From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 153 Crown Crown Crown (Big Chapter)

Although the restaurant was already serving dinner, the sudden inspiration made William temporarily put aside the idea of ​​eating.

Ten minutes later, he raised his head in disappointment - 'The contrast is still too little, and I can't physically punish students for my guesses, right? ’

William believed that if he quarreled with Professor McGonagall a few times and then slacked off and didn't work hard, he would definitely get a negative box - but what's the use? Even a fool would choose between a disposable card and a stable professor job.

"Let's just treat the so-called system as a surprise." He smiled and disposed of the parchment recording the guesses and the few traces of paper below. "If I draw another hundred cards, I have to write the lesson plan myself." ? ’

‘Eat, eat! ’ William cheered up and walked happily towards the restaurant.


The dining table was quite lively today, and several new faces that William had never seen before appeared on the dining table.

Fortunately, Hogwarts has a lot of money for dining. After searching for a long time, William finally found a place - one reserved for him by Adams.

"William, this way!"

Adams lowered his voice and called William over. Before he could sit down, he said in a very low voice, "Oh my God, Professor Flitwick didn't challenge you to a duel. How did you do it?"

There is no doubt that this friend already knew about the crown.

"Shh, keep your voice down," William lowered his voice and thought about it, avoiding the parts that couldn't be said - such as Dumbledore's attempt to destroy the diadem.

"The ghost of Ravenclaw is the Gray Lady. Her true identity is Helena Ravenclaw. She gave me the crown."

This was a public explanation that had been discussed, and Professor Flitwick had no objection.

"Oh my god! I asked her about the crown before, why didn't I receive it?"

Adams's whispered complaint reminded William of what the lady said before - Adams, I'm sorry, I have to regretfully tell you that you are despised along with the other students...


This lunch made William quite unhappy - those professors who rarely appeared at the dinner table in the past were all senior professors of the school, and the purpose of their appearance at the dinner table could be imagined.

Although none of the professors tried to come over and say anything during the entire lunch, no matter who it was, it would be unpleasant to be stared at by so many people while eating.

After barely eating half full, William didn't even dare to say more. He glanced at Adams and walked out of the restaurant.

"Huh, my God," William sighed, "Those professors are too scary. Adams, you just said they are senior professors, what do they teach?"

"There are all kinds of subjects. To be precise, most of them no longer have classes. They do research in school almost all day long. In the past, the food was sent by the training elves."

Adams spread his hands, indicating that he was not too sure.

"Is there still this matter?"

"Of course, not all professors will choose to retire. For example, Professor Binns, he likes teaching, and some professors like research, so they stay in school." Adams said matter-of-factly.

"Magic must be improving, William." Adams pointed to the location of the library, "There are so many books in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts that cannot all be donated. There is only one Hogwarts in the UK. Watts, if we don't study it, can we still rely on the Ministry of Magic?"

William was a little embarrassed when he said this - after researching some information about Hogwarts, he had always regarded it as a technical school. He had no idea that this was the only higher education institution in the British wizarding world, so it was naturally responsible for research work.

'You are corrupt, William! ’

He warned himself again in his heart - 'If you only think about learning ancient magic and completely forget about magic, you will make progress. Didn't Dumbledore's card tell you? Even people like Dumbledore are researching new uses for dragon blood! ’

"The seventh-grade education curriculum can be slightly changed. In addition, we can find out what new theories those research professors have come up with." ’

"Think it through," Adams patted William on the shoulder, "In fact, that unlucky guy Singed was kicked out of class. Who asked him to be the youngest?"

It’s a bit too realistic to ask for qualifications here...

"Hey, by the way, I also saw um -" William thought about the name and realized that he didn't remember it at all, "that witch who looked like, um, a fortune teller -"

William tried hard to choose his words and swallowed the word "Magic Stick" forcefully.

"That's Professor of Divination. I guess Professor Trelawney will like your guess very much." Adams understood the question without any pressure, "But I guess you won't like Professor Sybil...she predicts a person every year." Student died."

"A student dies every year?" William was shocked by this statement - although when he was studying in the past, universities occasionally had the phenomenon of rejection of postgraduate studies, but here there is a curse on him, which is completely different.

"Are you kidding? Expulsion is possible. Many children here are purebloods. If it is really that serious, the school will not be able to continue. Professor Sybil relies on that trick to scare the students." Adams shrugged his shoulders to express his opinion. There is no support for this ridiculous statement.

"What?" William was still a little curious - after all, it was this professor who led the first selection after he was released from prison. He had never seen this professor in the past, so since he caught up with him today, he wanted to find out.

"I probably understand what you mean, William. Do you want to ask whether Professor Trelawney is also a research professor?"

Adams waved his hand, looked around, and then whispered, "Don't talk nonsense. We all agree that Professor Trelawney sneaked in to get paid. She kept talking all day just to protect her fortune telling." She has no prophecy ability at all!"

So it turns out I’m not the only gangster in this school?

William's first reaction was ecstasy, but he soon realized something was wrong - he was dawdling because the school couldn't find a professor. What about this one?

"It shouldn't be right? Doesn't Professor McGonagall know?"

As a professor who knew a little about the school's situation, William ignored the indifferent principal.

"It's hard to say, but Professor McGonagall has never liked her." Adams looked around again before responding, "I remember that Professor McGonagall expressed dissatisfaction with her more than once in his class. You have to know that McGonagall With a character like Professor Ge’s, how much attention should be paid to his own courses.”

This is true. Professor McGonagall would never waste her precious class time complaining.

"Yes, but we guess that Professor McGonagall has kept Professor Trelawney just to get funds from the Ministry of Magic. You should know Cassandra Trelawney, the great prophet, Terry Professor Laoni is his descendant, pure-blood certified. With this status, how much funding do you think the divination project can generate every year?"

Pure-blood certification, awesome divination classes, even before he came to Hogwarts, William knew how profitable this stuff was - there were not a few people who pretended to be divination teachers and ended up in Azkaban...

‘It’s not like a gangster found a gangster, right? ’

If Adams hadn't still been here, William would have covered his face. This is too magical...

"It's better for me to go to the staff lounge alone, William. I advise you not to go. Just go back to the office and spend the day. Those research professors don't like to communicate very much. They can only go to the lounge to pretend to meet by chance once. They will definitely not think about it. I just went to your office to block people. Once the news spreads that the diadem is actually with Dumbledore, you will be fine. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. If you weren't here, it would be easy for me to explain."

Adams gave a friendly reminder - William decided to follow the good advice.

There was no way he could hang a sign on his chest that said, "The crown is with Dumbledore, don't come to me." That would be a slap in the face.

According to Adams, those professors would probably try their best to find an opportunity to come alone to create a chance encounter and then gossip, or ask bluntly. William had not had much contact with the professors in these castles, but listening to Adams' description gave him a headache.

How long will it take to explain everything one by one? You must also be careful not to speak too hastily and affect the relationship.

'It's all thanks to Adams. My crown was useless and stained with gray...'

William smiled and shook his head, walking towards his office - he would study the transfiguration technique in the office in the afternoon.


'Transfiguration can even create life temporarily, but that is just the influence of magic...'

William read the information with a confused look on his face...

The word "create life" is really a big idea, and I don't know if it is due to his talent or other reasons. His research on transfiguration is not at all suitable for the course that is now renamed self-defense magic. It is a bit difficult to just understand the textbook. .

‘This is the textbook for fourth grade! ’

William couldn't help but scratch his head. He drew the two strongest cards, one from Dumbledore and one from Professor McGonagall. When he drew the cards, it was clear that both of them had strong Transfiguration skills - just look at it. Dumbledore's magic of activating and blocking anything that had never been shown in front of teachers and students knew how helpful transfiguration was in combat.

'Many dark magic spells are significantly less powerful when they penetrate a living thing, rather than exploding violently like hitting a solid object, so is it correct to briefly create life? ’

‘So, if you wear an insect armor, can you resist most black magic spells? ’

‘Turning bugs into part of clothes, and then making clothes like this, and then transforming quickly when the spell is cast? '

‘In other words, wearing one that’s just like a bunch of glitter that you see occasionally—what’s that called? No matter what, it’s just that kind of clothing and then temporarily turning those shiny decorations into bugs or something like that to resist magic, is it feasible? ’

‘What are you thinking about? ’ William shook his head, shook off the thoughts that emerged from his mind, simply wrote this down in his notebook and forgot about it - he didn’t even learn to walk, so he considered running away...

'If you really have this strength, you can just block the magic with a wave of your hand like Dumbledore hid it. Activated items are more reliable than turning into a bunch of creatures.

'Hey, if that's the case, if you carry a few white mice or beetles with you, will it--'

'Stop it, William! You are studying the art of transfiguration, and if raising white rats is really reliable, you might as well raise fleas without taking a bath. At least there will be more and the area will be smaller...'

The transfiguration research didn't go so well, and William, who was a little upset, finally used mints to suppress his messy thoughts.

He casually took notes on the association he just made, and began to study the textbook in depth.


"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the office door, which made William's already frowning eyebrows tighten even more.

‘Isn’t it a crown again? You should look for Dumbledore instead! ’

"Please come in."

Spreading out his resentment, William politely shouted at the door.

The door opened in response, and the person who came in was someone he didn't expect at all - Hermione Granger, who had taught William a good lesson since the beginning of school.

‘This is my office, right? ’

William looked at it unconfidently, and then finally came to the conclusion, yes, this is his office.

"Um, sorry, if I remember correctly, you are Miss Granger?"

"Yes, Professor..."

This little girl who dared to jump off the train at the beginning of school turned out to be an unexpected lady today.

"The second-year courses are not under my control. That is Professor Lockhart's business. His office is on another floor. You went to the wrong girl."

William spoke very fast, and he was already annoyed enough. It would be fine if the person coming was his student, but in this case, just kick the ball away.

"Well, I'm sorry, Professor, Professor McGonagall recommended me to come here. My performance in the Transfiguration class today was too bad. Professor McGonagall suggested that I come to talk to you..."

The little girl's voice became lower and lower, but William knew very well that this was an illusion.

‘Poor performance in Transfiguration class? I think you are insinuating something! ’

"I remember they all said that you are recognized as the number one in your age?" William asked in return, and then rummaged through his pockets - were you talking to him about the second grade test questions?

Speaking of which, he did publish the first-year self-defense exam questions. Later, Professor McGonagall asked him for a copy, saying that he was going to refer to it, but it has not yet been written.

‘Could it be that this kid was too arrogant in class and Professor McGonagall thought he should be punished? ’

Otherwise, why would you go to him if you don't perform well in Transfiguration? It's not like he teaches this...

"Let's do it, girl, have you finished previewing your second grade courses?"

To make sure he got the question right, William asked.

"Of course, Professor, I've almost finished studying for it during the summer vacation."

Hermione nodded repeatedly - after communicating with Professor McGonagall, she had become resistant to the rumored crown, but Professor McGonagall still recommended her to come here.

‘Is this the test of wanting to touch the crown? ’

'Come on, Hermione, let those gossips know that your efforts cannot be offset by a crown! ’

Before reading what was written on the parchment, Hermione began to cheer herself up - it was embarrassing enough to be talked about for poor performance because of the crown, but now that the exam for her specialty was coming, she couldn't relax.

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