From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 287 Divination and Club

[The first week of school has passed like this. 】

William wrote this sentence under the year, month, day and weather in the diary, and then paused.

There were so many flaws today that he didn't know what to say for a while.

[Today’s course is difficult to describe in one word...]

[Although I called the seventh-grade students and told them to be merciless, even the testers were specially changed - Percy, the Gryffindor test Slytherin...]

After thinking about it, William crossed out the above sentence again - the problem is not there.

[What on earth are those children thinking? 】

[Make cheat sheets on the desk. As they can imagine, this fifth grade class is probably the most trouble-making among all the students, right? 】

[In other words, the stupidest group? 】

[What is the leader among students, and what are the majority of students like...]

This sentence was crossed out again.

[Except for Cedric, that Hufflepuff child is no less talented than Percy in terms of talent and hard work... Maybe it's because Hufflepuff doesn't go to class with Gryffindor...]

The sentence was painted out again.

William looked at the parchment that had been painted out of shape, and simply took it out entirely, crumpled it into a ball, burned it with fire, and then started writing from the beginning on a new page.

[The exam is normal, the expected results are achieved, the treatment plan is effective, the potion is effective, and the student's mood is stable. 】

[The five leading cheaters were sentenced to half a month of confinement, and the minor ones were sentenced to one week of confinement. The cheating incident came to an end. 】

[Pay the teaching assistant subsidy (reimbursed). 】

"Well, that's it."

After looking at the record, although it didn't look like a diary, there was no doubt that all the points that should be recorded were written on it. William thought for a while, added the number of people, and was ready to put the diary down.

After thinking about it, he finally added, "For better control, the number of assistants is at most two."

After writing this, William nodded with satisfaction, put the diary away, and then continued to deal with those damn Russians.



Ron reluctantly got up from the bed and looked at Harry sleepily.

"Are you sure you want it so early? Harry?"

"Shh, Ron," Harry put his finger to his lips, "don't wake them up. It's the weekend and they will definitely want to have a good sleep."

'I want, too…'

Ron wanted to say this very much, but he still put on his clothes carefully and quietly left the house with Harry.

"Speaking of which," Ron felt much more relaxed after leaving the house, "Aren't you going to train today? Did Wood let you go so easily?"

Wood is the captain of the Hogwarts Quidditch team. He wants to win the championship. However, Hufflepuff lost most of its team members in the basilisk incident last year. There is no way, because the competition is fierce and everyone is working hard. There are too many Quidditch players among those who are prone to being caught out during training, leaving early and coming back late.

Just like programmers make up the majority of people walking on the road in the middle of the night, it is normal for those lying in the hospital to be Quidditch players.

Of course, the Quidditch game cannot be held - you can continue shamelessly if you lose one player, but if you lose half of your players, any team with a slight sense of honor will refuse.

"He really wanted to catch us training, but..." Harry shook his head, "I received a notice yesterday that Fred and George were in solitary confinement, as was Angelina, and the professor refused to give them leave... "

There are three people missing all of a sudden, so why do we have to play a training match...

"Eh? I've never heard of it. What happened to them?"

Ron had obviously just heard that his two brothers had been imprisoned again, but he was not surprised - it would have been an accident if Fred and George had not been imprisoned for a month.

"In the words of the professor directed at Wood, they are being stupid..."

Harry couldn't help but think of Wood's frightened pale face yesterday - when Wood heard that the three team members had been detained at noon, he immediately went to the professor to plead for mercy, but he didn't even see the blood on his face for a long time after returning.


Ron was stunned for a moment, "I think the professor still likes Fred and the others. How could this be?"

"Like it a lot?"

Harry looked at Ron, his eyes full of suspicion. If the two hadn't just come out of the same room and Ron hadn't behaved unusually recently, he would have been ready to run away at this moment.

"Why do you think so?"

"Why not?" Ron looked at Harry, "How can ordinary students receive such attention? Fred and George have special homework. Although it is very hard, as far as I know, among the students in the school, they have special homework. They are the only two people in Zhongya who have received this kind of treatment."

"is that so?"

"Of course, Harry, but what on earth did those two do that made the professor so angry?"

"Cheating, group cheating, and then got caught." Harry knew this very well, because after Wood came back, he talked about the matter over and over again several times before he calmed down a little.

"Well, they do deserve it. I remember the professor said last year that if you are caught cheating at will, you will even be expelled. What on earth are Fred and the others thinking..."

"But, Harry, what on earth are we doing out here so early?"

After talking for a long time, Ron finally remembered the business - since he hadn't quite woken up yet, he only now remembered to ask Harry what he was doing today.

"Look for Hagrid. He promised me yesterday to take me to the depths of the Forbidden Forest for a real divination," Harry smiled sheepishly.

Because of the tea leaf divination incident, he had always been worried about the divination results. After Wood had to announce the suspension of training, he immediately sent a letter to Hagrid, and Hagrid agreed to the matter without any hesitation.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Ron was even more anxious than Harry, "Let's go find Hagrid now. I heard that those centaurs live deep in the Forbidden Forest. It will probably take a long time to walk."

He was right.

When the two of them walked to Hagrid's hut, Hagrid even brought dry food.


While calling his hound, he said to Harry, "Let's go, we have a long way to go. Those centaurs don't like to come into contact with humans very much. They don't live close to each other."

"Have you had breakfast? If not, it will be settled on the way."

Harry and Ron each got a piece of hard rock pie.


‘What should I do on the new weekend? ’

When William got up from the bed, he suddenly felt a little confused.

The papers will be out half a month later, and you will need to refer to the teaching situation in the next week for subsequent ones.

Translation has encountered another big problem. There is no good translation method yet, so we can basically put it aside for the time being and wait for inspiration.

There is no need for him to keep an eye on the confinement today - the toilet that has been empty for a whole holiday is welcoming new unlucky people. Because the cheating method is extremely crude and he has no understanding of the serious consequences of cheating, William is determined to let the toilet help them deepen their impression.

They are all fifth grade students who are going to take the OWLs exam, and they haven't realized that cheating collectively will send them to Azkaban! Have they used all their intelligence to cleverly avoid punishment these years?

‘I don’t know what to do for a while. I can’t go to Black Lake to practice flying on the weekend, right? ’

That was obviously impossible, and with a bunch of students watching, he would rather practice magic in an empty classroom—those classrooms were empty on weekends anyway, and whether they could be opened or not was entirely up to the professor.

‘Magic is not suitable for practicing. Daily training is enough. There are no spells that need to be deeply impressed. ’

After pondering for a long time, William sadly discovered that he really didn't seem to know what to do right now.


Adams's voice came from outside the office, which made William, who had originally planned to forget about it for the day, sit up suddenly.

"whats the matter?"

When he used magic to open the door and asked, Adams who rushed in answered naturally.

"Duel Club!"


William was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered. He seemed to have said so when school started, but at that time he was busy recalling the joy of killing a dementor with his own hands, and he was also afraid of using the Unforgivable Curse, so his memory was unclear. .

The fifth grade was so angry yesterday that I simply forgot about it.

"That's what happened, but doesn't it need to be prepared slowly?"

"How can you succeed if you don't start?" Adams said matter-of-factly, "You can't just ask Professor Luping to prepare. He doesn't have such a strong appeal to students. After all, he has no experience."

"Besides, if you don't hold a club, you can't just mention class results in the recommendation letters you give to students later. That's too unconvincing. You can't just issue a letter of introduction like that, you have to be responsible for the graduates!"

Adams made William say that everyone was a little confused - didn't the club come here last year?

"Clubs are for improvement and training. You can't count on the school's few class hours. Besides, without relevant club experience, students' employment is also a problem. Last year, the situation was special. This year we can't make do with it anymore!"

"Okay, but I have to apply for a venue first..."

"No, no, no!" Adams looked confident, "What you have to do is not that, but find a good assistant. The club I established has been well received in related industries. After all, I have rich experience in managing clubs. of experience!”

Adams looked like he was no one else—if William hadn't learned about his relevant achievements from Singed, he would have been deceived.

"Okay, let's go back and prepare for a while. Prepare some potions and herbs. We need to find some attractive methods for the first event. How about we perform a duel?"

William looked at Adams kindly, "Let's go through the details first and prepare healing potions, otherwise some remote injuries will not be easy to treat."

"Yes, the treatment of magical injuries in self-defense is also a key point. Students who are truly interested in this will not give up this knowledge. Also, fighting should be more colorful. How much do you know about black magic? Maybe we can perform something that is not illegal. …”

"Eh? Adams, why am I always the one saying it--what do you think?"


"Harry, that's what divination is like. Centaurs never like to make things clear."

After the divination, Hagrid comforted Harry like this.

This was the best comfort he could think of after working hard for a long time - there was nothing he could do about it, the clouds and mountains and fog that the centaurs said as always were confusing.

Although Hagrid was a little angry at admitting his ignorance, he just wasn't good at it.

"Is this kind of divination so expensive?"

Harry tried hard to recall the divination process just now, but he was still a little dizzy now - in terms of the divination scene alone, the tea leaf divination in the divination class probably couldn't compare with the Centaur.

Expensive herbs and spices just fell into the raging fire. The old centaur stared at the smoke coming out of the flames and spoke in ambiguous words that no one could understand at all.

But this is not a big problem. The real problem is - although I don't understand what the horseman is saying, there is no doubt that the result the horseman got is not very good. He almost forcefully refused to continue the communication, so It's almost written on your face that you are not welcome.

This theoretically extremely expensive divination not only failed to dispel his fear, but seemed to deepen the shadow of the ominous prophecy from another angle.

The bad feeling weighed on Harry's heart, and he didn't know what to say for a while. He could only try to cheer up and comfort Hagrid and Ron.

"Anyway, it's much better than the professor's tea divination. At least those centaurs didn't say there was danger and were lurking around me."

He tried hard to make the impact of the divination seem understated—and this time he succeeded.

Perhaps what the centaurs said was so unfamiliar that they didn't notice anything wrong.

"Woof woof woof!"


Yaya, who was walking in front, suddenly shouted quickly, but after shouting a few times, he slipped to Hagrid's feet and continued shouting.

"You hide behind me!"

Hagrid ordered, but his tone was not very worried.

"The prey took the bait!"

He glanced far ahead and suddenly laughed.

"We have the props for the next class. I have been staring at it for a long time. I have long planned to use it to teach you a lesson."

Hagrid's words were so confusing that Harry and Ron immediately stopped worrying about the strange divination just now - if it was neither light nor serious, it really couldn't leave a deep impression on others.

"What is it?"

Ron asked loudly.

"Just come over and take a look!" Hagrid's voice came, "Don't worry, it's safe. It's just an ordinary dog. It looks like I'll have to get a comparison dog next class, but it's not too big. question."

"Come here and say hello to him first. Maybe Gryffindor will get a few more points in the next class!"

Hagrid's tone was slightly uncertain, but both Harry and Ron were very happy - there were not many opportunities to add points to the academy.

Although it was a bit illegal to get extra points from Hagrid's side, Harry didn't think it was a bad idea because of Snape's presence.


When Harry ran over, he was completely stunned.

"A black dog means misfortune..."

"That's ominous and ominous!"

Professor Trelawney's words appeared like a magic voice, and the memory of that lesson came to Harry's mind again and again.

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