At this moment, Qiwei really couldn't figure out what the boy Shire was thinking.

If it was Muggles who burned wizards, then he succeeded. The scene in front of him did arouse his anger, and he felt the same hatred. He somewhat understood Mr. Grindelwald's choice back then.

But Muggle burning Muggle, a farce.


"San! Sang!"

Nana cried out feebly.

San died and she was drowned, so there is no doubt that she was a witch.

Her body was thrown at the bottom of the river, and she would bear the infamy of the town residents after her death.

"You, admit the sins you committed."

The priest remained expressionless and continued to question Nana.

"No, I'm not, I'm really not."

Nana broke down a little, she started crying.

Of course the pastor knew that Nana was not. As a scholar in this era, the pastor knew very well the nature of witch hunts, there were no wizards at all.

Yes, wizards are still a minority after all, and there are not many Muggles who have actually seen wizards. The pastor has never left the vicinity of Devonshire in his life, and the farthest place he has gone is London. He has never seen a real wizard.

So in his opinion, the witches they captured were actually just a group of ordinary women.

But he doesn't care, it's just a woman.

On the contrary, he enjoys this process very much. For example, the girl named Sang just now, he likes her very much, but as the main shepherd, he can't have distracting thoughts.

So he meets her in the dungeon, and she smells just like he imagined.

As for this girl named Nana, she likes to do small business very much, so she has saved several pounds. He happened to be short of money to give to the Archbishop of London, so she is a witch.

The last girl named Luo is also somewhat pretty, so she is also a witch.

"You're a witch, you've proven it."

the pastor continued.

Some wretched men beside him began to laugh.

As proof, it is to look for moles on the body inch by inch. If there are, it means that this is the mark left by the witch's witchcraft.

Their laughter is also understandable.

Seeing that Nana had collapsed, the pastor continued to turn to the last person.

"Your sin, do you admit it?"

Luo has always been calm, but her trembling legs and angry eyes showed that she was not as calm as she appeared.

"I'm not a witch."

"None of us."

"You know."

The pastor held up the Bible skillfully and shouted.

"You can't bewitch me, devil!"

"You are the real devil! You executioner!"

Luo suddenly went crazy, roaring in a voice louder than the priest.

"You have taken a fancy to our bodies and our wealth, that's why we have become witches, and you are the real devils, devils!"

"you all are."

She looked at everyone below with a kind of hatred.

But this didn't make them flinch, but made them even more angry.

"Burn her!"

"Burn her!"

They clamored angrily, wanting to execute this unrepentant witch.

Luo closed her eyes in pain. She was angry, but not to the people below, because they really regarded her as an evil witch.

So in their view, they're doing the right thing.

Luo opened his eyes again, staring at the pastor with a gaze that seemed to be remembered deep in his soul.

"I wish I could be a real witch right now."

"Because I will curse you with my soul, my body, everything I have."

"You'll be waiting for you in hell."


Lucius and Qiwei were expressionless, looking at the scene in front of them numbly, but the former slightly bounced and lowered his fingers on the ground with a cane, which showed that his heart was not peaceful.

The kind-hearted Amos had already closed his eyes, whether it was a Muggle or a wizard, he only saw two innocent girls who were about to be burned to death.

But Xenophilius is more rational.

"She can't be a wizard."

Severe mood swings may indeed cause magic riots.

But that's only for children.

Even children from pure-blood wizard families need to show this talent at a very young age, at least, no older than eleven years old.

Otherwise it means he might be a Squib.

The chance of Squibs appearing in the wizarding world is not low.

The two girls on the haystack looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old. In any case, there was no possibility of another magic riot.

Even if they are squibs, it is impossible.


The pastor's eyes were cold.

He had seen these witches pleading in agony before they died, and seen them being frightened to the point of madness, but it was rare to see such witches yelling and cursing crazily like Luo.

Even though he knew very well that the other party was not a real witch, he felt very disturbed in his heart.

"Burn this wicked witch!"

With a wave of his hand, he signaled the militiamen next to him to light the fire.

Luo's yelling became more and more frenzied, but the raging fire had already been ignited.

The pastor opened the Bible and started shouting.

"O Lord Almighty."

"You're going to hell with me!"

"I beg you..."

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

Luo's voice mixed with the pastor's voice, and the fire ignited the straw, turning into sparks and flying all over the sky, surrounded by enthusiastic crowds, rendering the scene a strange dynamic.

The pastor turned a deaf ear and continued to read the Bible aloud.

But as he read it, he realized something was wrong.

"You will go to hell with me! You will go to hell with me! You will!"

Why, why this witch can still yell.

The priest didn't know how long it took to burn a man, he wasn't one of those heretic scholars, but God gave him a revelation that as soon as the first chapter was read, any enemy of God would be consumed by the flames.

But now...he's finished reading a page.

Luo in the flames also noticed this. The ropes that bound her had long been burned, and her ragged clothes were also burned. The pile of wood under her feet was turned into ashes, uneven, and the straw was like a red elf, flying around.

Nana next to her had long been charred, but she was still alive, unhurt, and didn't even feel hot.

The flames, like covering her with a layer of clothing, only made her feel warm.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Luo seemed to understand something, she let out a short laugh, and then the laughter became bigger and bigger, more and more sharp and twisted.

It turned out that these people were not wrong, she was really a witch.

So she should steal the men's birds, she should take out the hearts of their children, she should kill them, she should curse them, she should send their souls to hell!


Because it was a sin she had already committed.

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