From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Two Roaring Letters

Putting the retrieved books into the unread positions on the bookshelf one by one, and putting the experimental records into the drawer of the table, William solemnly placed the package containing a complete set of utensils on the table, and began to use them layer by layer. Hands open.

When the package was completely opened, the things in his memory began to be revealed in front of him - crucible, knife, scale, grinding dish...

Although they look like second-hand goods, they have all been well maintained. Although this will not increase their prices in the second-hand market much, in their current state, they can be used directly even if William does not do any maintenance. .

‘Brew a potion—what? ’

William began to hesitate. Although this was his first time brewing a potion, in theory it should be a simple potion such as scabies potion that only freshmen could brew, but he did not intend to brew a potion that was meaningless to him. potion - he doesn't have as much time to study as a first-year freshman, nor does he have as little foundation as a freshman.

Even leaving aside the pile of potion knowledge he had learned on his own, the magic he mastered alone was enough for him to cope with most accidents that would occur when brewing potions.

‘Love potion? Euphoria? ’

William almost instantly thought of two potions that were highly rated within Azkaban - if someone could get the genuine ones without any shrinkage, then he could get chocolates that were several times the volume. You know, chocolate has a higher status in Azkaban than gold galleons!

The love potion can make people smell their favorite scent, and the joy potion can make the person who takes it have inexplicable joy - but the shelf life of both is short.

'Happy potion, after all, love potions have a bad reputation - the story of the love potion in Azkaban is enough to fill a book, not to mention the fact that a professor brewed the love potion on campus is easy to confuse. …'

After making his decision, William began to summon the elf.


With a soft 'pop' sound, the elf appeared in front of William.

"Professor, what's the matter--do you want to brew a potion?"

"Yes, Bart, I suddenly realized that I forgot to prepare the materials, so please go to Professor Adams and help me bring one, no, three materials for the joy potion."

William gave serious instructions - he had just finished joking with Adams, how could he go over now?

"Okay, Professor."

Bart happily accepted the task.

Soon after William filled the crucible with water and completed the ventilation work, the elf came back very happily with a large bag of medicinal materials.

"Professor, the materials you want."

Looking at the wrapped medicinal materials in front of him, William raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't Professor Adams ask you to bring anything?"

"No, Professor. Professor Adams was very happy to find the medicinal materials and then asked me to bring them over."

Although the school would provide most of the raw materials for basic medicines to the professors as long as they were not making large-scale medicines for sale, he was really surprised that Adams didn't even say a word.

‘There is no magic trap, and according to Adams’ character, he would not stuff magic props like dung eggs that contaminate herbs into it. What the hell is he doing? ’

Out of curiosity, William opened the cloth bag and saw a note on top of a pile of medicinal materials.

‘A child? Passing a note? ’

William smiled, and then the note seemed to come alive, jumping up from the medicine, falling on the table, and began to fold into a provocative gesture.

"Happiness potion? Haha, just smell it and forget it!"

Adams' mocking voice filled the room.

When the first word sounded, the elf had already apparated out of the house.

‘Howling Letter—Are you a child? Does having a loud voice make sense? ’

William rubbed his temples. It seemed that the recent confrontation was not over yet - when he carefully checked the medicinal ingredients, he found that, as expected, the ingredients of the joy potion had been replaced by a love potion.

As Adams said, what was originally a euphoric agent that brought joy became a euphoric agent that achieved the same effect through sniffing.

‘That’s okay, it’s just that the medicine turned into a smelling agent, so just use it. How long will it take to cook the ingredients bought from outside the school? Besides, there was a wrong move, and I just made a batch for the students to use in class - multiple physical objects to introduce the dangers are also good. ’


"Here, you want the ingredients for the joy potion."

At the dinner table, Adams handed William a small bag.

"No need - I got over it."

William's voice was wafting, and the fork in his hand was spinning.

"Did you get over it?"

Adams's voice was full of surprise - it wasn't that he doubted the fact that William survived, but William's voice sounded like he drank the medicine right after he recovered.

"You're not going to drink it as a euphoria, are you?"

"No matter how stupid I am, I can still tell the difference between a joyful drug and a love drug."

"Then you are?"

"I'm fine, let me slow down-"

William stabbed a piece of mutton chop fiercely, as if stabbing someone.

Just an hour ago, the love potion was completed with a quality beyond William's imagination. William discovered that his potion talent seemed to be much stronger than he thought - when he opened the system out of curiosity, he had already discovered The talent of Potions 2 comes.

3 is the upper limit, 0 is the foundation. No matter how hard people work hard, people without talent can still master 0 - just like the talented Gauss who was able to sum up theorems by looking at a series of numbers when he was a child, and the vast majority of people who choose the mathematics department in college. After receiving a complete higher education, you can only transfer to other majors as a graduate student.

Potion 2 means that even if William stays in Azkaban honestly, it will be very easy for him to become successful in the magic world.

‘I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have accepted that treaty from the beginning. What’s wrong with finishing Azkaban and going out to do the potion business? ’

Although he already knew that money can't buy it, William still couldn't control his emotions - for such a big thing, being uncomfortable for two hours is completely worthy of being forgiven.

Looking up at the sky, William sighed. Forget it, the curse can always be lifted. If he hadn't promised Dumbledore, how could he have the chance to set foot in Hogwarts?

However, he understood the truth, but he still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Just as he sighed, a group of owls suddenly flew into the auditorium.

'The letter arrived at noon - if I had been released from prison, would I be waiting for the owl to deliver the order now? ’

Just when William was thinking wildly, the students' dining table suddenly became chaotic.

“Someone got the howler letter!”

A student from an unknown college suddenly made such a shout, causing everyone to focus on the source of the sound.

William couldn't help but lower his head, and the original sad expression suddenly disappeared - a roaring letter? What unlucky guy?

Haha, go to the curse of xx!

Where can I see so much excitement without coming to Hogwarts?

ps: If it is daytime now, then there is another chapter at night, isn’t it just... (o( ̄▽ ̄)dd Shameless author who still tries to muddle through)

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