From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 241 A good start to the holiday

At seven o'clock in the morning, William struggled to get out of bed.

What caught his eye was not the ceiling of the supporting lounge in his office, but a strange yet familiar roof. Only then did he realize that he was already in the Leaky Cauldron.

'Make sure first - it's not a dream just coming out of Azkaban. ’

With this thought in mind, he pulled out his wand and experimented with a silent spell. If he had just been released from prison, such magic would never be able to be cast.

Casting the spell is smooth and as natural as breathing.

'It's not a dream,' William laughed, then yawned and got dressed, ready for class.

'Wait? ’

After he got dressed, he suddenly froze - summer vacation is here, what classes are there?

'can not fall asleep…'

William looked at the bed that had been made by magic, and his heart was filled with sadness...

The precious morning of the first day of summer vacation was wasted like this - even if I take off my clothes and lie there now, I can't even think of falling asleep.

“What an uncomfortable start to the holiday…”

William sighed and began to pack away the things he had left in the box yesterday due to laziness.

The first is a set of textbooks. Although William is already familiar with them, reading them from time to time can still play a role in reviewing the past and learning new things.

Then there is a set of potion tools and several cauldrons. The best quality fire crab shell is placed on the other side and does not need to be taken out for the time being.

Taking out the last set of time-killing books from the box, William couldn't help but be surprised - without knowing it, he had accumulated so much wealth?

'I have to think about renting a house for a long time. It is not practical to buy a house in a good location. It is feasible to build one by yourself, but it is really difficult to find craftsmen who specialize in this in the magic world... and it is quite good to buy a piece of land licensed by the Ministry of Magic. Dear…'

‘Why doesn’t Hogwarts have civil engineering courses? You don't even need to dust the house when you build it with magic. It won't be so involuted that you'll run away with a bucket...'

‘Where did all my messy thoughts go…’

Shaking his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, William began to figure out his summer vacation plans.

First, the curse had to be worked out - it had been delayed for too long, and the information copied by Professor Snape could not wait any longer.

This work must be completed within two weeks, because William promised Adams to go to the Far East together during the summer. If it is not completed by then, then there is no telling how long it will have to be delayed.

William calculated that in about two weeks, it would have been a full year since he was cursed. If so many things this year were not mixed with the effects of the curse, then the two weeks of hiding from research could not have overcome the curse. He didn't know what the two-year curse would do, but it was time for a new state.

If you don't dare to go shopping at that time, then there will be no time to run around, and you won't scare yourself to death with unfounded worries.

Let's talk about what we will do after the trip to the Far East. The first month of summer vacation has passed by then, whether it is to improve the level of potions or to prepare some papers for the start of school, it will be excellent.


"It's summer vacation, Percy."

The twins opened their eyes and spoke with serious faces to Percy who woke them up.

"Of course, of course," Percy said with a bit of unspeakable determination on his face, "But I must have a good start on the first day of summer vacation. This is what Professor William specially told me."

"God," George's only sleepiness was driven away after hearing that name, "at least not today, Percy, we have to get up with the sun on the first day of summer vacation."

He pointed to the window. The window in their room opened to the west, and the sun could not be seen at all at the moment.

But what answered them was a clear water spring spell, and clear water emerged from Percy's wand, soaking the twins' beds and luggage as if they had been soaked in water.


"Ah! Percy!"

The shouts of the two people immediately filled the entire room, and then broke through the blockade of the wall and spread throughout the hall, waking up the rest of the children who were trying to sleep in.

"What are you two arguing about, Fred and George!"

Ron's dissatisfied voice came through the walls and ceiling, and the deformation was quite serious.

"You should ask Percy, he made our bed all wet!"

The two shouted dissatisfiedly, and the remaining sleepiness had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"what happened!"

Mrs. Weasley's voice sounded from far away, but she got close halfway through the sentence, which made the twins laugh involuntarily - they were already good at accounting.

But they were disappointed, and Percy used his wand to clear the water before Mrs. Weasley could get there, making the two realize once again how annoying an adult brother can be at home...

"What's wrong, you guys?"

"Nothing, Mom, I told them to get up. According to the summer training plan assigned to them by Professor William, they should get up and review their textbooks now."

"Okay, it's Professor William again..."

Mrs. Weasley shook her head, "Although I think Professor William is quite good, but Percy..."

Although she recognized Professor William very much and had heard some parents praise the professor some time ago, she still occasionally cared about Azkaban - there was nothing she could do about it, this was the nature of a mother, she There are five children at Hogwarts now…


While Mrs. Weasley once again showed that she did not distrust the professor, but hoped that Percy would not be so superstitious, the twins secretly tugged at the corner of Percy's clothes.

They agreed before going home yesterday that this time the plan would be controlled by Percy, but Percy must fully follow the professor's plan with their cooperation.

"You made an agreement with Professor William, won't betray the professor's trust, right?"

At that time, the two of them stared at Percy and forced him to sign the agreement - exactly as the professor said.

So, according to what was said at the time, it was reasonable not to notify Mrs. Weasley.


After a flurry of excitement, the Weasley family finally made their way to the dining table.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a complete breakfast," Mrs. Weasley looked at the table full of redheads and smiled, "Arthur, you don't have to work overtime today, right?"

"No need, I specifically asked for a week off to spend time with the children." Mr. Weasley responded with a smile, "Of course, not all day, I can only go to work a little late. You know, during the students' summer vacation, the ministry It’s going to be busy.”

"It doesn't would be nice if I could spend more time with my child..."

Listening to his parents' conversation, Percy couldn't hold back the conversation that he originally wanted to postpone. He was afraid that if the conversation continued, he would not be able to speak.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Percy gathered his courage, "I have something important to announce."

The twins' expressions suddenly changed - wasn't it about their grades? Didn't they agree that they would cooperate and not mention their grades?

For this purpose, they also bribed Ginny with a large amount of galleons, a total of seven!

"Say it, dear."

"That's right," Percy paused, "I found an internship job. I just received a reply this morning. The time is very urgent. I will probably report there the day after tomorrow."

"Internship at the Ministry of Magic, dear?"

"No, Mom, it's an internship in the caravan. The professors thought I needed to see the magical world around me."

"Internship in the caravan?" Mrs. Weasley was stunned and immediately refused, "No, Bill and Charlie have traveled far enough. Internship in the caravan is too far away."

"But Mom, after completing the internship, I will get several letters of recommendation, and I will basically be able to work in the Ministry of Magic safely."

Percy went straight to the final reward - he knew exactly what kind of news his mother would like.

"Several letters of recommendation..."

Mrs. Weasley looked at Percy, a little hesitant.

Several letters of recommendation plus admission to the Ministry of Magic mean that Percy will not be far away from England like other children after graduation, but he will have to endure a summer separation...

"Okay, I agree," Mrs. Weasley made a difficult decision and looked at Arthur Weasley, "What do you think?"

"It's up to you, Molly."

Mr. Weasley wisely made no comment.


"Damn, something's still wrong. What's wrong?"

William checked the curse, but still couldn't pinpoint the name.

The requirement for dyeing was more difficult than he imagined, and many experiments still failed.

'It is too difficult to control the coloring of fonts. The curse is born to destroy. When the effect of the curse is too slight, it is extremely difficult to reduce it even a little bit...'

‘Yes, destruction! I can just destroy the name on the paper! ’

Such an idea suddenly appeared, making William, who was in torture, suddenly come to life.

Compared with dyeing, it is easier to delete the original handwriting directly. Even if the spell effect is not ideal, it is just the difference between a blank and a pitch black, and it does not affect the access to information at all.

Under the guidance of this idea, he quickly broke through the difficulties that had been blocking him and successfully completed the curse that was not in the original plan.

But in order to prevent the hard-won information from being destroyed, he spent another day transcribing and writing all the information again.

'The experiments have been successful on school-scale materials. They have been tested on single parchment and multiple sheets. Let's see if it is effective on these transcribed contents...'

Breathe, breathe again.

William stacked piles of simple classified information, and on the first pile, he released the curse he had researched to destroy the designated name.


He removed his wand and carefully read the information in front of him.

As expected, all the Slytherin records obtained from Professor Snape's office are here.

"The first cursed name is the Malfoys..."

William still remembered that family and listed them as the first target of the investigation.

"Yes, there is some missing content. After comparison, it was found to be the Malfoy family. There is no error."

"Then the second pile can start..."


"I knew it!"

William grabbed the wand excitedly, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

"Before the rise of the Dark Lord, the Malfoy family's small-scale donation to Slytherin dropped by a notch. Although it is still considerable, the gap in Galleons is indeed huge."

"It wasn't until the Dark Lord disappeared because of Harry's incident that the Malfoy family's donation first dropped by a large amount, and then slowly rose back up..."

"Hmm - there's something weird..."

William flipped through piles of information and copied the ones he found with obvious white spots, "Logically, existences like the Malfoy family should have made their attitude clear immediately after the Dark Lord disappeared, but then Not only did annual donations not increase, but they actually decreased – it’s really outrageous.”

"There was no liquidation after the war - this is the news circulated within Azkaban." William bit the straw, "It is said that the purebloods cooperated with Gringotts to withstand the requirements of the Ministry of Magic. The Malfoy family spent money at that time Up here?"

"There's something wrong. If everyone does this together, the donation ratio should be about the same for two consecutive years, but the Malfoy family has shrunk too much."

"Yes - there is a rumor in Azkaban that some purebloods used money and excuses to escape life in Azkaban!"

"If that's what you think, it must be okay!"

William laughed.

"So," he looked at the information at hand, "there are many more names like ours. I guess at least 70% of people who behave similarly are Death Eaters. Isn't that too much?"

He took out the parchment from his pocket and copied the first name on it.

'Lucius Malfoy, presumably, former Death Eater. ’

"The next step is to compare the interesting times and find differences."

He put down the straw and rewarded himself with a chocolate frog.

"Unfortunately, this list can only reveal doubts. It is impossible to make real accusations, and there is no way to hand over the list to anyone based on this."

After all, the list came from the wrong place.

Slytherin's private bill passed down by Professor Snape - if this thing were passed down, William would never be able to stay at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts has four houses. If Slytherin has it, then should the other houses have it?

Also, stealing Slytherin's bills, the rest of the houses...huh?

Therefore, this list is just for my own entertainment. It will make it easier to find Death Eaters in the future. As for handing it over to others, I don't want to do it...

He had finally endured the curse in his first year at Hogwarts, and it would be a waste to be disliked by all the deans again.

"The time left is enough for me to eliminate all those rich purebloods - thanks to the previous professor, I didn't have the habit of using secret symbols or passwords, otherwise it would be a lot of fun this time..."

The more William copied, the happier he became, and he even lost track of time. Although it was extremely troublesome to compare the data, it was so satisfying to be able to add a name to the list every time a set of data was found to be abnormal.

"It's not just that, there are so many useful things in that information——"

When he got hungry from transcribing, William looked at the secondary transcribed data that had been made difficult to see clearly, and collected them all with a smile.

"It's time to eat something. Today is the last day of the curse year. If you go to eat something later, you have to remember to check if it's poisonous..."

"How about staying in the room until today is over?"

He hesitated for a moment, took out the bread he had prepared long ago, and held the wand at the same time - absolutely no flags!

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