From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 232 During the exam

"Are you awake?"

Singed opened his heavy eyelids.

‘Why did I fall asleep? Those above - Adams and William? ’

'Oh, by the way, I was testing the newly made magic eye. During the experiment, I saw the magic eye reflected in the water glass...'

'I have a headache, the material is better than I thought, the effect is great...'

"Singed?" William called again.

My potion has been checked and the effect is very good. Could it be that the magic eye made from the basilisk's eye also has amnesia function?

"I'm fine. William, have you lifted the curse?"

Yes, it was removed, but it was a bit extravagant and used a lot of magic potions - the effect of the modified magic eye is not that amazing, just like the whitewashed villain in the anime, the effect is very weak.

Not only has the instant death effect been lost, but the petrification effect has also been weakened a lot.

How can I put it this way, if the magic eye meets the iron armor curse released by William, it will basically not break the defense, and there is even a certain chance of deflecting the petrification curse.

If he hadn't just had the corresponding potion in his hand, William felt that he could even get rid of the curse with special effects by pondering it for seven or eight days.

"That's right, I just have the corresponding potion."

He stretched out his hand towards Singed, "The operation was successful, you are already a lovely witch."


"Uh-" William was stunned for a moment, and then explained, "You can understand it as a special potion-taking ritual."

"That's good, it's not what—wait?"

Xingid was stunned for a moment, then straightened up, his eyes wandered, he waited for a moment, and stretched out his hand regardless of the surprised looks of the two people next to him.

"Pfft haha..."

Adams on the side couldn't hold it in any longer, holding his stomach and laughing crazily.

"Shut up Adams, if you're laughing I'll put Polyjuice Potion in your pumpkin juice!"

After completing the inspection, Singed roared at Adams, quite as if he had a disagreement and pulled out his wand for a duel.

"Okay, okay, I promise not to talk about this - but, are you conscious?"

"Shut up!"

Singed had drawn his wand.

"Okay, okay, let me introduce your new product. I just did a simple test to determine the treatment plan, but I still don't understand how to use it."

In order to prevent himself from laughing out loud during the duel between the two and causing another duel, William began to forcefully change the topic.

"That's it, the magic eye." Xingid explained nonchalantly, but his tone clearly attached great importance to his own product. "Although the bones were given to Hagrid, I definitely can't waste such top-quality materials as eyes."

"It's just a pity. William, your eye disease spell was too harsh, and both materials were damaged." Singed shook his head, "Of course, the basilisk cannot recover the damage after it dies, so it took only two eyes to make this product. Come."

"The lethality no longer exists, and the power of petrification has also been reduced, but the petrification can also be controlled." He took the magic eye from William's hand. "Theoretically, it can be used instead of the eye, but it should not have the original eye. Very useful."

"However, the accompanying strengthening petrification spell that requires almost no incantation perfectly makes up for the original shortcomings. The interval is also very short, which is much faster than reciting incantations."

"Of course, it's much slower when held in the hand, and it's fastest and most aggressive when placed near the eyes - that's about it."

Singed had an expression on his face that said, "I can do such a thing casually," but the feeling of "I'm so awesome, come and admire me" in his tone was almost overflowing.

"How should I put it... I still feel a bit weak..."

William tried not to use irritating language.

"Do you think that something with wizard magic can be compared with a huge basilisk?" Singed looked at the amateurish expression on his face, "I have tried hard to retain its power. If you take off your eyes, you can use it. If so, then why did Slytherin raise such a big basilisk? Just dig out its eyes. How about adding a magic spell to make it plug-and-play?"

‘If you’re going to say that, it’s not like I haven’t read works with related content...’

But William would definitely not say this - if alchemy was so magical, other magical creatures would have been wiped out long ago...

"Okay, okay, look at your amateurish look..." Singed had an angry expression on his face, "I'll give it to you, feel the power of my magic props!"

"Didn't you just make it?"

"Yes, but it has been tested and I understand the performance. I have almost mastered this material. The finished product will not help me at all except for galleons." Singed waved his hand impatiently, "I I have to improve my experimental notes, I have already wasted a lot of time..."

William and Adams were almost driven out by him.

"No, is Singed such a workaholic?"

William looked at Adams with a look of surprise - it was the first time he had seen Singed like this after working together for almost a year.

"No, he used to have to brag for a long time, and he just finished the experimental notes and so on..."

Adams also looked confused, looked at the closed door, and shook his head.

"Wait a minute," the door suddenly opened, and Singed poked his head out, "I suddenly remembered that I haven't loaded the product's curse removal function on the magic eye yet. I'm sorry William - by the way, that antidote is for I-I think it will be helpful for research!”

He quickly took the magic eye from William's hand and the half bottle of potion left, and quickly closed the door again, "It will be done in another half a month, and I will give you the finished product by then!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Adams was stunned for a moment, and pulled William away quickly, but he suddenly laughed out loud before he got halfway.

William was stunned for a moment, and then laughed together. The two of them smiled in a non-professor manner amidst the puzzled expressions on the portrait next to them.


"How did you do on the exam?"

"When I was chanting the levitating spell on that mouse, I accidentally got bitten. Isn't it going to deduct points?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. It's not a magical creature test. What about the color-changing spell?"

"It's nice, pretty colorful black."

As the two students were talking about their grades, they looked up at the corridor over there and noticed two figures crowded in the nearest oil painting.

"What happened?"

"Two professors are discussing issues over there."

The portrait said listlessly, "Because it's too noisy, I can only hide here."

"Go and see!"

"Professor William smiles like that?"

"And that Professor Adams who teaches Herbology - why are they so happy?"

"Isn't it because of the OWLs exam?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it might be the seventh grade exam."

But this answer won't make people happy either - being so happy because of the seventh grade exam is really not good news...

"It's not about grades..."

"Impossible. The professor is so serious about writing the papers. Maybe - he stole the questions at the back and found that he usually answered the questions correctly?"


The two nodded heavily—Professor William had said since the beginning of the semester that he would stake the exam questions. Although the theory of OWLs exam questions would not be leaked, they could not guess what the professors were capable of.


"Take a good look at the paper. I guess the professor made the right bet!"

"But, that's the OWLs exam!"

"Trust Professor William, look at the last paper again!"

"Let me tell you secretly, the professor got the paper and found that he bet on the right question..."

The OWLs exam starts on Monday, with the first subject being Charms, and the following days will be about Transfiguration, Herbal Medicine, and Wizard Self-Defense Magic taught by Professor William.

During the period from Monday to Wednesday night, rumors about the papers that William produced in the last few days became more and more outrageous among the students, as if William really had extraordinary powers and stole the test questions.

"How's it going, William, are you nervous?"

Adams asked quietly next to William on Thursday morning.

"I'm not nervous. In fact, I was a little nervous the day the exam first came, but after seeing the exam on the first day, I wasn't nervous anymore."

William easily made himself a baked potato, "Because I found that the test pattern was exactly the same as I expected, which means that my training for the fifth graders this year has basically fallen into place. If they can all fail in this way, , then I have nothing to regret.”

"What about seventh grade?"

"I can only say that it is no worse than the average of previous professors, and the foundation of the seventh-year students is frighteningly good - to be honest, even if I don't go to class, those guys can pass the graduation exam on their own."

"No special treatment at all?"

"There are still some. Two of them want to be Aurors. I gave them a little more of the papers I gave them."

William helped himself another small lamb chop.

"Okay, let's wait and see. Although the final results will still be sent later, you can basically see the final test results in this afternoon's practical class. It won't be much different. This is experience."

Adams introduced his experience without reservation, "If it doesn't work in the morning, the professor can't get in, but you can think of a way in the afternoon."

"Okay, it's up to you."

William unceremoniously relied on Adams - no matter how he said he was not worried, he still wanted to know how those children's answers were.

"Okay, stop thinking in the morning and come with me to the hospital to see those students. They have woken up, but they have not been allowed to leave the hospital yet."


"Yes, there are too many students this time. Even if they are taken care of very carefully, their bodies are a little weak during this period. After all, they have been lying down for so long..."

"Okay, it saves me from always thinking about the exam." William nodded, "We'll buy some candies and other food later."


"Professor William..."

Madam Pomfrey had a helpless expression on her face, "It's okay for those children to bring so many snacks. You should know, forget about candies and chocolate frogs. Snacks like multi-flavor beans are not good for their physical recovery."

"Just this once, Madam Pomfrey," William smiled sheepishly, "After lying down for so long, the curse has been cleared, so eating some snacks is not unacceptable..."

Naturally, William and Adams, carrying snacks, were welcomed by the students.

This delayed their departure from the hospital for a long time. If William hadn't been thinking about the students taking exams and he had to cheer for the students in the afternoon, it would have been delayed until very late.

"Take good care of your health. It's time for you to take the exam next year!"

William finally waved to the students.


"I suddenly felt that the chocolate frog was tasteless..."

On a hospital bed, the student who was observing the card weakly spread his hands.

"Almost...why am I not cursed until fifth grade, so I don't have to worry about the OWLs exam."

"Wake up, according to the usual practice, not only do you need to take the exam, but you also thoughtfully prepare for the second exam - basically the time when school starts after the summer vacation. This has happened before. The Examination Administration has quite complete provisions..."

"Shut up, Thelma—you're about to become as annoying as Professor William..."

A pack of chocolate frogs was thrown at them, sealing the mouths of the students who refused to open or pick up which pot.


"It's no use even after trying to hide. We have to face the exam after all."

Adams was making sarcastic remarks there. The students he taught were not taking exams this year, so they were very relaxed.

After a hurried lunch, William and Adams began to change their jobs to become door gods at the entrance of the examination room, guarding the examination room and sending blessings to the students who went to take the exam.

According to the original plan, he smiled and made a cheering gesture to encourage those children, but the actual situation was completely different from what he thought.

Originally, he didn't want to put more pressure on students during the exam and specifically didn't ask them how they did, so theoretically this was the first time he had close contact with these children today, but these students looked at him with full eyes. trust.

William didn't even use a cheering gesture. When his name was called, every student had an expression of "I can do it, professor, just watch it."

"Adams, I think something's wrong."

William whispered while a wave of students entered.

"What's wrong? Aren't you very energetic?"

Adams looked confused, "Do you want them to look confused, as if they don't know anything?"

"No, this expression shouldn't be like this."

William shook his head, "Their expressions don't look like they are going for an exam, but like they are going for an outing..."

To be precise, it's like getting the correct answer in advance.

Wait - it can't be?

William was stunned for a moment. The exams in the magic world were different from the stereotyped writing. There were not many places where he could make a fuss about the questions. He had to answer several sets of questions before the exam... Could it be that he had to press too many questions?

"Adams, can you fix the morning papers?"

Because he was not familiar with the examiner, William could only ask Adams for help.

"It's a bit difficult, but after all, I've passed the exam, so I can still try."

Adams scratched his head and went out to ask a familiar examiner for questioning.

After a while, he ran back out of breath holding the test questions.

"That's it. The written test questions in the morning are impossible to get in the afternoon."

A large piece of parchment was thrust into William's hands, and William began to review the questions quickly.

Fortunately, the question was not his choice - but it was too easy.

"It's a bit similar to the open-book set during the Chinese New Year..."

William quickly completed the paper, and then looked at Adams next to him.

After thinking for a long time, William came up with such a suitable sentence.

"How should I put it...I think this year's question maker looks down on me a bit..."

ps: I give in... There's no way I can finish it during the day these days... I'll just owe you that chapter now, and I'll see if I can pay it back over the weekend...

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