From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 177 The liar William

Halloween is the happiest day for children - trick or treating.

‘That’s how it should be, right? ’

William pretended not to care as he walked, 'But why should I attend the death anniversary of a ghost? ’

Because of environmental issues, random thoughts that had been ignored in the past emerged in his mind.

‘By the way, are ghosts and ghosts the same existence? ’

This sudden thought made him grab his wand immediately. The man who had been working hard since he was released from prison emitted a faint feeling of warmth, announcing its existence.

This warmth gave William room to control his expression, and he stuffed himself with another piece of chocolate - if he had not made a mistake in judgment, the underground classroom should be almost there.

This idea had not occurred for three or four seconds before a low and unpleasant noise appeared. It was a scalp-numbing sound, a creepy sound like someone scratching a blackboard with nails.

Such a sound is obviously not something that normal humans can adapt to. The two students who were following behind quickly came up to them, obviously frightened.

As for the two fast-moving children at the front, they evolved into sloth-like creatures, and they were only three or four steps ahead of William.

"It's almost there, it should be a musical instrument."

William spoke out to stabilize the children who were frightened before they arrived.

With the wand in hand, the slightest sound would not scare him - he had been lucky enough to play the water piano before, and he knew that there were musical instruments in this world that did not follow the path of the earthly world.

In fact, it was indeed a musical instrument, because after walking a few steps, William saw the receptionist standing at the door of the underground classroom, enjoying the BGM.

"Professor, I'm so glad you can come!"

The ghost named Nick at the door took off his hat and bowed to say hello, "Of course, thank you too, thank you for coming to visit, welcome...welcome..."


"My God, it's as cold as a cellar in winter!"

Ron, who was walking in front, let out a low exclamation.

The breath he exhaled formed a white mist in front of him, supporting his words.

'If only it were just a cellar...'

William held on to his strength and observed the surrounding environment while complaining.

The environment of the underground classroom was worse than he thought - the magically enlarged classroom was filled with milky white translucent ghosts. Just as the fat monk told him before, the ghosts who didn't know where to hide in the past would be there. Gather together today.

But there were far more ghosts gathered today than William imagined. Hundreds of ghosts filled the classroom, which was daunting.

'The gathering of ghosts can actually change the temperature.' William looked at the white breath he exhaled. 'The knowledge of the magical world simply subverts common sense. Those sporadic ghosts have never given people such a feeling, not even an illusion. ’

William scanned the ghosts in the blue light of a thousand candles on the chandelier overhead.

As the closest existence to the deceased, these ghosts usually spend their daily lives trying to kill time, and today is probably a rare happy day for these ghosts. They are playing among nearly thirty instruments that make the sound of scraping blackboards. Wildly waltzing around.

'Did death even lessen the excitement they received? ’

‘Can ghosts die? ’

"Professor, can we walk around?"

Harry's quiet question woke William up from his thoughts. He lowered his head to look at the four curious students and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, but don't separate. If there is any confusion, I can find you as soon as possible."

Ghosts cannot cast spells. For the wizard who has already grabbed the wand, their damage is not enough. Even if the child who followed William runs a little farther, nothing will happen.

Moreover, the question William was about to ask was not suitable for students to hear. God knows how many curses the Dark Lord had placed on him, and he could be cursed even if he signed a letter of appointment.

The allowed four people walked around curiously in pairs. Accompanied by the professor, the originally scary banquet became more exciting for them. For students of this age, this kind of novelty The feeling just makes them want to stop.

‘I have to find the Fat Friar and ask him to introduce me to the ghosts I want to ask about. ’

Just do what you say, especially since the environment on site is not very friendly to him.

But after all, this was not the rainy season that was constantly tormenting people. Although he was disgusted in his heart, William still frowned and found the fat monk who recommended him to come here, the ghost of Hufflepuff.

"Professor William, you are here!"

The fat monk who was talking at the table floated happily when he saw William, and half of his body was buried in the table.

William was a little confused by this scene - the ghost shouldn't be half-crouching when he was sitting, right?

"Well, I'm here to keep the appointment."

William forced a smile.

"Great, great, after the discovery of the diadem I thought you wouldn't come, Professor."

The fat monk walked out across the table with a happy expression, "Seriously, Professor William, it's really incredible that you can give Ms. Gray the courage to go on."

"She found it on her own, I just said some useless words."

"You are too modest, Professor, can you go to the side and have a chat? The music here is too loud."

The fat monk used honorifics. Obviously, he was very interested in the topic of continuing.


"That's it, Ms. Gray left a word and turned into light."

William briefly talked about what happened that day.



"I say that's great, Professor."

The fat monk looked fascinated, "I'm not afraid of your laughter, Professor William. I have been preparing to ask this question for a long time. During this time, I have been preparing for this besides preparing to attend Sir Nick's banquet. Even today I am still thinking about how to meet you - —I always thought you wouldn’t come over, Professor.”

‘It’s been more than a month since this happened. Doesn’t Ghost’s time cost money? ’

Before William could reply, the ghost of the fat monk started talking to himself, "Ms. Gray got what she wanted, and then she was able to muster up the courage to continue walking. This story is so beautiful, it's almost like It’s epic…”

He stared at William eagerly, but soon became frustrated.

"I have no choice, I can't do it anymore, I probably won't have the courage to keep going."

This friendly ghost was obviously in a state of autism. He stared at the sky without saying a word, freezing the conversation.

"Well, fat monk, what difficulties did you encounter?"

William asked thoughtfully.

"I haven't been able to become a cardinal yet. After so many years - I'm afraid I can't even pursue the title..."

The fat monk's answer was very sad, "I have been going to the church since I graduated from Hufflepuff. I heal diseases, do magic, and lead people to pray. No one in my parish is ungrateful, and no one will not believe because of pain, but I Executed...(note)"

He looked at the sky sadly, "Professor William, I want to be quiet. I probably won't be able to go on in this life..."

Graduate from Hufflepuff and become a priest...

William didn’t know what to complain about for a while.

"Um, fat monk, have you seen Bloody Barrow?"

Seeing that it was impossible to wait for the autistic priest to introduce him, William, who had been made unbearable by the bad environment, asked directly.

"Barrow? Barrow has a bad temper recently, but I saw him today - he should be next to the wine barrel in the corner of the banquet over there, right?"

The fat monk pointed with his finger and fell into autistic state again.

'Becoming a cardinal... As a wizard, I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my wish in this lifetime...'

With the strength brought by his new complaints, William first glanced at the following students and confirmed that they were still wandering around before starting to circle the ghosts towards the location of Bloody Barrow.


Although this is a banquet for ghosts, like all banquets in the world, there is plenty of food and drink prepared here.

According to the fat monk's instructions, Barrow should be drinking at the dining table.

'This is the dining table, there are quite a lot of people - but does the ghost need to eat? ’

With such doubts, William approached the so-called dining table, and then his entire discomfort immediately disappeared, and he quickly switched to another one.

‘The food in Azkaban is much better than here! ’

This was William's first judgment.

‘Even in the UK, it would be too much to put such a dish on the table! ’

William's second judgment was this.

In the center of the table sat a huge gray cake in the shape of a tombstone, with tar-like icing spelling out the words: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington died on October 31, 1492.

Surrounding the cake were hunks of rotting meat, dark, charred cakes, maggot-infested haggis, cheese covered in green hair, and stinking salmon.

'I hope these dishes are not made by house elves. If they were, those elves would die of discomfort...'

William kept his distance from the table while thinking, and began to look for a place to put the wine - according to the fat monk, Barrow should be drinking.

Soon, William found the so-called wine barrel. Just like the dark dishes on the table, the wine barrel also smelled of water, making it impossible to get close to it.

Bloody Barrow was drinking there. To be precise, half of his body was soaked in the wine barrel. His clothes were wrinkled and his expression was as decadent as an abandoned pet dog.

William had already heard of Bloody Barrow's name.

In Hogwarts, this ghost is not the most famous, but he is firmly tied to the most famous elf, making it impossible to ignore.

Although he had only been employed for two months, William had already heard the name of Bloody Baron from dozens of professors. When Peeves really started to make trouble, it was difficult for the professors to stabilize the situation. Luo will be called over to suppress the elf.

But this was the first time he saw Bloody Barrow.

But he never expected that the ghost in front of him would be the same person as the ultimate weapon that the professors said was used to suppress Peeves.

There was no way, the ghost in front of him was so haggard, even William would believe it if he said it was the ghost of a beggar on the street - how could the bloody Barrow, who could scare that troublemaker Peeves just by his name, be in front of him? What about this messy look?

"Hello, are you Barrow?"

Although he was a little unsure, William still asked tentatively.

"A living person? Why are a living person here!"

The half-soaked ghost in the barrel looked reluctant, as if William had disturbed his drinking.

"I am a professor, invited here. Are you Barrow?"

William asked again.

"Professor," Barrow sank down into the barrel. "Okay, Professor. But I won't do it. Peeves can do whatever he wants."

Hearing the name Peeves, William could finally confirm that the ghost in front of him was indeed Barrow.

"Can we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about, I don't want to talk about it - wait! You're William!"

Barrow's angry voice stopped immediately.

"The ghosts are saying that Helena left a message when she left, but I don't know - so Professor, can you tell me?"

Barrow's words became choppy, even a bit like he bit his tongue when he spoke too eagerly.

Unfortunately, William had heard from Ms. Helena a long time ago that Barrow was sent to find her, and because she was unwilling to go back, he killed Helena, and then committed suicide due to self-blame.

William would not even trust punctuation marks for such a ruthless man who would kill himself on impulse.

"Keep it, but I don't think you want to hear it."

"That's my business."

The ghost suddenly stood up, and William suddenly understood where the so-called blood was - his clothes were covered with silver blood stains, which looked extremely scary.

It's a pity that this shape can't scare William. The ghost will not die, but will be controlled by various magics. Except for Peeves, who has a special physique, even the Barrow in front of him, William can control him with one magic for half a month without any pressure. .

"Tell me what I want to know first, and then I'll tell you. Here's the deal. I swear on my wand that I won't miss a word."

William raised the wand in his hand with a calm expression.

Although it was a bit like lying to a ghost, he didn't mind it - killing people and then committing suicide, this kind of ghost felt at ease when deceiving him, not to mention that he did know about Barrow's last words, even though he didn't like it.

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"That crown, I want to know all the information about it."

"I don't know much. It was Ms. Ravenclaw's thing and was stolen by Helena. Even we had been speculating on its function at the time - but it seems that it is only used to temporarily enhance wisdom. After losing her diadem, Lady Ravenclaw remains as wise and powerful as ever."

"So, Ms. Ravenclaw, does she have memory loss or the habit of preparing memory backups every day?"

"How is it possible? Ms. Ravenclaw is known as the wisest person. How could she not be able to remember things?"

"What about casting spells or curses through the air?"

"Casting spells through the air? Is there anyone who can cast spells without being through the air?"

Barrow looked at William strangely.

"I can't express it accurately - it's a long way away, at least three hundred meters or more, or several walls."

"That's okay, but it shouldn't have anything to do with the crown. Ms. Ravenclaw can do it even if she loses the crown."

"Is there any corresponding reinforcement?"

Barrow hesitated for a long time before answering.

"There should be no...I don't feel that Ms. Ravenclaw's magical power has weakened..."

"Good, I have no more questions. What follows are the answers you wish to know."

Bloody Barrow's cooperation was even better than William imagined, which made him a little reluctant to tell Bloody Barrow the answer.

"Okay, you got everything you wanted to know!"

Barrow stared at William with stern eyes, "What do I want?"

"There is only one thing Miss Helena said at the end." William held the wand, preparing for the ghost in front of him to turn his face. "She said - tell that bastard Bloody Barrow, he deserves it!"

However, the attack or angry scene he imagined did not appear. On the contrary, the face of the ghost in front of him changed complexly, and finally turned into a happy smile.

"She still remembers me, she still remembers me!"

"Even in the end, she still remembered me!"

Barrow's ghost floated upwards, hit the ceiling like an arrow from a string, and then disappeared.

At this time, William was really stunned.

Note: The Fat Friar entered Hufflepuff House, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he was young. After graduation, he became a clergyman. He was executed for exposing magic. After his death, he returned to Hogwarts. His biggest regret is that he did not Become a cardinal…

ps: I can’t add more, I’ve written a little more in this chapter…

Also: Bad news, 0 chapters of debt repayment this month...Good news, no debts owed this month...There is still hope for debt repayment...

Thank you for your monthly support. I will work harder in April.

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