, Ava's eyes fixed on Madison, and her eyes moved, probably meaning that your boyfriend is such an idiot?

How to break the magic, just defeat them.

But if you can defeat them, you also need to break the magic?

Ava subconsciously missed the most crucial word, once.

But of course, it is also the symbolic magic of patriarchy that is too abstract and too unpopular. Except for the wizard associations in some small areas that are still circulating, almost no one knows about them.

I don't know where Brand got it from.

But according to Christina, he was originally a machismo, and it was only a matter of time before he came into contact with these things.

Even if he doesn't contact them, those wizard associations will go offline to develop companions.

"This is a kind of belief-like magic. The more they fight, the more courageous they become, and your disadvantages will become greater and greater."

"Break this situation, and their magic will be invalidated instantly."

Ava looked suspiciously at Brand in the field.

This time the explanation sounded decent. Although she was dressed like a young girl, she was not stupid. Although she had never heard of this kind of magic, it seemed that the other party had no need to lie to her.

"Then what should I do..."

Ava paused, then subconsciously looked at Madison.

"I'll accompany you."

Madison shrugged.

This was originally agreed upon between her and Charles.

Originally, Shire wanted to make a move, directly wipe out Brand, and the witch, and forcibly capture the witch mother and holy child, but although it can be done, it is inevitably difficult.

But for some reason, he went around the cave and saw the so-called ghost, and suddenly changed his mind.

He decided to establish a good relationship with this group of witches, saying that maybe in the future, they might be used again.

In this way, the original plan of the two sides to fight together cannot be implemented. Maybe the strength needs to be demonstrated, but not at this time.

"you sure?"

It's good to have Madison's help, but Ava doubts whether the two of them will have a chance of winning together. After all...


Madison shrugged.

In fact, she didn't have much confidence.

Madison doesn't know how to fight. In school, although she is fighting for the beauty of the school, it's okay to let her tear her hair and let her experience a battle of this scale.

Of course she wasn't confident.

But she has Shire's backing, because Shire told her that it's best to win the fight, but if he can't win, he has other means, but he just doesn't want to use them very much.

With this sentence as a guarantee, Madison certainly has nothing to fear.

Then even the individual went up to A.


"Come on! Come on!"

Brand is now at the stage of bursting with self-confidence. This is the power brought to him by magic, it is power, and it is also a side effect.

One of the most common occurrences in many fantasy stories is that someone suddenly gains power that is not his own, it is too great for him to control, and then he loses control.

Instead, he was controlled by power.

So in a sense, in the field of magic, it is a common thing to be affected by power in reverse, and there are few means to check and balance.

His eyes were pitch black, like a demon coming out of hell.

He abandoned his firearms, and instead used all kinds of cold weapons he had prepared to carry out the massacre, and the blood spurted out, which made him feel even more manic.

That's when Ava and Madison's team-up arrives.

It's a pity that it didn't help.

Madison and Ava chose to cut in from the air, and they used the power of object control to attack Brand, but the power on him can counter the power of the witch, and the power of object control has almost no effect on him.

Madison imitated Shire, using the power of controlling objects to control other things to attack him a second time, but with his speed, he could avoid it calmly.

Then the two found that they did not dare to land. Neither Ava nor Madison were proficient in so-called hand-to-hand combat or fighting skills. When they fell below, they were no different from other witches.

Might as well keep floating in the sky.

Realizing that the other party had nothing to do with him, Brand became more and more arrogant. This mysterious power was shared with all of them present. These super-powered policemen whom Tony spoke of could already suppress the witches on the scene without needing guns.

"Feel sorry."

Madison quickly returned without success. She shrugged and said that she could help in silence.

Ava's complexion is not very good. When she thinks about it, she and Madison can definitely solve these guys together. Anyway, she never thought that she would lose so quickly, and even... it has no effect, and it seems like other witches no different.

This makes Ava, who has always thought of herself as an extraordinary talent, very upset.

Charles was also very upset.

As he told Madison, he did have a solution. The reason why he asked Madison to come forward was to make Madison the new leader of these witches.

It was also he who controlled the middleman between these witches, so he let Madison come forward, otherwise, he would have done it himself.

but now it seems

"Give me a hair."

Charles said, and as he spoke, he held out his hand to Madison.


Madison froze for a moment.


Madison pulled out a piece of blond hair and handed it to Charles, and then saw him put the blond hair into a bottle of potion.


Accompanied by some kind of corrosive sound, there was a gurgling sound in the potion bottle, as if the hair had been corroded by the potion, but it soon became calm again.

Taking a deep breath, Charles drank the potion in one gulp.

Then, amidst the indescribable expressions of Madison, Ava, Jose and others, his face was constantly twisted, and his body was constantly transformed. After a few seconds, Madison in men's clothing appeared in front of them.


Looking at himself, Madison spit out an exclamation word in a daze.

Magic needs hair, nails and other things, which seems to be some kind of unspoken common sense. Charles has never used similar things to cast spells, and Madison thought he didn't need them.

It turned out that she needed it now, and she also saw an absolutely magical scene.

This is magic.


Madison suddenly thought of something.

As soon as she grabbed Charles by the collar, she pushed her towards a corner in the shadow of the cave. Ava, Jose and others watched the two gradually disappear into the shadow until they could not be seen, only sporadic chatter could be heard.

"It turned out to be true"


"give me.. hair"



Tony and the driver stared blankly at the place where they left. Hearing these intermittent voices, he said with dull eyes.

"I suddenly felt that having a witch as a girlfriend didn't seem too bad."

"Yes, yes."

The driver nodded.

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