From an Ugly Peasant Woman to a Carefree Princess

Chapter 10: Shocking mother-in-law

A Li hugged Ye Chunhua's leg: "Mother, don't hurt A Li's grandma!"

"If you want the life of the old woman, the old woman will fight you!"

Old lady Liu sat up straight and slapped Ye Chunhua's fat face with a slap.

Ye Chunhua tilted her head and quickly hid her eyes and hands.

The original owner hit the old lady too many times, and the old lady returned to the original owner, which is normal. But she is not the original owner, so naturally she will not stupidly accept it for the original owner.

"Mother-in-law, you are so angry! You can sit up!" Ye Chunhua stood up and picked up A Li: "Look, A Li, my mother is not a bad person, my mother is just helping Grandma to get along. Don't cry."

With tears on her face, A Li couldn't help herself, grinning: "Grandma is fine, Grandma doesn't cough anymore."

Old lady Liu also suddenly understood the truth.

"According to your previous temperament, you will never go smoothly for me, let alone be scolded by me for failing to fight back, or fighting back... and where did you learn the smoothing method?"

Ye Chunhua smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, you have always treated me very well. If you hadn't been protecting me, my sister-in-law would not lend me rice, and others would not give me face. It’s abolished. It’s just that your temper really needs to change. If you are so still, you will get angry. This disease is difficult to heal.

Besides, I'm not a person who doesn't yell at me, I yelled...Ye Chunhua shrugged meaninglessly.

Old lady Liu stared her eyes: "If you don't anger me, how can I be angry?"

Helping you get along, why did you get angry?

It is really difficult to reverse the prejudice of the mother-in-law.

"Xu Langzhong's medicine is very good, mother-in-law, take the medicine he prescribed, and then stay quiet, Xu will be good. In the future, you must remember to not get angry. I will not do anything that hurts the world."

Mrs. Liu knew that she was wrong, and she only put aside the topic: "Where is my medicine?"

"Just come and come." Ye Chunhua smiled.

Old lady Liu cleansed her face, drank the medicine again, her face improved. At this time, old lady Liu remembered why she was angry just now.

"Ali said you cooked the meat. Where did you steal it?"

It's time to shock the grumpy mother-in-law, or her mother-in-law's illness won't heal, and she won't live well.

So Ye Chunhua carried in the snake skin without saying a word.

"What are you doing with that scary thing?"

"Mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law is a snake that she beats; she skins the snake and cramps; she cooks the snake meat. You said, did you steal it?"

Old lady Liu was choked, her face flushed. Then I saw the snakeskin, and my face turned pale again.

"Throw that thing quickly. It's scary. You are a woman from a family. How come you have a snake and skin cramps?"

"Isn't the mother-in-law afraid? Don't worry, I only skin snakeskins and cramps. I can reform and rehabilitate. No matter how strong and fierce, I won't be against my family. You are not afraid."

After a pause, Ye Chunhua carried the **** snake skin again: "Snake skin is a good thing, autumn tiger, mosquitoes are particularly fierce. Hang on the window, you can repel insects and ants. Grandma, would you like it?"

"Take it away. I don't need it, you keep it for yourself."

Old Mrs. Liu turned around: I only knew that this wicked lady was stupid, lazy and slanderous, she didn't have a brain, and was annoying to be sneaky.

I don’t know that this wicked lady can even beat a snake...

Fortunately, I didn't turn this fierceness at myself before, otherwise, I wouldn't be bedridden...

Maybe, the old life was lost long ago.

What did she just say, can't she be angry?

Then don't be angry.

I am doing this for my own illness, but I am not afraid of her!

Mrs. Liu clenched a fist: Yes, I am not afraid of her!

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