Fox of France

Chapter 33, Amon's friend

Together, in April 1987, when the spring was chilly, the willow trees by the Seine River spit out buds the size of half a grain of rice on the sunny branches, while in other places, the winter cold did not go away.

"You know, Joseph. Actually, I like April better than May when the flowers are in full bloom." Amon said to Joseph who was walking side by side while walking slowly along the banks of the Seine River.

"Why?" Joseph asked.

"Because April is the season of germination and the most promising season. Although the cold has not subsided, and the ice and snow have not completely melted, if you look up and look outside the city, you can still enjoy the shade of the hills outside the city. You can see the remaining snow that hasn't melted everywhere, but look at the willow branches by the river—after all, the arrival of spring is unstoppable." Amon pointedly said.

"What you said makes sense." Joseph said, "However, April is also the cruelest season."

"Why do you say that?" Amon asked.

"Do you know, Amon?" Joseph looked around, and finally pointed to a small bare tree not far away, "For example, that lilac tree. Last year, this lilac tree produced tens of millions Thousands of seeds. Amon, these seeds will try to germinate in April."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Amon asked puzzled.

Joseph walked to the edge of the bare lilac tree, stretched out his hand to caress the rough trunk, turned his head and said, "Amon, how many of the thousands of seeds in this tree can grow even a small piece of tender Buds? Those seeds that were lucky enough to grow buds, how many trees can grow into such a big tree that can be full of flowers in spring? Aman, think about it, even in the most severe winter, These tens of thousands of seeds are still alive, but in April, most of them have died silently in the soil. Think about how many seeds there are in April. Life dies silently, how many hopes are shattered silently? Even if you think about it, at this moment, perhaps in the soil under our feet, countless lives are dying... April is In the cruelest month, lilac, the elder in the wasteland, mixed memories and desires, and let the spring rain urge those dull roots. Winter keeps us warm, and the earth is covered with forgetful snow, also called dry roots. The ball provides a little life..."

"Wait a minute..." Amon said, "Joseph, I find it a pity that you are not a poet. Well, your statement is indeed very interesting. But I have heard similar words from another person. It’s just that his last exclamation is different from yours. He said that in the revolution, many people will pay the price, even the price of life, and many people will die. However, this does not mean that there is nothing wrong with the revolution Yes. Because if there is no revolution, if there is always a winter covered with ice and snow, the death of life may be slower, but the continuous severe winter will surely make all life withered. After all, the dry root ball cannot last long. And The revolution, although it will cost us a lot in the short term, will gain us a lot in the long run."

"Who told you that?" Joseph asked.

"Marat, a doctor." Amon replied.

"Marat? Could it be the one who was assassinated in the bathtub, was sent to the Pantheon after death, and was moved out after a while?" Joseph thought about it, but asked, "It's the one who wrote "About Fire" The one from A Study of the Properties of the Attributes? I heard your uncle mention him."

"Then my uncle must have said nothing nice to him." Aman laughed. This also confirmed that the Marat that Amon mentioned was the Marat that Joseph thought of.

"Monsieur Lavoisier only mentions his views in passing when he refers to those that are wrong. In fact, except for the word 'absurd' used to describe his conclusions, Mr. Lavoisier has no What others have said about him. What, he had a conflict with your uncle?"

"It's not a conflict." Amon replied, "It's just a disagreement in academic opinions. But my uncle ridiculed him severely, and the words may be a little more violent, so he and my uncle have a bad relationship. But this It's about him and my uncle, this person is actually very talented. Well, I hope he is one of the friends who can meet you."

Speaking of this, Amon raised his head and looked ahead, and said, "We're almost there, Abel's Beer Hall is ahead, and the friends I mentioned are waiting for us there."

"How did you get such a remote place?" Joseph said.

"It's not for anything else, the main reason is that the wine here is cheap." Amon said, "Of course, these wines are all privately brewed and no tax is paid."

The two continued to walk forward while talking. After walking about a hundred steps, he turned to the right and entered an alley, and then walked another twenty steps before arriving in front of a house.

This place is already close to the poor area of ​​Paris, so most of the houses here are low and dilapidated, and all of them are gray, just like the expressions on the faces of poor people. The same is certainly true of this house. The door of the house is closed, and there is no sign or anything outside the door. From the outside, there was hardly any difference between this house and those next to it.

Aman walked to the door, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door. The door didn't open, but a voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"I'm a friend of Albert's." Amon replied.

The door was opened a crack, but it was pitch-black inside, and Joseph could only vaguely see a pair of eyes watching them. Then he heard a voice say: "It's a friend." Then the door of the room was opened.

Amon walked in with Joseph, and the door closed behind them again. As the door was closed, the whole room suddenly became dark. It took a while for Joseph's eyes to adapt to the change, and by the way, he could see clearly the man standing in front of them.

It was a young man about the same age as Amon. He had black, slightly curly hair, and a pair of hair that shone like lightning even in the dark.

The young man obviously knew that they had just come in and their eyes still needed time to adapt, so he just stood there quietly and waited for Joseph's eyes to adapt to the dim light here before saying to them: "Amon, and this……"

"Joseph Bonaparte." Joseph hurriedly introduced himself.

"Then Mr. Bonaparte, please come in with me." The young man said. Then he turned around and walked inside.

Passing through a corridor, the young man opened a door and led them into a larger room.

This room faces the back yard and has relatively large windows, so it is relatively brighter. There is a big round table in the middle of the room, and some people are sitting around the big round table.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, these people looked over here. One person stood up and waved at Joseph and Amon: "Hey, our great scientist and writer are finally here."

The man Joseph also knew, it was his classmate Auréo Nuo. After graduating, Aureno became a lawyer and left Paris for the provinces. He still had a lot of correspondence with Joseph, but the time of meeting was much less. Unexpectedly, he returned to Paris at this time.

"Oreno, why are you here too? Don't write me a letter in advance when you come." Joseph said quite pleasantly.

"Because of some work matters, I need to go to Paris for a while. This matter is temporarily decided. I think, the messenger probably can't run as fast as myself. When I arrived in Paris and finished my work, I originally wanted to come to you , but I heard from Amon that you are coming here with him today, so I will come here and wait for you." Aureno said, "Joseph, you are welcome."

After welcoming Joseph, Aureno and Amon began to introduce those present to Joseph.

"This is our barrister, Danton." Aureno first introduced to Joseph a slightly fatter man in his twenties, "He is one of my teachers. During this time, he taught taught me a lot.”

Joseph knew that this was Danton, one of the famous Jacobins, and he couldn't help but look at him twice.

He was just a big, slovenly man, wearing a loose bright red wool coat, with a loose tie hanging below the front decoration, showing his neck, his coat was open, some of the buttons had been dropped, and he wore high boots. His hair stood up wildly, and the wig had obvious horsehair in it. His face was pockmarked, but there was a kind smile on the corner of his mouth, thick lips, big teeth, thick fists, and bright eyes.

"Nice to meet you." Joseph bowed slightly.

"It's an honor to meet a future great scientist." Dandong also replied.

"This guy who is as handsome as an angel, just looking at him one more time can make me so jealous that I can't sleep at night, is our friend Louis." Amon introduced the young man who just brought them in to Joseph. people.

"Hello, I have read some of your works. If I have time in the future, I hope to ask you some math problems." The young man named Louis said. Joseph also returned the salute to him, and at the same time noticed that, as Amon said, Louis was as handsome as an angel. Slightly curly flaxen hair, delicate and smooth skin like creamy fat, clear and agile eyes like autumn water... If he is willing to smile, and match them with such eyes, even if his eyes are only as light as the west wind in May It's lightly blown, but it's enough to blow away the rose in any girl's heart. But Louie barely had a smile on his face, like he was really carved out of marble.

"If he was born in a later life, he wouldn't have to do anything. With just this face, he wouldn't have to worry about eating." Joseph couldn't help but think like this with a little jealousy.

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