From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 135 Mr. Filch went crazy

On the Monday of the last week of September, William came to his classroom with a sleepy look.

This weekend was not a good one - there was no progress in the investigation, and the banquet that they had been thinking about was turned into a mess by the two Weasleys.

Although in every aspect he was either trying to impress Adams or the school, this was indeed his first banquet as the protagonist.

‘Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, I get a headache just thinking about it! ’

William yawned and started to pack up lesson plans and other things - it took him more than half a day to clean up the mess from the Saturday banquet yesterday, plus the fixed exercise and self-study time every day, he slept very late after reviewing papers.

'Keep your spirits up, William! ’

Putting down the lesson plan in his hand, William rubbed his palms, and then rubbed his face vigorously with his slightly warm hands.

You have to cheer up and face the students. William, if you don't care, how can you expect them to care too?

While encouraging myself, I popped a mint into my mouth. The slightly stimulating coolness drove away the last trace of sleepiness.

After taking a few steps to reach the door of the classroom, William began to wait for the students.

'Well, Weasley's performance on Saturday was said to be the scene of Professor Lockhart's first lesson - are those elves really dangerous? ’

‘I’ve never heard of it—could it be that apart from being mischievous, do they have any other magical qualities? ’

His expression remained normal, but William's thoughts began to spin rapidly - he didn't even have time to go to the restaurant when he got up in the morning, he ate some sandwiches in a hurry and came here, and now he had time to think about what happened on Saturday night.

'You have to restrain William, the weekend has passed, and increasing their confinement is not something that can be done now...'

The magic bell disrupted William's messy thoughts in time.

But surprisingly, no students came.

‘Did I remember the timetable wrong? ’

William doubted it for a moment, and then quickly confirmed that he remembered correctly.

‘Have I notified students in advance that this class will be changed to a practical class? ’

‘No, where are they? ’

Several thoughts floated and fell in William's mind, making him confused for a moment what he was thinking.

‘It can’t be that the students are on strike, right? ’

A bad thought suddenly burst out, and it went on a roller coaster with my heartbeat.

‘That’s not right—the sixth graders don’t have much homework, and there are no test papers. The fifth graders didn’t go on strike. Why did the sixth graders go on strike? ’

After persuading himself to be calm and then observe what happened, William took several deep breaths to adjust his mood.

After taking a few steps towards the oil painting not far away, William politely knocked on the surrounding wall, waking up the man who was still catching up on his sleep.

"Good morning - sorry to bother you, do you know what happened at school?"

The soldier in the painting rubbed his eyes and shouted angrily, "I just slept for a while, you-"

"Oh, Professor, I'm sorry, Professor, I didn't know it was you. I was on duty too late yesterday. Mr. Filch was afraid that something would happen, so he asked some oil paintings to guard the main road to keep vigil."

‘Vigil? There is no use in keeping vigil. The other party is either invisible or knows how to use the Disguise Charm, or he knows some strange secret passages or something. After several investigations, he has found nothing. No matter how hard he works on the oil painting, it is useless. ’

But this obviously cannot be said to the soldiers who have been guarding all night.

"Thank you, what's new at school today?"

"What's new?" The soldier thought for a while, "That's not true. The students have just been punished. Even the naughtiest troublemakers have no energy to do anything on Monday morning. Oh - Professor, your students are here. "

"Well, I heard that too, thank you, please continue to rest."

William waved goodbye and walked quickly towards the corner of the corridor - being late for class on Monday is quite excusable, but being late collectively is too much, right?


"Disgusting Filch!"

"And the cat!"

"That's it - my Quibbler has been confiscated, what about you?"

"Posters, picture books, and a copy of "Walking with the Charming Baby."

"Why does it sound a bit like Professor Lockhart's book - wait, Walking with the Wanderers?"

"What a fuss, I inserted it into the pile of books without writing my name."

Low laughter came from the boys, causing the girls walking behind to roll their eyes a lot.

There is no other way, boys can just write their names casually, but most girls have to check whether the signatures of surrounding students are as good-looking as their own fancy signatures while writing.

"Hello, professor!"

The boy walking at the front made a loud greeting sound, causing the girls behind to squeeze past.


"In other words, you think it's unfair?"

William listened to the students' reports for a long time and finally understood what these sixth-grade students were trying to express.

What they encountered was roughly like this - after getting the consent of the principal and the four deans, Mr. Filch blocked everyone who was preparing for class at the entrance of the cafeteria and used a spy device to check their school bags.

Logically speaking, this is not a serious matter. Although it is a bit inconsistent with William's habits, basically the wizarding world will not object.

But today Filch went a little too far. He confiscated all non-textbook publications, including journals, illustrated magazines, magazines, magic books and the like.

Those items that were searched allowed individuals to leave their names and return them after passing the inspection-this is why students who usually attend class on time are collectively late today.

William finally understood why Mr. Filch was so categorical about arresting the person in the conversation on Saturday.

‘Maybe he spent the whole weekend lobbying the principal to accept this matter. I don’t know why the principal agreed to something that was obviously against the rules. ’

He now wanted to sincerely apologize to Mr. Filch - although he still felt that Mr. Filch couldn't fight, there was no doubt that this move was quite beautiful.

Regardless of whether this matter is within the rules of the magic world or not, this person's ability to take action is far superior to his, and his use of the rules is far better than his.

Unless the other party can memorize all the contents backwards, there is a high probability that Mr. Filch will take away the book containing forbidden knowledge today.

‘Anyone who believes what a book or magazine says will most likely not be willing to throw precious information back into the break room. ’

'Of course, it's most likely books and magazines. It's not that easy to deceive people. Hagrid's cock can be saved - forget it, he eats it faster than the students can kill it. ’

This news made William truly relieved, and he even couldn't wait to go to the administrator to see what he had collected.


The students interrupted William's thinking, and each student stared at him with curious eyes - well, the sequelae of the last hat incident.

No student would like this kind of behavior that is almost like a body search. Maybe they want to imitate the Gryffindor hat incident last time.


William felt a little headache.

ps: The second chapter has been postponed until tomorrow during the day. I’m halfway through writing and I don’t dare to stay through it anymore. I’ll kneel down when I catch a cold again…

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