Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 95 Do You Still Need Me?

After taking the lead, Tramed's every attack can cause the Leeds City fans in the stands to boo.

In the past, Leeds City fans didn't have much opinion of Tramed. After all, when Tramed was in England and European football, Leeds City was still playing mud in the League Two. At that time, the biggest wish of Leeds City fans was that the team could be promoted to League One.

The two teams have only played against each other once in history, and that was in the FA Cup match sixty years ago. At that time, Tramed was already a well-known strong team in English football, and Leeds City was still a nobody.

In that FA Cup match, Tramed didn't even send in the main lineup, only using the youth army and substitute players, they won a 4-0 victory over Z City.

The defeat of this game did not make Leeds City fans hate Tramed.

After all, the two teams can't match each other for eight lifetimes, and they can't match each other for eight lifetimes. Just because of a defeat, you have to hate others? The hearts of Leeds City fans are too small...

So after Leeds City was promoted to the Premier League, the two teams have played against each other many times, and there is no story to speak of.

Every game is a normal game. Even if Leeds City lost all due to lack of strength, there is nothing to say.

This "peace and peace" situation was finally broken until the second half of last season.

It was because of Leeds City's 2:3 away game against Tramed.

After the game, all Leeds City fans believed that Tramed defeated them with the help of the referee, and the penalty kick in the 89th minute was unwarranted. Just because Tramed is a wealthy team, they can always receive some care from the referee on the court.

And their Leeds City is a small team, and their parents don't love it. When playing against giant teams, the interests of small grassroots teams have to be sacrificed. After all, the Premier League does not dare to offend a giant team with topical superstars that can enhance the image and popularity of the league, so it can only offend small teams...

To be honest, although this is a conspiracy theory of Leeds City fans, it is not completely unreasonable nonsense.

For decades in the Premier League, such voices have always appeared from time to time.

Small teams will always complain that big teams and wealthy teams have violated their interests.

This complaint will not stop.

In the past, Leeds City didn't even have the right to complain, because they were not players at the poker table at all.

Based on this psychology,

Leeds City fans are upset with Tramed.

This kind of emotion accumulated in this game, and the opponent scored the goal first, and the celebration after the goal of Tramed player Barea was so... arrogant.

In the eyes of sensitive Leeds City fans, this is a provocation!

How can this be tolerated?

There was no hatred before, but now there is hatred.

But in fact, the boos of Leeds City fans did not have a great impact on Tramed. As rich players, which one of these people has not seen the big wind and waves, how many of the opponents in the European continent are known as the devil's home court?

Which one have we not been to?

Does a mere 30,000 people want to create some disturbance in front of us?

After taking the lead, Tramed's whole team was in good shape, and they played more and more smoothly against the boos of the Leeds City fans.

For a while, Leeds City's defense continued to be in danger.

Clark also had to let his team temporarily focus on defense, and in the little time left in the first half, he first withstood Tramed's offense.

This made the commentator Cox couldn't help applauding Leeds City: "It's amazing, Leeds City's defense has improved tremendously this season-their coach Tony Clark finally knows how to play when the opponent is attacking. Shrink the defensive line instead of pushing out and attacking!"

With "the biggest improvement in defense this season", Leeds City really defended their goal in the remaining ten minutes, preventing Tramed from leading by two goals in the first half.


Tony Clark did not take the lead to go back to the locker room, but stayed on the sidelines, patting every Leeds City player on the shoulder, giving encouragement and comfort.

When he returned to the locker room for the last time, he closed the door and slapped his hands and said loudly: "You guys did a good job in the first half. Although we conceded a goal. But considering who our opponent is in this game, I I don't think it's a big deal to concede a goal. Not to mention that we have a full forty-five minutes to counterattack. After the first half of the game, we have roughly figured out their offensive mode... Van Delft this time The game was absent due to injury, so they lacked a transition in the midfield, Locke's solution was to go directly to the two wings, so in the first half of this game, Barea was very active..."

While writing and drawing on the white tactical board, Clark kept explaining, which made it easier for the players to understand the tactics of both sides.

"Barea is Tramed's left winger. He is mainly active on the left, but sometimes he also switches to the right. But he is a left-footer, so when he switches to the right, you have to Watch out for his cut-in shots, crosses can be placed properly. Better to let him cross than let him cut in - he really sucks with his right foot."

The players of Leeds City sat in the locker room, looking at the tactical board, and at the same time listening intently to the words of the head coach, for fear that they might miss some important key information because of distraction.

"...In terms of attack, we also have to put pressure on them from the wing, press their wing attack back..."

Speaking of this, Clark stopped suddenly, and then he looked at Kamara who had just been called back by assistant coach Randyll: "I need your speed in the second half, Kamara. But I don't need you to do it three times in a row Cycling, you don't need to play flower arrangement when you can pass directly..."

In order for Kamala to better understand what he meant, he also specifically imitated Kamala's cycling action, and then crossed his hands and made a "NO" gesture, indicating that this cannot be done.

Seeing the boss's actions, there was a burst of laughter in the locker room.

These are all moves that Kamara has done in previous training and competitions. At the time he seemed particularly fond of showing off his skills like this.

Everyone admits that Kamala does look good doing these fancy moves, but the actual effect... is far from good. Perhaps in some cases, his unexpected actions can have a very good effect. But most of the time, the opportunity is just wasted.

Amidst the roar of laughter, Kamara nodded vigorously to Clark and said in very simple English: "I won't, boss."

After speaking, he added: "I promise."

Clark waved for everyone to be quiet.

After the laughter in the locker room was gone, he continued: "I still remember the situation when we challenged Tramed in an away game last season. Although we didn't win that game, I never I saw your courage in that game. It is still the same today. Although we are currently behind, I never thought that we would lose this game on our home court. The reason is simple: the way we were last season, we can win Their away game made them so embarrassed. We have become stronger this season, and we are still at home, so how could we lose to them?"

Hearing his words, many Leeds City players who had experienced that game last season showed contemplative applications on their faces.

Kamara didn't know any grievances between Leeds City and Tramed last season, and didn't care about them.

He only knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally come!

In fact, when assistant coach Randall suddenly called him back who was warming up on the court, he guessed that he should be replaced in the second half.

In the first half, he vowed not to waste another chance on the bench.

Now the opportunity is in front of him so quickly, let him fulfill his promise.

The opportunity has come, I want to firmly grasp it!


After the intermission, players from both sides returned to the court one after another.

Pete Williams was still encouraging Kamara as they walked out of the tunnel side by side: "Come on, Ismail. Just like you did in training, you've taken the first step towards a style change." .Your speed is matched with a simple and direct style of play. I personally think that you are not inferior to the opponent Balia at all. You are both on the left side, but your speed is faster than him!"

Hu Lai, who was walking in front of them, also turned around and said to him, "Remember to protect yourself, Ismail."

Kamala looked at Hu Lai, and suddenly asked, "Hu, do you still need me now?"

Hu Lai didn't expect Kamara to ask such a question, but he reacted quickly and said with a smile, "Of course, I've always needed you, Ismail."

After hearing Hu Lai's answer, Kamara didn't speak any more, but just nodded.

Followed the two of them onto the field together.

The commentator Cox who saw this scene said: "Leeds City made a substitution during the intermission. It can be seen that Clark was not satisfied with the team's offense in the first half. So he replaced Is Mel Kamara. But the problem is that Kamara's previous performance was not satisfactory... In the last League Cup match, he didn't even get a minute of playing time, and this league also lost his starter... But This is the dilemma of a small team. There is no way that there are many big-name players to choose from even on the bench like Tramed. Except for Kamara, there is probably no one available for Clark now... Anyway, Kamara still has a little Speed ​​and technology may be able to create some threats... Let's wait and see!"

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