Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 508 All this is normal

This time, the discussion among the Slytherins on stage took an extraordinarily long time, because the appearance of Dumbledore and Dean Snape made them have to face up to and pay attention to the existence of Shire again.

But to be honest, a group of boys and girls can discuss something of value.

Even though they are already in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, they are basically equivalent to adults, but the social complexity of the wizarding world is not weaker than that of the Muggle world.

They don't know anything if they haven't been beaten by the society.

What's more, the little wizards in the first, second and third grades are still full of confusion, and they can't understand the current situation at all.

Charles looked back at Dumbledore, the old bee showed a kind smile, Charles rolled his eyes, ignored him, and turned around to play with his wand.

He has enough patience to wait for these little guys.

Although Charles may be about the same age as them, his age and life experience in his heart are too much, enough to be called a little guy.

Unlike the stinky and tough adult pure-blood nobles, the former are the die-hard wizards, and persuasion is basically useless, otherwise Voldemort would have dominated the wizarding world long ago, so he could only use some tough methods.

But these little wizards, although influenced by their parents, also have clear concepts of pure blood and pure blood, but they are still in the growth stage after all, and they can be changed.

Charles is willing to give them this chance.

"Then what should we do!"

Finally, after the voices on the stage gradually quieted down, Charles heard someone shouting.

He raised his head, the questioner did not hide, Charles recognized this little guy, a sixth grader, the Selwyn family of the twenty-eight saints.

"We're gathered here, what are we doing?"

Charles narrowed his eyes, the latter was not afraid, and Charles smiled.

This sounds like a question, but it is not, but a signal of friendship from Selwyn, and he has begun to cheer for Shire.

Otherwise he wouldn't have asked them what to do first, then pointed out that Shire had started the party, and finally asked what it all meant now.

The pure-blood families of the younger generation are not all idiots like Malfoy, there are also smart people.

"good question!"

Charles laughed.

"what should we do."


His answer sounded powerful.

The plain voice echoed clearly in the ears of every little Slytherin wizard under the sound reinforcement spell, plain but full of confidence to calm everything down.

"Unless...someone just likes that tune."

But then, Charles' voice changed, and the atmosphere relaxed again.

Small-scale laughter and riots came from the crowd of little Slytherin wizards, because as Ciel said, they played too much tricks in the future, and there were really some guys who were more m-inclined and enjoyed it.

And this scene was all shown just now.

It can be said that it is the scene of social death.

Charles saw Mullers throw a few winks at those guys, but unfortunately the latter were shrinking their necks, throwing them to the blind.

"And the first step of resistance..."

Ciel dragged out his tone, after bringing everyone's attention back.

"Just follow me."

The voice fell, but there was no commotion as expected.

Because a lot of smart Slytherins have already guessed about it.

Slytherin is the house that has the least shortage of ambitious people, to follow, to be followed, in other houses, it may sound strange.

But in Slytherin, it's normal.

The second is Shire's strength. So many senior students can't take him down together. This is actually very amazing, that is, because his mixed-race identity is too conspicuous and does not conform to the mainstream of Slytherin, otherwise someone would have taken the initiative. Come vote.

Even so, the Slytherins, who uphold the belief that the strong are king, have to prove the existence of Shire, but they don't communicate with him much.

Finally, there is Dumbledore's appearance.

Although he and Slytherin did not play against each other, he was still the authority and headmaster of Hogwarts.

He appeared here, and the little snakes of Slytherin could see clearly, which meant that he was not the only one in Charles, at least there was Dumbledore behind him.

While there was no riot, there was no feedback either.

Charles wasn't surprised.

How to put it, the concept of pure blood is also deeply ingrained in their minds. It is not so easy to reverse it after being nurtured since childhood, but it only needs to start.

All this will not be a problem after all.

"So otherwise."

Charles looked at the group of little Slytherin snakes on the stage, took all their faces into it, and slowly passed his gaze to each of them.

Some people are thinking, some are afraid, some are at a loss, some are slightly unhappy, but it doesn't matter.

"Don't you... you still want to rely on your old master, Voldemort?"

"You saw what happened to him."

"Ashes and ashes."

Charles said word for word.

"It's a pity."

He shrugged.

"It seems that those crazy women don't like men without noses. How can I say that Voldemort was also a handsome guy when he was young. They missed a treasure boy."

This time, no one laughed, or maybe they didn't understand Charles' one-liner.

"Or Dumbledore?"

Charles suddenly raised his voice and asked.

His eyes flicked across the faces of every little wizard, and being oppressed by his gaze, some little wizards looked away one after another.

"He's strong."

Charles admitted.

"But he's old."

But when the topic changed, Charles eased away this cruel fact in a slow tone.

"This is, a war!"

He raised his voice.

"We don't know how long it will last."

"We didn't know how intense it would be."

"We didn't know how long it was going to be."

"We need a leader."

"Strong, young, and..handsome."

Charles looked around and saw that some young wizards began to think, and slowed down his tone. He was fighting for a position, and by the way warned them of the terrible future.

They didn't come here to undermine their self-confidence, so there must be sticks, threats, and good words.

"We are Slytherin, pure blood, the strongest group in the wizarding world, and the strongest in the four houses."

Hearing this sentence, many little Slytherins puffed up their chests subconsciously, and instinctively had a good impression and a sense of recognition for Charles.

"It can be said that we represent the future of the magic world."


"If anyone wants to challenge me, or thinks they are a better fit than me, please come forward."

"At this moment, at this moment, we solve problems in a Slytherin way."


"Be king."

But there is no doubt that none of the little Slytherin wizards stood up. Everyone knew how powerful Shire was, even the little Death Eaters who didn't like him.

Seeing this scene, Snape's eyes moved a few times, but finally returned to a calm, like a dead sea, and Dumbledore did not respond from the beginning to the end, as if everything should be so.

"All right."

"Then since there is no one, I think this position should belong to me."

"After all, even if you don't like me, ignore me, and treat me as if I don't exist, you can't deny that I'm still a member of Slater."

"Glory comes first."

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