Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 196 This is our sincerity

"After the Anton Shining Star Club rejected the offer from the King of Madrid, a dark horse came out. The Catalan club, also a La Liga giant, also expressed interest in Chinese player Hu Lai... Both giants are interested in Hu Lai interest, and also increased the suspense of his eventual transfer..."

When this news appeared on TV, Hu Lai was on the phone with Song Jiajia, and Song Jiajia told him that the matter of going to the King of Madrid might change.

"Is it because of the Shining Star Club?" Hu Lai guessed the reason.

"Well, after the Catalan United team publicly expressed their interest in you, the King of Madrid made another offer. This time they raised the offer by five million, but it was still rejected by Shining Star." Song Jiajia said, "Lawrence hopes that you can submit an offer to me. Shining Star Club exerts some pressure..."

Hu Lai shook his head: "Fatty, look at what agent you are looking for. He puts pressure on the players at every turn. Does he know this trick? If he can't convince the King of Madrid to pay a higher price and impress Shining Star, then I will I won’t go to the King of Madrid. It’s only five million. If I were Dong Zong, I wouldn’t want to. Who do you look down on?”

"Okay, I know, let's work harder here. Also, let me ask you, if the King of Madrid can't go, what do you think of the Catalan United? That is also a wealthy family, only a little worse than the King of Madrid..."

"Anything is fine." Hu Lai basically doesn't have any feelings for the European teams in this world, so there is no situation where he doesn't want to go or which one he particularly wants to go to.

As long as you can get out, you can do anything.

At the celebration banquet for winning the league championship, Zhao Kangming and Director Zhao once had a chat with him alone, suggesting that if he had the right opportunity, he could go abroad or go abroad. There is nothing for him to upgrade if he stays in the Super League. space out.

Hu Lai deeply agrees with this-he won the championship and top scorer in the first season of the Super League, and broke the record. How can I upgrade if I stay?

So if you want to go out, you must go out.

Even if you go out, you will encounter greater storms and setbacks in that vast world, and your journey will not be as smooth as in China, you still have to go out.

After all, how can a sapling in a flowerpot grow into a big tree?


Matt Dunn learned from the news of the "transfer window" that the King of Madrid's offer to Hou Lai was rejected by Anton Shining Star!

When he saw the news, his mouth was so big that he could stuff a whole egg in and take it out without any damage.

He has always felt that when the world's top giants like the King of Madrid send an invitation to a player from a football underdeveloped country, no one can refuse.

Regardless of whether the opponent's club is happy or not, they must be released, because players who are unwilling to miss the opportunity to join the world's top giants will put pressure on the club.

Whether it is for the players or the clubs of those football underdeveloped countries, it is already a great honor to be favored by the King of Madrid. How dare they bargain?

Could it be that the Flash Star Club feels that the King of Madrid's bid is too low?

The news said that 5 million euros was rejected, combined with the fact that Leeds City's offer of 4 million pounds to Hu Lai was also rejected in the summer, it is believed that the price is very likely to be low.


Matt Dawn looked at the news page on his phone and asked himself in his heart: What does Hu Lai think about Flash Star rejecting the King of Madrid?

Not on the news.

Originally, Matt thought that the King of Madrid and the Catalan United had made a move, so what happened to Leeds City.

But after seeing the news, another idea took root in his mind irresistibly—shall we join in the fun in Leeds?

At first, he thought that no one could refuse a top club like the King of Madrid, but now Flash Star refused.

Doesn't this mean that many things are not as they imagined?

Thinking of this, he got up and went out, deciding to find Tony Clark and have a good talk with him.

As a result, he bumped into Tony Clark just as he was going out the door.

"Where are you going, Matt?"

"What a coincidence, Tony, I'm on my way to find you."

"That's right, I'm looking for you too."

"What do you want from me?" The next two people asked in unison.

"Ha, let me guess why you are looking for me..." Tony rubbed his chin in thought. "It's for the Chinese player, isn't it?"

Matt slapped his hands: "That's right. So Tony, you didn't come to me for him, did you?"

Tony laughed: "I really am! I noticed that the King of Madrid's offer was rejected by the other party twice, and I wondered if we should give it a try. You know, Leeds City needs more goals to avoid relegation. We The current relegation situation is not optimistic."

Originally, Matt also planned to persuade Tony to sign Hou Lai, but now after hearing what Tony said, he frowned instead, and first asked a question: "How can we make Hou Lai willing to come to a Premier League relegation team?" Instead of going to a top club like King Madrid or Catalan, Tony?"

"Because we can give him a chance to play, that is a condition that giants like the King of Madrid and Catalan United will never give." Tony Clark said with confidence, obviously he did not come to Matt on a whim, but did it Well prepared. "I have studied his game video, know what type of player he is, what are his strengths, what are his weaknesses, which ones need to be improved, which ones need to be enhanced... Besides, don't you still have you? I believe that there is probably no one in Europe who is more familiar with him than you."

"What about the labor certificate?" Matt didn't care about Tony's praise of himself, but asked another question. "Whether it's his number of appearances in the national team, or the national team ranking, he does not meet the requirements for applying for a labor certification."

"Special genius clause." Tony announced a term. "We haven't used our special talent clause this season. As long as he wants to join, we will use it for him. A player who has performed well in the Olympics, a young player who has won the championship and top scorer in his country's league. , if this does not meet the requirements of the special talent clause, then I will go and tear down the gate of the Football Association!"

"Does the club agree? I didn't mean to agree with you to tear down the FA's door. I mean, did they agree with you to insist on introducing Hu Lai and use the special talent clause for him?"

"Before I came to you, I had already talked with Nevin. I told him that the team needs to strengthen the offense to avoid relegation, and Hu is the best candidate. We have followed him for two years and are very familiar with him. Then Nevin agreed ’” After answering the question, Tony asked, “Any more questions, Matt?”

Matt shook his head: "No, it seems that you are well prepared this time, Tony."

Tony Clark said with a smile: "If there is no problem, the club will make another offer to Shining Star. Besides, you are ready to go to China..."

Matt's eyes widened: "It's against the rules to contact players privately, Tony..."

"Who asked you to meet Hu! I asked you to talk to the other club and show them our sincerity." Tony gave Matt a blank look. "Show your research report on Hu Lai to the people at the opposing club and tell them that we will never treat their top scorer badly. This is our sincerity, Matt."

Matt spread his hands: "That's no problem, I hope the manager of the Flash Star Club is a person who can really understand our sincerity."

Tony Clark smiled: "Remember to look for my figurine if you have time."


Dong Wen received another offer for Hu Lai, he looked at the numbers first:

Six million.

Well, better than the King of Madrid.

But it’s also limited, and it still hasn’t met his psychological expectations. He always feels that he should be able to ask for a higher price, especially after the Cathay-Thai United have joined the competition. He is not calling at all now. At the end of January, there is still one month before the opening of the winter transfer window.

Another look at the currency unit... the British pound?

Only then did Dong Wen notice the name of the club quoted:

Leeds City.

Leeds City...

Dong Wen stared at the name and thought for a long time, and then remembered - isn't this the Premier League club that couldn't wait to make an offer to Hu Lai before the Olympics were over?

At that time, he rejected the other party twice, and he regretted that the latter did not continue to offer.

I didn't expect to see their names again this time.

To be honest, Dong Wen still has some... kindness.

But kindness is kindness, he still intends to refuse.

On the issue of money, it's not easy to have a real mother.

Just when Dong Wen was about to reject the offer, he noticed that there was still a stack of papers under the fax that the secretary gave him.

as an attachment to the quotation.

This is the first time that Dong Wen has received attachments in the club's offer, and there are so many attachments.

He put aside the idea of ​​rejecting Leeds City and opened it curiously.

It is a catchy headline that catches the eye:

"Scouting Report on Holly"

Dong Wen was amused—are the staff of the Leeds City club confused? This scouting report should go to your club director, not me. As for what kind of striker Hu Lai is, I don't know better than you?

There is also a line of explanation below the title: "Dear Star Club, this is our sincerity from Leeds City to buy players from your club. Please believe that we can give him the most suitable environment for growth. He will become a member of your country with us. football hero!"

Dong Wen, who was about to throw the report aside, became serious.

Thirty minutes later, Dong Wen set his sights on the last sentence of the report:

"If you allow, we will send someone to communicate with you. Please believe that a coach who has been following Hu Lai for more than two years is sincere in introducing him."

Signed by Tony Clark, Leeds City Manager.

This report should only be an excerpt from the full report, and many things cannot be explained clearly on paper.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the other party to send someone for an interview.

It's was the first time he encountered a situation where he sent someone to go there just to buy a player.

After all, how could Chinese clubs and Chinese players He De let European clubs do this?

When Qin Lin transferred to the Bundesliga team Frankfurt White Hart, he did not receive such treatment.

From this excerpt of the report, Dong Wen can also see that the other party has really put in effort to understand Hu Lai, and he knows very well about Hu Lai's performance in China.

Just looking at this report, Dong Wen even felt that the club far away in England knew Hu Lai no less than he, the person who was right next to him.

He once vowed to Hu Lai that he must find a team for Hu Lai that is really helpful to his career, and he will never hinder his overseas development for money.

So now it seems that such a club has appeared in front of him, is he going to reject it because the offer of 6 million pounds is not high enough?

After Dong Wen stared at the scouting report and meditated for half an hour, he let out a long sigh, took out his mobile phone, found Hu Lai's number and called him.


PS, sorry that there is still one update today, and two updates will resume tomorrow.

In addition, some friends in the single chapter yesterday seemed to have misunderstood it. What I said "feels wrong" is not that the content I have updated feels wrong.

I'm actually pretty happy with what's been updated. I am very satisfied with both the content and the rhythm. I will talk to you about how satisfied I am in the summary chapter after the end of the third volume.

My so-called wrong feeling is that I feel wrong at the beginning of the new volume, and I feel wrong about which team Hu Lai will transfer to, which makes the beginning of the new volume invalid.

Because of such a waste and no manuscript, I had to ask for leave. If I have enough manuscripts, people will not feel that I have made a major adjustment in the plot...

Now that the way has been found, the last part of the third volume also needs to add a specific transfer plot. Except for the last chapter of this volume that has been written before but has not yet been published, what everyone sees now is my rearrangement. New content written after the idea.

Finally, thank you for your support and understanding.

To be honest, seeing so many friends in the single chapter and saying that Hu Lai’s transfer must be treated with caution, I suddenly felt like breaking the dimensional wall—as if those of us outside the book and those in the book are being bullied Lay's transfer choices are on a nerve.

This kind of interaction is really good!

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