From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 296 It’s Banban, not Pettigrew

Five or six minutes later, Lupine came over panting.

There were several uneven spots on his wizard robe, and there was a little noise when he walked - William finally figured out what they were when he hurriedly stopped to greet the principal, and his shoelaces were untied.

"I'm coming, Principal."

Lupine tried hard to suppress his gasping, but from time to time his eyes would turn to Pettigrew lying on the ground, making people don't know what to say for a moment.

"Sorry, Remus."

There was obvious apology in Dumbledore's eyes, "Now we have something we have to do, and I think you should know it."

"Yes," Lupine was still a little out of breath, "I know how to do it, Headmaster."

He didn't even pay attention to Snape's murderous look next to him. After talking to Dumbledore, he looked directly at Peter Pettigrew who was still unconscious on the ground.

"Feel sorry…"

Lupine murmured softly, and then pointed his wand at the friend in front of him who he had long thought was sacrificed.

Although it was a bit offensive, he did want to know what this childhood friend had been through over the years and how he had escaped from the treacherous bastard Blake.

However, when he used Legilimency, there was no feedback at all from this magic that he was extremely unskilled in.

The next second, memories that he didn't want to recall flooded out crazily in his mind - Potter's death, Black's betrayal, Peter's sacrifice...

‘It’s backlash! Occlumency? ’

With this thought emerging, he quickly disconnected Legilimency and broke away from the spell-casting state.



"What's wrong, Remus?"

Professor McGonagall asked with concern.

"It may be a protective spell, or it may be an Occlumency operating unconsciously... I don't know, I don't know much about Legilimency."

Lupine shook his head in response. He couldn't even break away from his wand and use his eyes to assist in casting spells. He almost did it forcefully just now.

He knew very well that Peter's magic skills were not good, and if Snape took action, he was really worried about what he would do to Peter.

"Oh? Why not let me do it?"

Professor Snape's deep voice sounded, but judging from his fanatical eyes, William seriously doubted what kind of curse would appear.

Lupine looked at everyone with pleading eyes.

"I'm not very good at it."

"I'm about as good at this as you are, Remus."

"Sorry, I don't have much research on Legilimency."

The three deans refused, and Lu Ping set his sights on William.

"Sorry, I'm still researching memory magic..."

William also shook his head - he is currently focusing on researching Occlumency. Legilimency, a spell that can be partially replaced by Veritaserum and has no defensive effect, is not currently in the research content.

So, Snape finally got his wish and walked to Pettigrew and picked up the wand - if Dumbledore hadn't been watching and smiling slightly proudly at him, William would have had to pull out the wand to stop the crime.

However, the next moment, Snape's proud eyes suddenly faded away, and there was regret and confusion in his eyes, as well as the hatred that gritted his teeth.

'It was backfired again...'

William, who was watching on the sidelines, once again firmly decided not to teach himself Legilimency for the time being - just like the natural enemy of Dementors is the Patronus, the natural enemy of Legilimency is Occlumency.

It's not just a shield, it also has a backlash effect. Once the backlash occurs, the caster's own Occlumency will be in vain (note).

When Snape painfully disconnected the magic, his eyes became even darker.

"Use Veritaserum, Albus. I brewed a fresh batch over the summer. (Note)"

"I'm afraid we can't determine the magnitude," Dumbledore shook his head, "and he didn't make any huge mistakes himself."

Occlumency can counteract the effect of Veritaserum, and there are more than just ways to counteract it - basically, the successful use of Veritaserum must rely on tricking or other methods to mix it with something and feed it, otherwise it must rely on The dose was force-fed, but the success rate was not high.

"Wake him up, we need to know what happened these years."

Dumbledore finally made his decision.

Later, the coma spell was lifted, and Peter Pettigrew, who regained his human form, slowly opened his eyes - William could even feel Lupine standing next to him trembling, and he could hardly hold his wand steady...


A mouse-like sound came out, and then Pettigrew looked at everyone in confusion.

"Zhizhi? Zhizhi?"

He didn't even stand up, he turned around and got up on his butt, looking and behaving like a mouse.


Lupine shouted tentatively, but there was no response. Pettigrew who was crawling on the ground didn't seem to know the guy named Peter at all. He was just crawling on the ground, trying to find a dark corner.

Suddenly, he found a piece of candy that accidentally fell on the ground. He picked it up happily, put his hand to his mouth, and then enjoyed it happily in front of everyone.


As two cheerful sounds came out, William saw Lupine's hands trembling crazily.


He continued to shout, but his tone no longer had the slightest excitement. Instead, it carried a strange sadness, as if he had heard the news of a friend's death. There was no color on his face, and he was as pale as if he had been cursed.


William shouted tentatively, and Pettigrew, who was crawling underground, reacted instantly. He even put down the food and tilted his head to look at William, as if a pet that was eating suddenly heard someone calling him.

This reaction made William instantly regret having shouted such a sentence - he even saw Lupine next to him suddenly have red eyes and the corners of his eyes became moist.

"Peter? Wormtail?"

Lupine's voice even had a hint of crying, and he almost shouted in a pleading tone.

But Peter, who had some reaction at first, after looking at William, took the candy and ate it as if he had never heard of those two names.

William clearly heard a sniffling sound coming from Professor McGonagall. Professor Flitwick simply turned his head and couldn't bear to continue looking. As for Professor Sprout, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and directly Wiped away tears.


William sighed and shook his head. He couldn't bear to watch anymore. He turned his head and realized that Lupine was even holding on to the chair with one hand, almost losing the strength to stand up.

It is better not to see each other than not to see each other - after more than ten years of separation, living people have turned into animals. Let alone communication, even a simple greeting cannot be achieved. There is no greater tragedy in the world than this.

"Remus, please send him to the campus hospital first..." Professor McGonagall's voice was a little hoarse. "Mrs. Pomfrey will take good care of him. She is professional. When he is a little more stable, we will send Peter to the hospital." St. Mungo's, he's going to be fine, I promise."

Professor Snape seemed to want to speak, but finally held back.

"Professor William, can you help me?"

Lupine asked with red eyes.

"Okay, how about we carry him over on a stretcher?"

"Well," Lupine nodded, and then used his wand to conjure circles of bandages, "We have to control him - otherwise he will hurt himself, this idiot who overestimates his abilities..."

While complaining, he carefully tied a bandage on Pettigrew, not even caring about his intention to bite him - but William could see clearly that this kind of not-so-difficult spellcasting was a short process of binding a person. In the middle, Lu Ping actually stopped casting spells three times.

But at this time, William didn't know how to comfort him. He could only use transfiguration to get a suitable stretcher as quickly as possible, and then he and Lupine simply said goodbye to Dumbledore.

After that, the two of them used their wands to control the stretcher and walked towards the school hospital.


"Thank you, let's put him on the hospital bed first," Madam Pomfrey nodded towards William and the others, her expression neither sad nor happy.

As a school nurse, she had seen too many injuries - if she was too busy grieving, who would be responsible for the treatment?

"Please, Madam Pomfrey."

Lu Ping finally came to his senses and asked the school doctor seriously.

"I try my best to treat every patient... It's just..." She shook her head, and the rest of the words were not spoken - other professors may not be clear about it, but there are too many overlapping fields of self-defense and treatment, and the two professors It can't be unclear.

Even if you remove the common sense, William probably knows what is behind it - Professor Lockhart is still treating him last year, and Professor Lockhart at least remembers that he is a human being...

"Let's go, Professor Lupin, we have to give Madam Pomfrey enough time to examine her. If we are here, she will distract us."

William pulled Lupine, and Lupine was pulled away blankly.

He now looks like a puppet. After sending Peter Pettigrew to the hospital, the hand holding him left, and he would start to float no matter who pulled him.

It wasn't until William pulled him to his office and asked the elf to get wine. After two glasses of wine, Lu Ping's spirit improved a little.

"Ahem..." The gulp of a glass of wine caused him to cough, and then Lupine started to curse as if he came to life.

"Damn bastard Blake!"

William heard the sound of gnashing teeth, "He is a complete bastard. We have been studying together for so long, why didn't I recognize the true face of that bastard!"

"James was killed by him, and Peter was made like this again by him!"

"In order to be a dog for the mysterious man, he even didn't let go of his friends. What did he say at the beginning that he hated Slytherin the most?"

"The snot-nosed guy who called Snape a blood discriminator and a fanatic believer in black magic? What about him? He completely forgot what he said!"

Lupine punched the table directly, "He should rot in Azkaban until he dies! Die there with those dementors!"


"Bad, shameless, despicable!"


Lupine didn't seem to have a large reserve of curse words. After half a day, he couldn't come up with any new words even after a bottle of wine. Finally, he lay heavily on William's table, his head sank, and he fell asleep.

'Alas... I am a werewolf. Friends who are killed are killed, and those who betray their brothers betray their brothers...'

William looked at Lupin, sighed, and then got himself another drink.

Thanks to the blessing of alcohol, he finally recovered from the sadness in front of him - the atmosphere in the office was too sad, everyone, even Professor Snape, was not in a good mood, making it impossible for him to think.

'I always feel like something is wrong...'

The current scene was too desolate, but now that his mood had stabilized, William felt that he had been deceived.

"The Animagus who lost his memory even forgot that he was a human being..."

"But the biggest problem is that according to the original reports and the records that have been uncovered now, after Sirius allegedly killed Pettigrew, he just stayed there and laughed, and then was arrested and imprisoned."

"Whether Peter was controlled by Transfiguration or trapped in an Animagus transformation, Sirius certainly didn't have time to transfer it to the store after taking control of him."

"But how can rats of unknown origin be sold in stores without going through special channels?"

Wizard pets are different from ordinary rats and must undergo simple training.

It is impossible to catch mice as pets directly in the wild. They have been cultivated from generation to generation - just think about the price. Wild training and domestic training are not at the same level of difficulty.

Besides, rats are highly prolific and easy to raise. No matter how poor a store is, it is impossible to catch wild rats and train them.

So, the question is - how did a transformed mouse get into the pet store?

Sirius's arrangement?

That's impossible - if Sirius had the time to arrange this, he wouldn't be standing there laughing his way into Azkaban.

‘There is definitely a problem, but we can’t say it clearly. ’

William shook his head. In Peter's current state, if he dared to say there was something wrong and there was no special evidence, Lupine could fight him drunk. To put it bluntly, his guesses were just guesses, and there were many that looked very round. Excuse.

With the two identities of victims combined, not to mention other people, even William himself was a little unsure of the suspicion that emerged.

It took him a long time to convince himself that this was not suspicion, but just a cautious investigation.

'Got to check that pet shop, and then check something else - although Pettigrew didn't say anything, the fact that an Animagus alone was enough to defeat Professor Snape's Occlumency told me a lot. . ’

William clicked towards the bookshelf, and a magic book flew out immediately.

'Let me do the math, I turned into a mouse through the Animagus twelve years ago...'

'The newspaper said it very clearly, no need to check the information - Pettigrew graduated in 1978, and then something happened in 1981...'

‘Three years to learn the Animagus? ’

‘Or is it possible to do it on campus? ’

William looked at Lupine who was drunk over there, "Wormtail - I remember Lupine seemed to shout out..."

"Wormtail, does it mean the mouse?"

"That's... on campus?"

“Wait a minute—I’ve seen that name!”

William suddenly remembered, that piece of parchment!

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