From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 299 Meeting Azkaban Again

The Ministry of Magic was admittedly inefficient, but William still managed to get the notice and the letter used as proof of identity on Sunday morning.

But the excuse was not Dumbledore's joking visit to the prison, but - 'The Ministry of Magic found important clues to Sirius' escape, so professionals were transferred from Hogwarts. ’

The name "professional" is really a bit scary, so William couldn't believe it when he received the letter.

But after a while, he finally figured it out. There are only two professors in the self-defense course in the British wizarding world, and he is still the oldest one. If you don't want to be shameless, let's just say an expert. At least he is a professional counterpart, not an expert...

However, being able to get things done in such a short period of time shows that the pressure on the Ministry of Magic is indeed strong enough - if the escaped Sirius is not caught for one day, the Fudge government will be criticized even more.

"So you're going to Azkaban today?"

When William received the official document from the Ministry of Magic, Adams happened to be right next to him - there was no need to keep this kind of thing secret, especially after seeing that excuse, it was almost a no-brainer to know what the Ministry of Magic would do in tomorrow's Daily Prophet News is coming.

"Yes, first go to the Ministry of Magic to register, and then go to Azkaban through the one-way channel of the Ministry of Magic - using other methods is too slow, and there is almost no contact with the outside world, so the Ministry of Magic has a one-way channel. Floo connection."

"I remember that the Floo Network can be cracked. The Ministry of Magic has direct access to Azkaban. Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

Adams' focus was very strange - but before William could answer, Singed, who was still a little sleepy next to him, answered the question.

"Do you think the connected fireplace is the Auror's office or the Striker's office?"

"You're always so boring, Singed!"

Adams responded with disgust, and then turned his head to William.

"But, having said that, William, how long will you be leaving this time? Have you told Professor Luping to take over the class?"


William looked at Adams speechlessly - is Azkaban some kind of holiday destination? He went to see if he could find any useful clues from the imprisoned Death Eaters, and it didn't take time to grind. Achievements can be achieved or not. Can he still be influenced by love...

In William's helpless eyes, Singed on the other side smiled from ear to ear, and all the cards in his hand fell on the table.

"Okay..." Adams, who finally realized something was wrong with him, gave up his struggle, "I made a mistake - just laugh..."

Now William couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha……"


"Candy, small pocket books, cans, alcohol, tobacco..."

William carefully checked the things he bought and hid the pocket books - the rest of the things were found, but not the books.

"The things are almost there, that's all they need - I don't dare to buy anything related to jailbreak. Of course, they probably don't have the guts either."

The scattered items cost him a lot of galleons, but compared to the ridiculous prices in the prison, these items were already ridiculously cheap.

'Next, I will go directly to the Ministry of Magic, and then transfer to Azkaban... I guess among the people who have been in Azkaban, I should be one of the few people who entered through the entrance of the Ministry of Magic...'

William was planning his itinerary while walking towards the theoretical location of the Ministry of Magic.

'The letter said that special personnel will come to pick me up - right at the street entrance...'

He began to look for the so-called receptionist, which was not difficult. Although the Ministry of Magic employee tried hard to look like a Muggle, the dress was still too strange, especially the wand - if he was in William's class , one college is about to lose points at this moment.

"Hello, Ministry receptionist?"

William walked near him and asked politely.

"Ah~," the young wizard who looked to be in his mid-twenties suddenly panicked, "Sorry, sorry, I was distracted - you are Professor William's assistant student, I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"Huh? What, I'm sorry, professor, I'm really... I'm sorry, professor."

"You are younger and more promising than I thought. Ms. Marchban has praised you many times..."

"I'm not from the Examination Authority, but our offices are very close."

"Yes, yes, I am Hufflepuff. My Gryffindor colleague usually does the reception work, but on Friday he had a problem with the joy potion and had to go to the hospital for examination."

"Here, Professor - we need to register for a while, and then I will follow you to take care of everything."

"Well, yes, I am responsible for the whole process. I originally thought that it would be difficult to communicate with you, so I planned to talk to the student assistant, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"It's a little uncomfortable. The system is very old, but it's too difficult to replace."

"This way is..."

"Well, yes, over there is... look at that statue."

"Donating medical care, yes, it will be recycled regularly and then donated. Professor, generally Sicor is enough. Ten Galleons is too much."

"Well, yes, we only have a few people on duty on weekends, so the number of people is relatively small. It will be good if we can maintain normal work."


"Of course not, you made history - right here, the batter's office is here."

Chatting all the way, the student in charge of the reception took William to the beater's office, and after many verifications, they came to the fireplace.

"There's nothing we can do. The strikers' verification will be strict, but the Auror office actually..."

"Yes, of course you know... there is a little disagreement, but of course we can't tell anyone. Of course, you know it doesn't matter. This is an open secret."

"I want to start the fire, Professor. The floo powder here is custom-made and is slightly different from those elsewhere. After all, the journey is far away - but the stability is much better than ordinary floo powder."


When William poked his head out of the fireplace, Azkaban's unique air, mixed with the smell of sea breeze, the nausea of ​​dementors, the breath of life brought by prisoners, and other messy things, attacked him directly.

'This is it, the air elsewhere is not so disgusting...'

His body instantly recognized the smell, but he didn't feel much disgust.

"Are you from the Ministry of Magic? Identification!"

The striker hurried over, pointing his wand at them - but with that gesture, William seriously doubted that he would pull out his wand and attack him again. The other party had just completed the first attack.

'The batter is too wet...'

This is not because he looks down on his opponent too much, but - the standard of self-defense education at Hogwarts has been really poor in recent years. More than 99% of the wizards in the UK graduated from Hogwarts, and these batters are no exception.

'It is estimated that the quality of Aurors has declined...'

While he was making unfriendly guesses, the batter had already completed his inspection.

"Yes, we have taken over Azkaban from the dementors this morning. They have now returned to their camps to rest. All the prisoners are emotionally stable and are very suitable for investigation."

During the narration process, he glanced at William curiously, but didn't say anything - since the Minister of Magic Fudge issued an order that experts would come today, let alone a young wizard, even if it was a humming one. Troll, he will definitely agree that he is an expert.

William has encountered the matter of taking over the prison before - even the prisoners in Azkaban cannot keep people there all day long, without food or drink, and cannot keep up with hygiene and ventilation, etc., here It can be renamed Azkaban Concentration Camp.

'Actually, if Striker doesn't take over Azkaban, I'm really looking forward to visiting Azkaban with the Patronus - and the reason is quite good. I think those dementors must have very good-looking faces. ’

Such an idea was so beautiful that it even made William ignore the basic fact that the dementors had no expression to show.

But even if he couldn't scare the dementors, the Patronus Charm still had to be used - he was doing this in the name of Hogwarts, and it was very embarrassing to do something like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

An expert is an expert. As the top self-defense magic, the Patronus is extremely persuasive when used. Although the dementors are not here, wizards with a little knowledge will understand that the so-called experts are not in vain.

"Well, thank you for your hard work," William nodded towards the striker, then stretched out his left hand and tapped lightly in the void.

The air was rippled like water, and among the silver ripples, a small hummingbird condensed, flew around William's hand, and pecked at the pointed finger. , then landed directly on William's shoulder.

"Necessary precautions. If we are too impatient, we may miss something important. The aura left by the dementors is not that simple."

William nodded towards the Ministry of Magic personnel and strikers who came with him, "Time is urgent, and I think you don't want to spend the night here, so let's go."


"Give me a piece of fish steak!"

"Three pages of the book are exchanged for the half of the chocolate I have left. Do you want to exchange them?"

The cell was as lively as Christmas—or rather, not so lively at Christmas.

Unless there is really no news and nothing worth bragging about, the Ministry of Magic will not come over to take photos and check in, and then give the prisoners Christmas.

And when officials from the Ministry of Magic visit, in order not to give the outside world any misunderstanding, the dementors will not evacuate - those black men will follow the officials in a arrogant manner to show that the prison is inescapable.

Of course, that was last year, and it's now clear to most people at the prison that the record was broken.

"Keep your voice down. A big shot is coming today. If you make any more noise, go back and appease the dementors!"

The beaters who temporarily acted as guards beat the prisoners in the two cells who were trying to trade, issuing vicious threats. Although the dementors were very cooperative, this still did not affect their irritability when the beaters temporarily took over.

If there is really an unlucky person who is caught and comforted, then he can't even think about recalling any happiness in the next month.

Such threats silence prisoners trying to trade.

But when the striker walked away, they became lively again. Compared to the Dementors, the striker's deterrence was not even close.

"By the way, any big shots will be coming today?"

"God knows, but he is indeed a big shot -" the prisoner who was picking beans over there replied nonchalantly, "Yesterday there was no movement, but today the striker suddenly took over the prison, and then he did this to us. Just some food, that’s all we get for Christmas.”

"Let me tell you, this situation was probably caused by someone's impromptu initiative. Otherwise, we could have stayed away from those gangsters yesterday and cleaned the cells."

"It makes sense." The prisoner in the next cell answered with difficulty - direct communication in the cell was not easy in the first place, and he was much taller than a normal wizard, and now he looked extremely frustrated.

However, there was no aggrieved look on his face, "Do you think that big shot will find someone to repair the house? I think my head is quite suitable for this."

"Pull him down, big guy." The neighbor didn't respond to him. Instead, the cell where the tall guy was was sneered, "Do you think you're a Muggle? If you really want to pick a prisoner, gold coins are the best choice. Do you think you're a small child?" Elves are more popular than wizards."

"That's right, that's right," another prisoner next to him said, "Stay with it, I feel much better now than before. The black men are out to catch Sirius, and the black men who come to collect taxes only come twice a week. You have to learn how to Be content!”

The house elf gold coin that was being talked about did not say anything. He was sitting there concentrating on dealing with the chicken butt, but as soon as the topic started, someone naturally followed him.


The cell next door answered, "That Nine Fingers over there is right, you must learn to be content. If Sirius hadn't escaped from prison, would those black men be so crazy and leave here to arrest people?"

"It's impossible, right? Let me say, we have to thank Sirius. Although the newspapers say he is a devil, he is the reason why we have such good days this year!"

On the surface, Sirius's escape caused a large number of dementors to leave Azkaban. Secretly, because of the lack of prison guards, the number of strikers coming to the island has also increased - which means more smuggled items, chocolate. Potions, tobacco…

Although the guards are much stricter - no matter how severe the strikers are, they are only rated as humanoid dementors, let alone those who are good at communicating with Garen!

Almost everyone benefited from this, so when this idea was proposed, everyone shouted out in unison.

"Yes, yes!"

Speaking of Sirius, everyone's emotions suddenly became high.

"Praise be to Sirius Black!"

"Praise be to Sirius Black!"

"Merlin's blessing, may Sirius turn his misfortune into good, and may all pursuits fail to find him!"


"May those Aurors never touch the corners of his clothes! May he have no worries about food and clothing outside, and may he live a long and healthy life outside!"


Under the leadership of one person, the prisoners prayed crazily for Sirius Black, with sincere voices, sincere expressions, and good wishes.

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