From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 112 Strange lounge inspection

"Good morning, kids."

William walked into the classroom cheerfully - during breakfast, Adams told a particularly wonderful joke about trolls and goblins, which was so effective that even Professor McGonagall almost collapsed.

This successfully solved the problem of William's low mood since he woke up in the morning, because it was cloudy again today.

But when he greeted the students, he was surprised to find that the students were not very interested.

"Eh? What happened? You all look quite listless."

William thought that the class he attended was not boring enough to make the students unhappy - at the end of the last class, everyone was in high spirits, right?

"Professor, it wouldn't be surprising if you were in the lounge - we've been conducting inspections since five in the morning."


William confused the student - if I remember correctly, he had been listening to Adams tell jokes that morning?

"Yes, check, Professor. Gryffindor checked in the morning to check those who stayed up all night. It was only five o'clock!"

Checking the night at five o'clock in the morning and not returning home?

It makes sense - but first of all, it's a little late, and secondly, it's a bit unethical to wake people up early on Monday, right?

"Gryffindor checked, so why are you so listless?"

"Gryffindor caught three pairs, and then the prefects informed each other, and other houses also began to investigate themselves."


William was just about to say why he didn't hear it at the dinner table, but he immediately realized the problem - only the deans of each college knew how much of it was found out, so how could it be put on the table for negotiation?

Although other professors will definitely know about it one after another, no one will take the initiative to bring this matter out as a source of conversation.

"Okay, I understand -" William suppressed his curiosity and announced the class, "But no matter what, class must continue. Pack your books and start class."

"Hey, professor, why don't you ask Percy why he suddenly wants to search the students?"

Percy? William was stunned for a moment - is this because he was praised yesterday so he was ready to work harder to perform his duties? Or do you think there are fewer students under supervision, so we are trying to make ends meet?

However, this was an internal matter among the students, and William had no intention of intervening, let alone asking questions—prefects could find any way to catch students who violated rules.

But the students below were anxious. If the professor wasn't curious, they were still curious. Why did they cut the melon in half and put it in the refrigerator without eating it?

"Not curious, but here's a piece of advice for all of you - curiosity will kill the cat."

William answered seriously, then put down the textbook, held the podium with both hands, and leaned down, "Whenever and wherever you hear an inappropriate sound, the first time you hear an inappropriate sound is not to probe curiously, but to pull out your wand and scan it. If you can hide people around, try to lean your back against the wall, and then fight back at any time, which can prevent you from more than 70% of the danger."

"Professor, why is it only 70%?"

"Because the magical world is too dangerous. Not only are you facing people, but even the wall you are leaning against may have problems."

This novel theory immediately caught the attention of the students—those who were still taking this course as an elective in the sixth grade had an urge to take risks.

"Professor, please tell me in detail. You must have a lot of excellent adventure stories."

I'm sorry - it's all hearsay, I don't have any stories of my own, and who knows how true or false the bragging of those people in Azkaban is?

However, the professor's face still had to be saved, so William simply praised Professor Lockhart.

"Adventure stories? Professor Lockhart is the master of adventure. I don't have much adventure experience. Some of it even comes from other experienced adventurers. These experiences come from their word of mouth. You know, those people You can squeeze out half a bottle of wine with just a twist."

But such excuses did not have much effect. On the contrary, the students became more interested in listening to the stories - how can listening to stories in class be interesting?

"Okay, okay, let me tell you something. If you feel bad, we will end the story immediately and start today's lesson."

Anyway, it was nothing more than narrating the lessons prepared later in the form of stories. If the progress could not be kept up, a few papers would quickly bring the lesson back - William subconsciously temporarily forgot about the idea of ​​using test papers only for fifth grade students.

"Well, where does this story begin—in the middle of an expedition (smuggling)?"

William cleared his throat.

"Because most of the roads were blocked at that time..."

William confusedly changed a story about a smuggler party who had to divert to the mountains because the road was blocked by attackers into an explorer's version. This was one of the most vivid stories he had ever heard in Azkaban. Today It is quite effective to use it to coax students.

"So, Professor, those people met Cat Leopard?"

William, who was speaking enthusiastically on the stage, was stunned for a moment - he just talked about killing people in camps at night, and someone shook his head?

What's the difference between listening to a cross talk and unmasking someone's baggage, or reading the first page of a Conan comic and discovering that there's a person with a murderer's mark on his face?

'beat him. ’

That was the first order that came to William's mind, but he quickly realized that this wasn't Azkaban.

He looked to see which student was so bold, but found that the guy was already shrouded in the hateful eyes of the other students.

'never mind. ’

William thought, and then began to change the topic——

"Yes, it's Cat Leopard - one of the most dangerous magical creatures publicly recognized by the Ministry of Magic. It's a five Hurry up—disapparate immediately, or call for support immediately. If you can't do that, please be confident and greet him with a confident smile."

"But, Professor, we learned in the Magical Creatures class that cats and leopards are not afraid of wizards. Even a team of wizards with magic can't scare it away?"

"I didn't say you were going to scare it away, kid. If you do, you'll die with some dignity."

William responded gently, and then all the students started laughing.

"Okay, although our story has been interrupted, I have to solemnly repeat it here. When you want to take risks, you must pay attention to four things - first, always master your magic wand. Second, choose your companions well. Even the strongest wall cannot protect your back better than a good teammate. Third, prepare food and accommodation in advance. Fourth, and most importantly, bring Enough money without causing greed.”

Many students wrote these down, which made William feel a little guilty - he was also a theoretical person, and he really didn't have any practical experience.

‘If you can find a suitable companion during the summer vacation, why not take a risk? Wait, I’m still cursed. Isn’t taking a risk to seek death? ’

Quickly throwing this thought out of his mind, William looked at the time.

"The time now is a bit awkward - it would be too late to take the original class again, and we won't be able to finish the theory. What should we do?"

"Teaching theory? Professor, what was your original plan?"

"Operation class, you have to use your hands. You are all sixth grade students. You can't go without a wand for a whole school year, right?"

The originally active students became silent almost all of a sudden - the stories were nice, but how could they compare to the practical lessons?

You know, sixth grade students will gradually turn seventeen this year - this is the age of adulthood in the magical world, and it also means that they are no longer bound by the rule that minors are not allowed to cast spells outside school. .

But walking a hundred miles is only half a decade. For underage wizards, this period of time is the most difficult thing to get through. They want to tie themselves to their wands. Without a wand lesson, they are so uncomfortable that they can't even sleep in the morning. It's enough that even if you are shouted at, you will forget it.

"Okay, don't hang your head over there. There are less than thirty minutes left. Let's just talk about the theoretical knowledge you need to master in the next class, and leave you with your review homework - if you can hand it in before the next class. If the paper is good enough, then we can spend the whole class doing practical exercises.”

In the past, such a proposal would definitely be opposed by the students, but the attraction of having everyone actually practice it in the next class is really too attractive.

The sixth-grade students listened to the class with an attitude that was second only to the shocked fifth-grade students. They even forgot their daily answers and were all concentrating on taking notes - just like Professor McGonagall said. As things have gone by, the learning abilities of these children who have obtained certificates in the OWLs exam will not be too bad.

"Okay, the above is all the knowledge you need to master in the next class - it's a bit scary, but we must do it in practice. After class, remember the paper. If someone doesn't bring it in the next class, I have to regretfully let him here. The side classroom is completed.”

William clapped his hands, stretched, and sent his sixth-grade classmates away with a smile.


"Percy is very hardworking enough to catch students who haven't returned home early in the morning. He doesn't know if he has sent them to Mr. Filch. Those children are really miserable."

William shook his head and felt that he should not join in the fun.

But he was not the only professor who had the first class in the morning.

When William walked to the staff lounge, Adams had already come over mysteriously.

"William, do you know what happened this morning?"

"I probably know a little bit. All the students were listless. They were searched at around five o'clock in the morning - if the search hadn't revealed this, I think the prefects would have been scolded to death by the students."

"Shhh - that's in name only. In fact, it didn't start with the night check, but Filch discovered that there were drops of blood on the road outside the castle in the morning!"

"Ah! Who is injured?"

William suddenly became energetic, and the laziness after class disappeared.

‘Is the curse still coming? Damn it, why are you here for the students? ’

"Keep your voice down!"

Adams frowned, then glanced at the professors around him, and then said mysteriously.

"So Mr. Filch frantically searched the school castle, and then he found Percy in the castle."


"Yes, Percy - it was not even five o'clock at that time. Although Percy was a prefect, it was too early, especially when Percy looked completely lost. Filch asked him hurriedly, but Percy said he didn't see anyone strange here all night."

"One night? He didn't sleep?"

William asked curiously.

"You say it or should I say it?"

Adams raised an eyebrow.

"Say, you say."

"Well, Percy said that he didn't sleep all night, and several oil paintings who stayed up late playing cards around him testified. Then Percy suggested that in order to avoid panic, he used staying up all night as an excuse to check the students in the lounge, so that group of students were attacked Check."

"Well, I caught a lot of people who stayed out all night."

"Yes, Filch's office was full, but thankfully no one was hurt."

William became more and more confused as he listened. If no one was injured - where was the blood?

"Do you want to ask where the blood went?"

Adams asked mysteriously.

"Yes, where did the blood go?"

"One of Hagrid's roosters died. It might have been bitten by some animal. That's chicken blood."

Adams spoke quite calmly, but at the end of the story, he couldn't help laughing.

Then the atmosphere in the entire office became lively - all the professors who were doing their own thing, or seemed to be doing their own thing, laughed.

"Professor William, you are the eighth person to be fooled - Professor Adams went to inquire for information early in the morning."

Can't there be a serious professor among these professors?

William rolled his eyes angrily.

"William, speed up, find something to do, Professor Singed is here!"

Adams urged with an eager laugh.

William immediately picked up a book from his usual table, and then started to turn to a page that he didn't even know it was.

‘The rooster was bitten to death, is it a weasel? ’

‘Are there weasels in the British wizarding world? ’

‘The blood is dripping on the castle door. It doesn’t look like a wild animal at all. Hagrid’s house is so close to the Forbidden Forest. If it’s a weasel, why doesn’t it escape to the Forbidden Forest? ’

A rooster was no big deal - William himself had even thought of a rooster.

He even told Hagrid that if possible, he hoped to foster some chickens with Hagrid so that William could try the recipes - the elf really couldn't cook a few oriental dishes, and William had been craving for a big plate of chicken for a long time. .

‘As for the blood stains at the entrance of the castle, could it be done by students? ’

‘But if they were students, why did they just kill the rooster and not take away the chicken? Those are edible ingredients. ’

'No, Hagrid's rooster might have been stolen too - you have to ask. If it wasn't stolen, then you have to check. Maybe those bad boys want to use the chicken blood. ’

During this period, William read a lot of books about using blood to release black magic, and his thoughts began to drift in that direction.

‘There are people playing with the Pen Immortal. It’s impossible for those funny magic book sacrifices to be touched by no one. I have to pay attention. ’

Pictures of the paranormal enthusiasts he had met floated in William's mind. In the magical world, a world where there is real magic, there are even more paranormal things.

"I don't even understand this knowledge - who knows if those strange magic books can deceive souls?"

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