From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 262 Before boarding the train


"Are you kidding me?"

"Professor with us?"

When Mr. Weasley announced to his children that they would go to King's Cross Station with Professor William tomorrow, everyone exclaimed.

The twin brothers were the two who shouted the loudest - they had just finished a whole summer of nightmare review, and today, the day closest to their magic wand, the professor appeared again?

What a joke!

Both of them had made up their minds to treat the day of the train ride as a professor-free day. They even planned to skip the sorting ceremony and the opening ceremony and celebrate the night in the Room of Requirement.

As a result, on the first day of this good day, they have to go to the station with the professor?

The two looked at each other, feeling helpless about life from each other's expressions.

"In that case, is the professor taking the train to Hogwarts this year?"

Percy suddenly interjected and asked.

"That's probably true. After all, this year's situation is a bit special."

Mr. Weasley remained calm and had no intention of telling the children what he was worried about.

However, the twins on the side couldn't calm down at all - wasn't it just in the morning? It turned out that we were going to Hogwarts together on the train...

Such thoughts surfaced, and even the air became sad.



William tried shouting the word, but his owl had no response.

This was the fifteenth name he had prepared for his owl, but it was still not satisfied.

The owl already knew him, and William had even tried to buy candy with it once, but the name still hadn't been decided.

To be precise, it seems that it hasn't found a name it likes yet.

"Forget it, today's naming is over, let's discuss it another day," William shouted to his owl, "Come and eat."

It reacted to this. It spread its wings slightly and flew from the horizontal bar where it was sitting to the side of William. It watched William tear open a whole package of owl food, rubbed his head against William's hand, and then began to eat hard.

'It's so delicious, I almost could have been called that name...'

Just as this thought came to William's mind, the owl, which was immersed in cooking, raised its head and cooed to express its dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, don't call it that, don't call it that - you are simply too smart..."

William shook his head, rubbed the owl again, and then began to pack his things.

A new beginning - like last year, he was now leaving the Leaky Cauldron to work at Hogwarts.

"The situation this year is much worse than last year -" William sighed, "Last year there was no news about Death Eater No. 1 escaping from prison."

"But the curse has been overturned for a year, and my strength has improved. It's still good after all."

He smiled and started packing his things.

With the wave of the magic wand, the furnishings originally placed in the room - books, clothes, snacks - flew into the box one by one and became neat.

'There is still progress in organizing magic, but not much. The house elves are really too enthusiastic...'

He thought a little embarrassed, and then put away the thick stack of papers on the table - this is the sample paper for the next exam. When he returns to school, he can copy the paper with a shorthand quill and then he can take the exam and Homework is assigned.

"A lot of training plans have been done, although the translation is still not complete -" He shook his head. Some of the professional vocabulary he found was not available in the reference books and dictionaries, especially black magic, which was really tough.

"It's the last change of clothes. Well, the luggage is packed and we're just waiting for school to start."


The next morning, William woke up earlier than usual.

He took his packed luggage and owl and started checking out at Old Tom's side.

"Morning, William," Old Tom smiled happily, "Are you going to class?"

"Of course, after all, holiday wages are paid as usual," William smiled back, "Besides, I have assigned homework for a whole holiday, and I have to see how the students have completed it."

"I don't think they're going to like this reason for opening schools."

Old Tom happily served breakfast, "But in order to be able to cast spells in order to start school, there won't be many people who object."

"That makes sense," William nodded in agreement, "So can I have a cup of hot chocolate?"

"impossible things."

Old Tom's attitude was firm, "Don't make a fuss about Hannah. I've made it clear that you won't teach the third graders this year."

After saying that, the old man smiled and walked away.

"Just wait, Old Tom, she will be my student sooner or later, and I will deduct her usual points! Just because of this cup of chocolate!"

"Wait until you are ready!"

Old Tom left without looking back.

This was supposed to be William's last conversation before leaving the pub - but the Weasleys managed to ruin this simple farewell process.

William, carrying his luggage and his owl, watched in amazement as the Weasleys carried their luggage and other things.

Luggage is the easiest thing to carry, the difficulty lies in owls and other things.

For example, the Weasley brothers.

For the first time, William knew one thing - the two of them were really restrained at school, and their destructive power was doubled when they stayed with their families.

Spilling tea on pictures of Percy's girlfriend, hiding Percy's prefect badge and Head Boy badge, and stuffing all sorts of magical props in suitcases (when Mrs. Weasley complained about where the two kids got them from) William kept his mouth shut when so much money came to buy it.), pretending to each other to make the work impossible - and the list goes on and on.

"Wait a minute," William looked curiously at another child in the crowd who was not a red-haired child, "Why are you here, Miss Granger?"

"Hello, Professor."

After working as a professor for a year, William's basic prestige had been established.

"Because I had to go to school tomorrow, I came to Diagon Alley in advance to buy textbooks, and then I convinced my parents to let me go to school with them."

The answer is quite logical, but why is the cat you are holding so ugly?

It wasn't that William was prejudiced against cats, it was just that the cat she was holding was too ugly. It was so ugly that William temporarily put aside why a thirteen-year-old child could convince his parents.

It was a ginger cat with thick, fluffy fur.

It stands to reason that a cat like this wouldn't be ugly at all, but it couldn't help but look like it had been punched hard by someone. The whole thing was flat, giving people an ugly and fierce look.

'This cat is ridiculously ugly. ’

William thought in his heart, but as a professor, he maintained an attitude of not criticizing this.

Unfortunately, his owl didn't think so, and the owl next to him made an obvious mocking sound - yes, an owl was mocking, which sounded outrageous, but whether it was the laughter or the gesture, it gave people the feeling That's it.

Thus, it successfully angered the target of ridicule.

"Crookshanks, no!"

Hermione said as she tried to control her cat, but at this moment it had broken away from Hermione's control and jumped out - and then froze in place, motionless.

William's eagle owl half-expanded its wings in its huge cage, suddenly becoming huge and filling the entire cage.


Crookshanks stayed where he was, shouting and raising his airplane ears, a gurgling sound coming from his throat.

Seeing that a confrontation was about to begin, William shook his head and walked over.

Then he tapped the wand lightly in the air, petrifying it, the cat.

Grasping the skin of the back of its neck with one hand and undoing the petrification with the other, William easily picked up the cat and said, "Let it stay for a while. This cat is so vicious."

"Where does it usually sleep?"

"In the basket, Professor." Ron responded cheerfully from a distance, "That's it, Professor."

William did his best, grabbed the skin of the back of his neck and put it in, without letting go of the wand in his other hand, "Lie there quietly and be obedient."

Now it is quite obedient - just as William thought, this cat may be as spiritual as Filch's Mrs. Norris.

"What a great cat," he praised. "There are many students in the castle who keep cats, but there probably aren't many as smart as him."

After saying that, William shouted upstairs, "Fred, George, if you two don't hurry up and plan to play some tricks, you can try the confinement plan for the new semester starting tomorrow!"

"We don't, Professor!"

There were shouts from upstairs, which were extremely tragic and seemed very unfair.

But the facts don't lie - after his warning, the Weasley family's luggage moved much faster, much earlier than William originally expected.


"Have you packed everything? Let's go now."

The two drivers sent by the Ministry of Magic were patient, but they were not Aurors.

The bibliography of young British Aurors was unprotected against William - if he wanted to pass the Auror exam, he had to obtain the Ultimate Wizarding Certificate in this subject, and last year he checked the roster of previous graduates, and nothing else. I can guarantee that he will recognize any Auror within ten years unless they have changed their heads.

As for the disguise, it's even more of a joke. No matter what kind of medicine it is, it has its own flavor. As a fairly good pharmacist, William is almost impossible to be fooled by the medicine.

Unless the other party tries to change the smell, but without a reasonable explanation, the masked smell will become more obvious.

'Of course, forget about that girl who graduated before and was born with the ability to change her face. If she turns into a man, I won't be able to detect it at all...'

'What do I want to do with these? Well, sit in the car at the back so that Harry and the others don't lose it...'

William arranged the seats a little, letting Percy Weasley, his wife, and Harry sit in the front car, while he and the younger children sat in the back.

"Professor, I want to be with Harry."

Ron protested, and William couldn't find an excuse and had to let him go, but he left the rest behind.

"Let's go, Mr. Driver."

William sat next to the driver, feeling the Ministry of Magic's vehicles while observing the cars in front of him.

'If I were to make any arrangements, I would definitely have to ambush good men in the easiest place to attack and wait for Sirius to take the bait... But here's the problem, this kind of magically modified vehicle is also used in the Ministry of Magic...'

'No, I remember that the Black family is pure blood - they might be able to get the Ministry of Magic's transformation blueprints and understand the relevant properties. ’

'Furthermore, according to my investigation, those purebloods who originally supported the Dark Lord may also be secretly helping Sirius. They may not have the courage to take action directly, but it is still feasible to create obstacles for the Ministry of Magic through various channels. ’

'Even if Sirius can hide for so long, maybe they have help...'

Infinite possibilities emerged in William's mind, but his wand never let go.

Before getting in the car, he briefly checked the safety of the vehicle. The vehicle itself could completely withstand the destructive spells he could use to his maximum ability.

In this case, if something goes wrong ahead, he can immediately go down and stop Death Eater No. 1, and drag him until Dumbledore comes to arrest him personally.

'Sooner or later we will face the Dark Lord, and his number one subordinate will definitely have to face him...'

Such similar thoughts kept appearing and disappearing. However, what puzzled William was that he didn't notice anything unusual happening until the two cars arrived at King's Cross Station.

‘Am I overestimating him? Or is he confident enough to attack Harry at Hogwarts? ’

This section of the road is the best opportunity - if you really get to Hogwarts, you will have to face Dumbledore.

‘No, there is another good opportunity,’ William looked at the crowded King’s Cross station.

"There are ambushes along the Hogwarts Express. Most people think it's safe here, but it's much easier to get on the train and complete an assassination halfway than to go to Hogwarts to cause trouble."

"Although theoretically there are professors, prefects, and a lot of wizards with wands in the carriage, in fact there are not many effective guards at all."

"The prefects may not even be able to protect the students, let alone look after Harry."

"Sirius could even be cruel enough to attack the students directly to create panic, and then assassinate them. In that case, no one would be able to find out..."

William looked at the station and pondered.

"How about I take Harry and apparate there directly?"

"It's not appropriate. If I leave the train, then if Sirius attacks, without my protection, those students..."

He gritted his teeth and realized that the situation he was encountering now was very bad.

"The protection task is indeed the most difficult..."

"I have to organize the prefects and ask them to take good care of the students, and then ask the Ministry of Magic to mobilize strikers to guard the train..."

"If possible, it would be best to notify the school to come."

"That's it..."

William made up his mind, then stopped the Ministry of Magic staff who wanted to leave, and directly asked for a way to contact the Ministry of Magic using owls.

"Okay, professor, I'll find a way to notify the minister and them right away."

At first, the driver was a little confused, but William just expressed his guess, and the driver's face immediately changed.

What happened to Harry was an accident, and what happened to a student was no small accident - if something went wrong with the Hogwarts Express, then the minister could resign.

Although he is only the driver of the Ministry, the Ministry of Magic only has two cars, and he has more ways to contact the Minister than others!

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