Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 482 Arendelle's Banquet

Barbeques, wine, and a boisterous crowd.

The banquet was finally chosen to be held in the square in front of the hall in Arendelle. After all, the worlds of Bai Xue, Rapunzel, Aurora and others are all western style, while Jasmine’s kingdom is relatively full of exotic style, not everyone can accept it. of.

As Aisha's speech ended, the crowd began to get busy. Minister of Military Aircraft Wendell and his old buddy, Minister of the Interior Ross ascended the throne and distributed the comfort money.

One hundred gold coins per person is enough for a commoner family to live comfortably for a hundred years.

It’s not surprising that Elsa is really generous. Elsa and Anna’s situation is relatively better among the princesses. At least they have no worries about food and clothing since they were young. Naturally, he was generous to his own subjects.

After all, this thing is actually useless to Aisha. Arendelle is relatively closed, and even if it connects several other countries, their fairy tale world's national strength is limited.

Most of the food and wine for tonight's banquet was imported from the real world by Shire. If the people here prepared it themselves, there might only be desserts, fruits, barbecue, and wine.

Rich enough, but also monotonous enough.

"Pull up the flag!"

"Candlestick! Candlestick!"

In addition to the crowd queuing up to receive the solatium, the other guards began to get busy with their hands, busy building the stage, setting it up as seats and so on.

The chefs also get busy cooking and start preparing their specialties.

Charles led Hermione to a side hall not far from the square.

There are quite a few people in the Sultan Kingdom who want to participate in the banquet. After all, the main force of this battle is Aisha’s Arendelle and Jasmine’s Sultan Kingdom, so the portal needs to be kept open for a long time, so that people from both sides can pass through. too far.

The cavity was dropped, and the faint blue portal opened instantly.

The portal filled with the colors of the universe only lasted for a moment, and the palace of Sultan Jasmine appeared at the other end, and there was a commotion on the opposite side.

Although they had been prepared for a long time, the guards and maids were obviously taken aback when they saw this scene. Charles heard them yelling to find the Sultan quickly.

It seems that the old king is still sleeping, and Jasmine is already the Sultan.


On the other end, Jasmine was ready, she stroked the tiger Laya's forehead, pulling the hair once and for all.

On the contrary, the magic lamp genie was a little nervous. It kept taking deep breaths, and its blue face became more and more blue with tension.

"don’t worry."

Next to it, Jasmine's maid held its hand.

Just like in the original plot, although Aladdin is missing, as Jasmine brings the magic lamp back to the palace, the magic lamp genie still meets Jasmine's maid Dalia, and the two fall in love at first sight.

Jasmine had no objection to this.

She and Dalia are sisters, whether the genie of the lamp is a fairy or a human, she will give her blessing.

But the magic lamp genie knows its own affairs. Although it looks down on those wizards, such as Jia Fang, it has to serve the master of the lamp due to the magic of the lamp, but in terms of strength, none of these wizards is his opponent.

Even Jia Fang was created by it.

But only in its world.

As a magic lamp genie, his knowledge can be said to be the ceiling of Jasmine's fairy tale world, and he naturally knows some knowledge about the fairy tale world itself.

So he is also very aware of the strength of Shire... because of this, he put his hope of freedom on Shire.

He was nervous about whether he could leave this world and go to Arendelle's ball dinner through the portal, because according to the rules, the magic lamp cannot leave.

"He said yes."

"And not long ago, Arendelle's mission had already returned."

Jasmine next to her added.


Like the sound of breaking through the air, a huge portal opened not far from them. Seeing the guards trotting over, Jasmine nodded to the lamp elves.

The magic lamp genie came to the portal, took a step forward, and then

"I am coming!"

it cheered.

The secret of connecting the fairy tale world is not within the scope of knowledge of the magic lamp, because strictly speaking, this is what the player needs to know, not what the npc needs to know.

The lamp genie has always been suspicious of this.

But now, it doesn't need to doubt anymore, and it has more confidence in its future or freedom.

Jasmine, who was behind, immediately signaled to Ha Jin, the captain of the guards, to start preparing the banquet. Under Ha Jin's command, pairs of maids, cooks, and guards began to carry exotic food and wine with the exotic flavor of the Sudan Kingdom, and sent them through the teleporter. door, to Arendelle.


"Click here! Click here!"

"Be careful! Be careful!"

Anna commanded enthusiastically at the scene.

With the busy day, the stage and square have been almost arranged, and Anna is directing the final and her favorite surprise link.

Cake, a super big, big cake.

In the seat, Elsa looked at the lively Anna dignifiedly. In such a big scene, she was mostly dignified. Even the princesses beside her, Bai Xue, Rapunzel, Ella and others, were all ladylike. From the looks of it, I can't see how bad it is on weekdays.

Charles sat on one side, next to the princesses, and on the other side of them were Arendelle's veteran minister, Jasmine's bodyguard Hakim, and the survivors of the Knights like Lister.

On Shire's side... are Grace, Oliver, their father William, and Jing.

The Black Swan Mercenary Group was also invited. Although Shire didn't feel the need to invite them, Aisha felt that they had contributed anyway.

Grace was really not interested in this kind of thing, but old William seemed to be very interested in this kind of socializing, probably because of an old relationship, so they also came to participate.

Next to him was Malfoy. That's right, as a wizard in the wizarding world, he was the only wizard who came to participate, not even Dumbledore.

The attack on Hogwarts can be big or small, but Dumbledore really couldn't get away.

Lucius Malfoy was also looking for Shire to report to work, and he happened to bump into him, and was arrested, and brought Narcissa and Draco with him.

Draco obviously had a lot of problems, but under the pressure of Lucius, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Lucius was obviously looking at Shire's face. He was afraid of Shire, but he still looked down on the people around him, because these guys around him were exactly the typical Muggles that wizards said.

The residents and princesses of Arendelle are typical backward and ignorant Muggles.

Grace and her father and various, typical Muggles who don't know the so-called.

Although Lucius expressed his obedience, he did not forget the wizard's arrogance, at least these people he looked down upon.

Hey, that chapter, today's daytime, today's daytime...

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