From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 206 Another Investigator

'Being taken away...'

In Lockhart's office, the professor who usually spoke with a hint of pride began to feel flustered again.

Ron was taken away, on Professor William's orders.

He found out this while chatting with students. This is his specialty.

But the news he found out didn't make him half happy - he might not be worried about others, but that William could find all the Ravenclaw diadems!

Many people in the entire Ravenclaw Academy have been looking for that thing for many years, but what they finally found was the guy who had only been at Hogwarts for a few days!

'Fortunately, the memory has been cleared and nothing can be found. ’ He comforted himself and wanted to write something to calm down, but the hand that picked up the quill was trembling desperately, and the tip of the quill drew scribbles on the parchment.

Breathing in, breathing out, Lockhart calmed himself down, but couldn't write a word.

“Reply, reply to readers!”

He angrily moved the quill and parchment aside and began to open the letter.

"Dear Mr. Lockhart:

I am honored to have drawn two of your books in this event held by the Daily Prophet..."

‘Daily Prophet activities? ’

Lockhart suddenly thought about it, the book signing event was held at Christmas to maintain the popularity.

"Avid reader," Lockhart laughed, and continued reading.

"...So, can you convert those books into galleons and send them over?

Yours, loyal reader…”

Seeing the word "loyalty", Lockhart couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled out his wand like crazy, tore up the poor letter, tore it into pieces, and then threw the remains into the fireplace.

But after the anger dissipated, he couldn't even figure out what he wanted to do.

"We have to do something," Lockhart forced a smile, "I can't sit still and wait, it's only twenty days. Mine is a genius, twenty days is enough!"


"What did I forget?"

Ron was still trying to remember it until he left Professor McGonagall's office, but William didn't expect the child to remember it.

Ginny Weasley, the twins, and Hermione Granger all had to relearn the lessons of that period, and William didn't think Ron would be an exception.

However, if you think about it from another direction, Ron is indeed an exception - he has never worn that crown.

‘This is so interesting. People who don’t wear crowns have amnesia, and those who wear them also have amnesia. More importantly, there are a lot of people who wear them and don’t have amnesia. ’

‘Is it the amnesia caused by the crown, or is it man-made? ’

‘If it’s man-made, then who did it? Does the crown not have amnesia function at all, but do we mistakenly think that its black magic effect is amnesia? ’

‘No, we can’t jump to random conclusions. Amnesia is not a trivial matter. Let’s put the matter of the crown aside for now. Find out who Ron has been in contact with since he lost his memory. ’

Ron's amnesia was different from that of his brothers and sisters. He only lost a short period of memory. William spent a long time questioning him about whether he had any memory loss since his amnesia until now.

"A memory loss, a memory confusion, obviously, man-made."

After Ron left, William said firmly.

To be on the safe side, he checked whether Ron was controlled by the Imperius Curse, and the result was that he was not. If Ron had not lied from beginning to end, there was no doubt that the murderer was stuck in these two areas when he committed the crime.

"Just find other people to ask. The murderer is probably not Gryffindor," Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief. "They have learned to collude in confessions a long time ago. It is impossible for them to leave so many loopholes."

William couldn't help but wonder what the Gryffindors had done over the years...

"Professor William," Professor McGonagall's face became serious, "I hope you will not participate in the following investigation-"

"To prevent irritating the murderer?"

William was stunned for a moment and understood instantly.

"Yes, from the current point of view, he is at least capable of sneak attack on any student, but before being exposed, I don't think the murderer will be so frantic as to attack himself." Professor McGonagall nodded, "Although there is a chance of catching him. It will get bigger, but we can't take that risk - if you contact the students around Ron, it will be too obvious."

In a school full of students, the most important thing is to prevent the murderer from feeling that he is in danger.

When the basilisk has been trapped to death, the other party will not move out randomly, but that would be a problem if someone tracks it down.

"Okay," William nodded, "Then I will go to the library to search for information related to the basilisk to paralyze the murderer."

"That's great," Professor McGonagall's expression softened, "I think I'll catch him before Albus does."


"Ron, what does the professor want from you?"

When Ron returned to the lounge, Harry poked his head curiously. Being called out by a professor in Gryffindor was not a good thing, let alone being called out by the dean and another professor.

"I..." Ron was about to tell the truth when he immediately remembered William's instructions before he left.

"Remember to keep it secret, classmate Weasley -" Professor William smiled kindly, "Not even your two best friends, and of course, brothers. This is a conversation that needs to be kept secret. If it comes If you can keep silent at the end of the semester, I will consider giving you some reward privately, um, for example, two hours of wearing that crown?"

'Tell Harry? ’ ‘Confidential? ’

The two options went back and forth in Ron's mind until he finally gave up, "Well, don't tell anyone, I-I was asked about memories."

‘Go to hell with the crown! ’

"Have you lost your memory too?"

Harry was a little surprised, and Ron couldn't help but curl his lips - he didn't lose his memory for a month, so what could he say?

"What do you mean he also lost his memory?"

Hermione suddenly appeared, looking at the two of them with evil eyes - because she had lost her memory for a month and came second in the Christmas exam, she had already heard countless suspicions. Originally, the limelight was suppressed after the Chamber of Secrets incident, but After Dumbledore found the location of the Chamber of Secrets, the rumors that had disappeared returned.

Under the suppression of her aggressive gaze, Ron chose to explain the matter completely.

Anyway, the crown is gone, so I might as well explain it!

In this way, one person's secret became three people's.


Harry shouted - Hermione's proposal was too crazy to accept.

Three people went to investigate the matter of memory disappearance, and the reason was very good. The victims... more than half of the three people lost their memories, shouldn't they investigate?

ps: I will add another chapter at noon tomorrow...The second chapter has just begun...I feel like I can’t write it anymore...

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