Fox in the Penalty Area

Double monthly ticket Ask for a monthly ticket!

After two days and six changes, the double monthly pass is opened. Please support some monthly passes so that our ranking can move forward.

In addition, because I have to take the child out to play during the National Day, after all, I have been running various interest classes and cram schools throughout the summer vacation, and I have not taken him out to play, so I have to make up for the National Day anyway.

Therefore, during the National Day period, there are only two stable updates every day...

I hope everyone will understand and understand, after all, people are middle-aged...

But I still hope that everyone can vote more during the National Day.

There will be a big climax in the plot in October, which is also the end of the second volume.

I tried my best to write it well, and I hope everyone can feel my intentions by then.

When the second volume is finished, let's start a long single chapter to talk about this volume, just like the end of the first volume.

I won't say much now, I will continue to code words, everyone cheer up and vote!

In addition, the starting point seems to have an activity, which is the double monthly pass seven constructions. Every night from 8:00 to 00:00, every time the reward points reach 1500 points, the system will automatically vote for a monthly pass for the work. During the double period, the monthly pass will be doubled. It's just two monthly tickets. In other words, at this time of day, tipping 1500 points is equal to two monthly tickets.

It's not a one-time reward of 1500 points, but a cumulative reward of 1500 points, so a reward of "you a hundred, me a hundred, and him a hundred" is also acceptable.

If you are interested and have spare capacity, you can learn about the specific rules.

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