From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 168 Long-term debuff added...

Looking at the bucket full of chicken blood, William was a little confused - pig blood can be made into blood tofu with salt and water, but what about chicken blood?

Moreover, it is true that he has never tasted dishes made with chicken blood. He has eaten duck blood in hot pot, but they shouldn't be interchangeable, right?

William thought about it and finally decided to give it a try - if it doesn't work, just waste the ingredients. You can't keep the blood and turn it into a hidden danger, right?

Mix the salt and water in a certain ratio, and then pour the chicken blood in. This is how it works in theory.

After making five or six mistakes in a row, William successfully produced the first blood by relying on his experience in potion correction. After that, the bucket of blood naturally turned into tofu.

‘If it solidifies into a lump, it should lose its function—unless that messy ritual requires hot pot ingredients. ’

"Adams, do you know him?"

William held up the blood clot to show off. He remembered that animal blood was not consumed in many places.

"Blood sausage? It's a bit like it, but without the casing -" Adams poked with his hand uncertainly, "Eating the coagulated chicken blood directly? It's a good idea. I can try cooking it."

"Blood sausage?"

This time it was William's turn to be surprised.

"Of course, German blood sausage, a very famous dish -" he took the blood tofu from William's hand, "don't underestimate Hufflepuff graduates!"

Don't add messy settings to Hufflepuff graduates!

But Adams, who was busy researching new dishes, had no time to pay attention to William's complaints. He began to take out various things from the package he carried - chopping boards, three sets of knives, four pots of different shapes, and William was all in a mess. Unrecognizable herbs, all kinds of seasoning boxes...

"It'll be done soon. I'll try the cooking method," Adams waved his hand without looking back, "It will be quick with magic help. You can go do other things first."

I feel abandoned...

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to it!"

Hufflepuff's cooking skills are still worthy of trust. After considering that he can barely eat the food he cooks, William decisively chooses to trust Adams - what if he becomes a hairy one?

The centaurs were already getting excited by the fire - Hagrid had brought a lot of wine. Although the quality was mediocre, it was better than enough. The centaurs didn't mind it either. Although the barbecue was not ready yet, many wine barrels had been opened. .

"Go and sit with Hagrid and the others for a while," William looked around, gave up and sat among the centaurs - it wasn't that he had any discrimination against centaurs, but that he couldn't help it as soon as he got close to them. Thinking of my cellmate...

William still clearly remembered the research on centaurs. This was a famous joke in Azkaban. Now if he accidentally said something wrong, it would be really fun.

"William," Hagrid raised his bucket-sized cup, "Is Professor Adams working on a new dish again?"

"Of course," William sat down next to the fire, picked up the skewered sausages on the side, and grilled them on the fire. "He likes herbal cuisine, and he especially likes to use herbs in food."

"By the way, I forgot to congratulate you. You played quite well in yesterday's game, Mr. Potter." William turned his face and added his blessing.

"Thank you, Professor."

Harry was polite, but it was obvious that having such a large group of people coming to celebrate didn't sit well with him - the kid was much more reserved now than he had been during the conversation when William had caught him wandering around at night.

'By the way, he was the one who reminded me about ghosts last time - he said he heard random noises last time. Was it Ginny's doing or was he hallucinating? ’

"Mr. Potter, you said you heard the strange noise last time. Have you heard it again recently?"

"No more, Professor."

Harry was a little surprised, but responded quickly.

"It's good if it's gone," William was relieved - there was a high probability that Ginny did it and took an unknown secret path.

Although the possibility of the child hitting a tree and damaging his head cannot be ruled out, since he can no longer hear, it should be fine.

"Well, thank you, Professor."

Although William was still a little curious about what inspiration the girl next to him who jumped on the train at the beginning of school got from the crown, he still didn't ask in front of his two little friends - there is no need to worry about the disadvantages, so tell this matter The remaining two children probably won't have it easy.

"William, William, the new dish is ready, come and try it!"

Just as William was contemplating, Adams came over with a cauldron floating in the air behind his back. As he walked, he added something to the centaur bowl next to the fire, just like the waiter at Haidilao distributing sour plum soup.


"Soup, after I tried stewing, roasting, steaming, and frying, I finally found that this thing is suitable for soup, and it tastes very tender."

Okay, whatever you say is what it is - William took the bowl and took a sip, um, it tastes okay.

"I'm going to distribute it. You drink it slowly. We have enough materials for today," Adams said with a look on his face. "After you drink it, I'll see who can do bad things with it!"



October 1st

On a busy day, after drinking, the horse people are not so difficult to contact. It is much easier to control one's emotions than I thought. Those horse people are really honest and do not show any cheating when drinking, although they have a bad temper. , but it feels good after being together for a long time.

Wait—I have no plans to follow through on that report!

October 2

The Daily Prophet published a special issue - the price remained the same and the paper became three times thicker.

I don’t know how much subsidies the Ministry of Magic and the school board subsidized. The cost of this newspaper is much higher than the selling price.

It is said that there will be reissues in the evening, and the magic world is not blocked at all...

October 6

Adams is right, no one can do bad things after drinking it.

After that celebration, Hogwarts quickly returned to a state of peace—or rather, to the way a school should be.

To be honest, I couldn't be more satisfied with being able to attend a week of classes so happily.

The fifth grade students are doing their papers honestly, the children in solitary confinement are being kept in solitary confinement honestly, the sixth graders are improving their knowledge, and the seventh graders are guiding the future. Everything is going as expected.

Even the uproar over the crown had calmed down. Although the special issue of the Daily Prophet was quite popular, the turmoil finally stopped. The students no longer discussed getting the crown and seemed to be normal together.

October 7th, cloudy

I hate cloudy days, but today was the second round of the corona test, with several professors using it for the second time, and several new professors joining in to experiment.

But the result was very unexpected. What I got from wearing the crown for the second time was simply incomparable to the first time - this was more exaggerated than I guessed the first time. The crown only gave me inspiration to solve the problem. It was just a matter of accumulation and accumulation. It is not as magical as the legends passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps it has been too beautified in the stories passed down from generation to generation.

October 14, rain

I hate Britain - if there's anything more unpleasant than a cloudy day, it's a rainy day, and what's worse, it's been raining every day for a week!

The dirt roads at Hogwarts have turned into swamps!

There is actually a weather more uncomfortable than the rainy season in the south. It’s really amazing!

A new test was conducted today, but nothing was found. The professor who used the crown for the third time said that the revelation he got was similar to the second time. This is probably the only good news.

The crown is not going well, and neither is it going well for me——(The black lines crossed out continuously are stained by ink again.)

October 18 - Rain! ! ! !

Damn rain, why does it rain so much at Hogwarts?

There’s not enough chocolate to eat!

Owl is extremely reluctant to work overtime. The fireplace is fully used, but it is still quite annoying. The pattering rain is much more disgusting than the rainy season. Every morning when I wake up and look out the window, it feels like it is gray all over again. Just like going back to that place.

The only good thing is that the students in the three grades have improved faster than expected, and the fifth grade students can even get an O from me, and this is because I didn't give in!

That Miss Nancy is really good at summarizing and discovering problems. I probably need to change my writing style.

Another thing - the twenty points Miss Nancy took from me caused me to write a report and submit it to the superiors for review and approval. It was submitted to the four deans for review and approval. If there were too many extra points, that's what happened...

Galleons are nothing, my salary will be paid tomorrow.


After writing down the diary for the eighteenth day, William laid himself out on the bed. A thick stack of information was waiting for his approval, but he had no intention of reading through it.

The sequelae of Azkaban completely broke out in this rainy October. The gray and sunless sky made him think about the messy things that happened there all the time.

‘I didn’t check yesterday, so I have to work hard no matter what I say today! ’

William resisted and stuffed himself with a piece of chocolate, using the sweetness to regain some strength.

‘No more, more chocolate will be addictive! ’

Resisting the desire to eat more, William got up from the bed - it was still raining outside the window, as if it couldn't stop at all.

‘How many days have we not seen the sun? Isn’t Britain a temperate country? ’

William tried to complain to calm himself down, but he couldn't do it at all. The scenes in Azkaban where the dementors sucked happiness slipped out from time to time to show their presence, which could not be erased or avoided.

‘There is no one to ask. This school has only sent people to Azkaban. I am afraid that I am the only one who has returned from there. ’

'It's fine if a fire dragon attacks me. At least the wand still has some effect. What's going on now? Dementors are more terrifying than dragons? ’

William took out his wand and raised it towards the open space next to him.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

There was no reaction - although the spell, posture, technique, and pronunciation were completely correct, it just wouldn't happen.

The Patronus Spell is not black magic. Although it is obviously emotional magic, it is a rare exception among emotional spells. William's original learning rate has no effect in the face of this powerful spell.

‘I’m just an idiot. I should take more time to practice this spell when the weather is nice in September, instead of being like now, when even the most basic conditions for casting the spell cannot be met in such weather. ’

Although he knew that even moving it to September would be useless and would disrupt the rest of his study plans, William still couldn't help but complain to himself.

‘Fortunately, there are enough papers, so even if I can’t get any papers out this week, it won’t be too affected. It’s a good thing to be prepared for a rainy day. ’

When William's hand touched the thick stack of reserved papers in the drawer, his mood finally improved - although his condition was now affected, there was no deviation in the basic theory, and the students were indeed improving.

'The next step is to let the students relax, and then let's test fighting in extreme environments. Dueling each other in rain and mud must be a good experience. And this should also be of great help to improve strength. '

Looking at the rain outside the window, William took advantage of the time when his condition improved after eating chocolate to make a decision.


"Congratulations Nancy!"

"Nancy, congratulations!"

Although the other students looked strange, the fifth-year students collectively held a celebration party for Nancy in the empty classroom - even some Slytherin students came over.

The fifth grade students gathered together and raised glasses for their victory today.

Due to time constraints and homework constraints, this celebration was held rather crudely. There were only drinks and small pull-out ribbons that I didn’t know where to get. There were not even basic decorations in the classroom, but every student’s face was filled with joy. With a sincere smile.

“Let’s raise a glass to Nancy!”

"Best wishes Nancy!"

Every student sent their blessings with great enthusiasm - just today, the professor went through the review back and forth and took five minutes longer than usual to mark the paper, but in the end he still had no choice but to declare the student's victory. .

Although Nancy is still a little scared by the sudden arrival of O, other students don't see it that way.

The knowledge that was so remote that it was scary, the knowledge that could only be understood by reading the textbooks, was finally conquered by the students.

For this, the self-defense magic learning professor paid a price of twenty points and a bonus of thirty galleons.

"Cheers, for twenty points!"

Although the scores were not added to their own colleges, these children were happier than scoring their own scores.


"Here's to the thirty galleons prize!"


The place is simple, there is not even a decent dish, and the drinks are in a mess, and some even have no alcohol, but no one dislikes it - everyone is more energetic than at the opening ceremony.

"Nancy, do you want to exchange Galleons? Three for one, I want one of your prizes as an amulet!"

Just when Nancy was feeling dizzy, some child made the suggestion.

The students began to fight over each other - as if they wanted to vent their grievances, the galleons were quickly exchanged for triple or even quadruple the price, and were well preserved by the children, hidden deep in their pockets. .

"What are you doing!"

When the students were at their most excited, the classroom door opened and Filch's head was revealed.

"We are celebrating," said the prefects - more than one - emerging from the crowd.


"Yes, classmate Nancy got an O."

"Okay, celebrate, but be careful if there are any items left in the classroom that shouldn't be left behind."

Filch looked around, and finally left angrily - if the prefect was present, it would be basically impossible to catch the violation.

"Gone, Filch is gone!"

The child near the door shouted - the whole classroom was joyful again.

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