From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 216: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf

"Go on, Harry, stay calm and don't cause any trouble."

Lockhart's voice came from behind, reminding Harry that he was now in danger.

'Don't mess around, Hermione and Ron are under control, Lockhart will kill them without hesitation! ’

Such thoughts popped into his head from time to time, making Harry dare not act rashly. He could only use the least obvious way of slowing down to confront the people behind him.

"Go faster, Harry," the urging voice came from behind, and Lockhart was obviously very dissatisfied with his actions.

"It's too dark ahead and there are bones. I can't walk fast."

'If Lockhart asked himself to go fast, he would deliberately sprain his ankle and slow down. ’

Harry shouted behind him with this thought.

But he was instantly hit by a spell, and then his whole body was controlled by bandages, floating in the air.

"Professor William's method is quite good. To be honest, I learned a lot of useful things from him -" Lockhart walked over quickly, "although he is just as annoying as that damn book."


After his strategy of slowing down failed, Harry decided to say something more and delay for a while - although he didn't know what use it would be.

"Of course it's annoying," Lockhart shook his wand and pulled Harry Mummy Potter to his feet. "Obviously I'm the professor of self-defense magic, but that bastard named William who hasn't read a day is messing with me. for the same position."

"Of course you hate it too, Potter."

Once the conversation started, it couldn't be closed. "Obviously I worked so hard to get some honor for myself, but what about you -"


"Shut up, Potter," Lockhart waved his wand, "just listen to me."


"Myrtle, can you lead the way?"

"Of course, Professor."

Myrtle took the lead and rushed to the front. Percy originally wanted to follow, but was stopped by William, "Behind me, Percy."

William put the Bubble Charm on himself and the Iron Armor Charm, and then carefully stepped into the pipe, holding the wand in one hand and the inferior shield he made using rope and transfiguration in the other - if something goes wrong, If you block it, you can quickly deform again and stick to the pipe to slow down.

"Theoretically, there won't be any traps on this road, but you still have to control your speed carefully!"

William finally shouted to Percy, and then he slid down very quickly.


"Here we are, Potter."

Lockhart threw Harry to the ground and began to look at the wall in front of him.

'The book said that here, when the Slytherin inheritance ceremony is started, the name will be recorded - will it still be in this room? ’

He began to look around, but found no other places like secret passages.

‘On the statue? A certain stone carving? Or somewhere else? ’

'Forget it, stop looking, use that snake to destroy the Chamber of Secrets - anyway, we have to pretend that Harry Potter opened the Chamber of Secrets but the inheritance failed. No matter how magical the inheritance is, it will destroy the foundation. . ’

He gave up his inquiry and prepared to open the door.


This time it was quite skillful - there was no way he would make that confusing mistake again.

"That's, ahem, what." Harry struggled to speak, trying to make a last-ditch effort - the bandage that had just been used to gag his mouth was loosened.

"You mean that kind of sound?" Lockhart's smile became wilder. "That's a special language. My pride - I'm a master of language, Potter."

"I'm good at finding news from all kinds of places, as I told you on the way," Lockhart asked Harry to start again, "but not everyone can understand those stories. You can't even imagine. How heavy the accent of the old witch in London was, and how unintelligible the old wizard in Armenia was in unintelligible Russian and Armenian.”

"Of course, the other two are nothing compared to his poor English. His English is a disaster!"

"And that old American wizard—what slang he said!"

“If I wasn’t a master of words, I wouldn’t understand those stories!”

"So, Potter, you should know how hard Lockhart has worked to become a big man - let's go!"


"There is no trap. Is this really the passage Lockhart passed through?"

William raised his head with a suspicious look on his face, suspecting that he had gone the wrong way.

"Be careful next time," William continued, "Don't make unnecessary noises. This is Slytherin's secret room. God knows how many traps there are!"


"We searched again, and it seems we didn't find anything."

Lockhart shook his head, dropped Harry to the ground, and then threw a book at Harry.

"You also have to lose your memory, Potter." Lockhart held the wand with a calm expression. "Although it is now according to the plan, I don't mind letting you see what kind of power I have."

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

There was that strange hissing sound again, but Harry could distinguish it quite clearly, and he even had the illusion that he could say that too.

Because the bandage was so tight, he couldn't even see what was going on around him. He could only hear something being opened over there.

Then, Harry heard something slithering upward from somewhere deep—it must have been the basilisk.

‘That’s right, snake! ’

Harry suddenly remembered what happened on his cousin Dudley's birthday - that time he talked to a snake.

‘The basilisk is also controlled by snake language? ’

‘Perhaps, I can try. ’

He persuaded himself to calm down.

"Close your eyes."

"Climb over here."

"Attack over there."

Lockhart was trying his short sentences again, which made Harry's ears awkward.

But those orders were quite effective - the basilisk's tail whipped out and something was destroyed.

"Get up and take a look, Harry." Lockhart lifted him up with his wand, allowing Harry to finally see where he was.

This was a huge room, and at the end of the room, directly facing him, was a statue as tall as the room itself, clinging to the dark wall behind it.

The statue is carved with an old, monkey-like face, with a long sparse beard at the bottom of the face, which almost reaches the hem of the wizard's robe carved in stone, and at the bottom of the statue are two gray big feet. On the smooth floor of the room.

In the far corner of the statue, a huge snake, at least twenty feet tall, was attacking a pillar with its tail.

"Close your eyes! Climb over here!"

Lockhart shouted, "See, Potter, what power I wield."

Lockhart reached out and groped the huge snake, his eyes wild.

'It's now. ’

"Attack Lockhart!"

Harry shouted loudly - the originally docile snake stood up instantly and bit Lockhart.


Lockhart yelled half a sentence with a distorted face, but before he could finish the words, he fell to the ground - the spell that knocked Lockhart down was so powerful that it even made Harry next to him through the thick wall. The thick bandage made my skin feel hot.

Then, another spell shot through the air like a meteor, extremely dazzling, and hit the basilisk heavily.

ps: I overestimated myself... I'm half useless today...

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