Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 5 Day 1 of Premier League training

Although the film crew of Hou Lai's documentary wanted very much to film Hou Lai's first training session in Leeds.

But Tony Clark did not agree to this request, and only allowed them to shoot during the first fifteen minutes of opening time. It's just that the whole team was warming up at that time, and there was nothing meaningful to film. At most, it could only be inserted into the documentary as a symbol of "Hu Lai has started training at the Leeds City Club".

The picture that can be obtained is that Hu Lai has put on the uniform light blue training uniform of Leeds City, running and warming up with his teammates on the training ground, and supporting each other to stretch with his teammates.

They wanted to capture the scene of Hu Lai talking and joking with his teammates, but it didn't appear in the camera.

Whether it is running or stretching, Hu Lai is focused and serious.

It stands to reason that this should be a good sign.

However, someone in the film crew waiting outside the training base looked at the replay of the shooting screen in his machine, and still couldn't help frowning: "Oh, I always feel that Hu Lai is a bit serious... and the feeling he was training when he was in the flashing star." It's a long way off."

Someone next to him took a look and said, "It's normal, right? After all, it's a strange environment, and everyone is not familiar with it. It's not like when he was in Shining Star, he was surrounded by friends."

The emotional person said: "This is what I want to say. I am not worried about Hu Lai's ability, but I am worried that he has no friends here and cannot integrate into the team. After all, he is a player who needs the support of his teammates after playing. Type, if no one passes him the ball and helps him, he will definitely not perform as well in Leeds City as he did in the Flash Star..."

The man comforted him: "It's far away... If Hu Lai can play in Leeds City as he did in the Flash Star, he will be a superstar! What is the concept of 30 Premier League goals in a season? You can even win the Premier League Golden Boot." Let's not be too hasty and wait patiently for Hu Lai's growth."

The comforted person stopped talking and just double-checked what he had just photographed.

I don't know if it's the difference between the "group performers" around him and the environment he's in. Looking at it this way, I feel that Hu Lai has become much more handsome.

Premier League players, one of the top football leagues in the world.

And Hu Lai has become a member of this event.

Maybe my colleague is right, don't rush, be patient.

For him to be here, alongside the others, is already a remarkable achievement.


on the training ground,

Holley was knocked to the ground hard by Farrek Quinn, whom he had impressed yesterday.

He also failed to catch the ball.

But no whistle sounded, no one stopped training, and everyone ran away after the football.

Only Quinn glanced back at Hu Lai who was knocked to the ground by him, and said in English with a big tongue: "Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead!"

Hu Lai grinned and got up from the ground, and responded, "Thank you for reminding me, buddy."

Then get past Quinn and get back into training.

Quinn was a little surprised by Hu Lai's response. He thought that this kid would have a quarrel with him, so that he would have an excuse to show him some color.

As a result, the other party did not give him such a chance.

I'll keep an eye on you, boy. See what you can do to replace Lorraine!

Quinn said silently in his heart.


Hu Lai, who ran to the new position, raised his arms again and asked his teammates for the ball.

Although the football was not passed, he did not give up, but continued to move to the next place.

After seeing this scene on the sidelines, assistant coach Sam Landier said to Tony Clark next to him: "He doesn't look as introverted as I think the Chinese are, although I don't see how he interacts with his teammates. We communicate. But in training he is asking for the ball."

Tony Clark naturally saw this, but he was more concerned about Hu Lai's running position. He asked his assistant, "Sam, have you noticed his running without the ball?"

"Of course, although we can't make any conclusions yet, judging from his few moves, Matt is right. Hu has a very high talent in this area. But his body...he was beaten by Quinn just now. It was easily knocked down, and the referee wouldn't even blow the whistle during the game." As an experienced coach, Sam Randyll saw Hu Lai's biggest shortcoming at a glance.

"Physically, of course, we'll do a set of strength training for him. But Sam, I don't think that's a big problem. He's not the type of striker who fights defenders in the game. Even if he's in the You get knocked down 10 times in a game, but as long as you can catch one chance, it's a good performance."

"Is he so efficient?" Sam was a little surprised.

"Well, it is mainly reflected in his running position in front of the goal and superb shooting skills. Matt counted his performance in the just-concluded Chinese Super League. Hu played a total of 22 times and scored 30 goals. Seven consecutive rounds of scoring, a total of 14 goals, averaging 2 goals per game." Tony Clark reported the data that Matt had compiled for him. "He is not considered a strong player in the Chinese Super League. He also has to face the defense of those strong defenders in the game, but he can still score so many goals..."

Seeing that Sam seemed to have something to say, Tony quickly said: "Of course I don't expect him to maintain such a scoring efficiency when he comes to the Premier League. After all, both the rhythm and the confrontation here are much stronger than the Super League. He can score seven goals in half a season ... no, five goals, I'll be satisfied."

Currently Leeds City's main scorer is their captain Lorenzo Esposito, the Italian veteran has scored five goals in the Premier League this season and is the team's top scorer.

Although he is thirty-three years old, he is still the team's thigh.

The talented midfielder who ranks second in the team's top scorer list is Pete Williams, who scored four goals. However, due to the problem of his contract renewal negotiations with the club, his state is not good, and he has not scored in eleven consecutive league rounds.

In addition, two players scored two goals, and there were five players who only scored one goal.

So far, a total of nine people have scored goals in the team, scoring a total of 18 goals.

It is the third-lowest team in the league.

So Tony Clark feels that if Hu Lai, a player who came halfway, can score five goals in the remaining half of the season, it will be considered good. Such requirements are not low, after all, Lorenzo Esposito, the current top scorer in the team, also scored five goals in half a season.

If Hu Lai can have such a performance, he will be the team's top scorer for the entire season.

While the two were talking, Hu Lai on the field was defeated in a physical confrontation with his teammates and was bumped to one side.

"He still has a long way to go, Tony, don't think about how many goals he can score in half a season." Sam Randyll said upon seeing this.

Tony Clark rubbed his chin and fell silent.


After returning to the hotel for dinner at night, Hu Lai was in his room wearing only a pair of shorts, with his upper body naked, asking Uncle Yong to apply medicine to him. In fact, it is simply to smear some safflower oil, then spread it, and do a simple massage for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

The visual effect looks a little scary. Many places on Hu Lai's body are bruised and purple, as if he was domestically abused.

And these are completely and faithfully presented in the footage of the CCTV documentary crew.

When Yong Jun rubbed and massaged his body, Hu Lai took a breath: "Hiss..."

"Does it hurt?" Yong Jun stopped his hands and asked.

"It's okay, Uncle Yong, continue." Hu Lai lay on the bed and shook his head.

Then he saw the lens of the camera, and said to the camera: "Actually, it's normal. When I was in Shining Star, I would have some bruises on my body after training and games. After all, football requires physical contact." Well."

Yong Jun poured some safflower oil into his palm beside him: "But not as much as now."

"This is the Premier League, Uncle Yong. The training intensity has almost caught up with our Chinese Super League games. This afternoon, Coach Clark also specially arranged training for me to strengthen my physical resistance, and asked me what to eat and drink every day." , so that I must strictly follow that recipe... Hey, I only found out at this time that when Leeds City was coaching Gary, the players had the custom of ordering pizza for dinner after the game... So, the dignified Premier League is not much better than our domestic professions."

"So why didn't Leeds City perform well before?" Yong Jun half-jokingly said, "There must be a certain reason. It's just that they have a good foundation, and they are also unprofessional. They must be better than us. And in professional sports If it is required according to professional standards, even many world champions are not professional... I will not talk about drinking, but smoking. Many players in the European League are smokers. Will someone use this to hold them back? ? Nothing more than good grades."

This Hu Lai knows that many professional players in the European League smoke, and some of them are addicted to smoking.

Don't talk about European football, Hu Lai knows that there are people who smoke in the Shining Star team, but they don't smoke in the locker room...

"In fact, this is fine now. Clark has arranged a special training plan for you, which shows that he really values ​​you and hopes that you will improve. Be patient and continue to polish yourself." Yong Jun said while giving him a massage.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry. I signed a four-and-a-half-year contract with the club, and I'm still young. Take your time and lay the foundation, one step at a time..."

Hu Lai lowered his voice as he spoke.

Yong Jun turned his head to look at him, and found that the boy had closed his eyes, breathing heavily, apparently falling asleep.

So he stopped talking, and the movements of his hands became much softer.

The photographer also performed his duty silently, recording the scene in front of him.

It was the first day of training for the Hope of the Village with the Premier League team.

He is covered in scars, but still optimistic.

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