From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 304 Caused by make-up lessons

There is no laboratory in the world that is free from accidents, just like there is no code that can run at once without bugs.

In terms of danger, magic experiments are not low at all, not to mention that the twins are far behind in most courses to keep up with their own ideas - fortunately, they are smart enough and never try anything that is too dangerous. experiment.

After the crucible exploded, the two looked at each other's deformed faces and laughed at each other crazily - it was not easy for them to attack each other with their looks.

"Hiss... be gentle, I don't think our ointment can solve this problem."

George grinned and told his brother.

"I think so. Let's go find Madam Pomfrey. She never talks nonsense."

After a little observation, Fred decisively agreed with George's view.

After secretly observing the surroundings, the two of them sneaked decisively through the secret passage to the vicinity of the school hospital. After confirming that no one was around, they endured the pain and came to the school hospital.

"Madam Pomfrey, please excuse me."

The two tried to look polite, but it was difficult - because the protective spell was applied too slowly, and their faces were covered in large and small blisters and scabs from the potion.

"It was burnt by the potion. We were trying to review the potion, but the crucible exploded. It should be the assassin who joined..."

They described what they encountered to Madam Pomfrey in great detail - although Madam Pomfrey would not ask even if they said nothing, but that would slow down the treatment.

Sure enough, after they described the cause of the injury in detail, Madam Pomfrey had a slight smile on her face, "With these, I think I can get some better special medicine, you guys just wait here. , don’t touch those injuries with your hands, it will take some time to prepare the medicine.”


The two of them answered decisively in unison, even more focused than answering Dean Professor McGonagall's question.

However, when Madam Pomfrey went in to prepare the potion, the two of them couldn't sit still again. Fred looked at the figure vaguely exposed in the separated bed, "Is that Scabbers?"

"That should be it. The newspaper said that Professor Lupine discovered him and Dumbledore rescued him from the terrible transfiguration."

George carefully glanced at him without touching his face, and then said.

"You think Professor McGonagall won't turn us into animals and lock us up, right?"

"How is it possible? There has never been such a precedent in Hogwarts!" George looked at his brother in surprise, not doubting whether Professor McGonagall had such an ability.

"But there have never been people like us in Hogwarts!"



The two of them fell into silence, and coincidentally remembered a bunch of papers that they had deliberately answered incorrectly - Professor William should not be good at transfiguration, right?

"I'm back. The potion prepared in proportion should have a good recovery effect," Madam Pomfrey nodded at the two of them, "Drink it, and then observe there for an hour before leaving."

"One hour?"

"Of course, the more complex the potion will cause the greater the accident, you have to understand this." She said to the two of them unceremoniously - although the two of them had a good attitude, she could not be fooled by the two in terms of professional knowledge. This little guy lied. That kind of potion could never be related to the exam. It was a serious mistake to prepare an uncertain potion privately.

"Call me immediately if you feel uncomfortable with anything. I'm going to study a new treatment plan. Thanks to Professor Luping, we finally have something in common."

After asking again, Madam Pomfrey got up and went to the office inside, leaving the twins observing each other.

"It seems that the school is planning to treat Scabbers well -" Fred shook his head, "By the way, should we visit him? After all, he has lived with us for so long."

"We still need more Galleons, we don't have enough funds, and it feels really strange... pets have turned into people... Besides, it's not like you don't know, the Ministry of Magic seems to be hesitant, the newspaper Didn’t I mention it above? There is a lot of discussion about him being an illegal Animagus, and whether he should go to Azkaban to serve his sentence."

"Yes. Besides, he's still as stupid as a mouse - didn't Ron say that he tried to visit, but Scabbers...oh, no, Peter Pettigrew just wanted to crawl on him. Ron seems to be confused now. I’m a little scared of mice…”

"Shh... keep your voice down, Fred, what if it recognizes your voice and wants to crawl on you? I remember Percy's big head introduced it to you before."

"I feel a little itchy..." After struggling for a while, Fred complained, "Isn't it a problem with the potion?"

"Probably not... Do you remember that Percy kissed his own pet when he was a child? Do you want to tell his girlfriend?"

"Percy will challenge you to a duel...he really will!"

Fred warned his brother sternly, but soon couldn't help laughing.


By the time the two were allowed back into the lounge, they were disgusted by each other.

"I'll kill you if you mention rats again, my brother."

"Me too, George."

The two of them felt itchy all over, and even felt that they were worse than the potion accident.

After finally getting rid of their fear, they climbed over the portrait of the Fat Lady one after another and entered the lounge.

But to their surprise, after entering the lounge, they were met with a pair of cold looks - their friends, brothers, sisters, teammates and even people they didn't know, all looked at them with murderous eyes for the first time.

'What happened? I've never lost so many points in the first grade...'

The two looked at the people in the lounge in confusion, "Li, what happened?"

Lee Jordan didn't respond to them. He pointed at the bulletin board in the distance, and the two of them rushed to the front almost impatiently.


Due to relevant people reporting the whereabouts of the suspected wanted criminal Sirius Black around Hogwarts, the school decided to temporarily implement a new Hogmogg weekend management plan.

The school will plan the area to set up a temporary market in Hogmogg, which will be open on weekends and all students can participate.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Vice Principal: Minerva McGonagall. 】

"Hogsmogg Fair? Isn't that nice?"

The two of them looked around in confusion - although they couldn't leave school, the market was a new and interesting experience, right?

But they soon saw what was behind them.


Because of Sirius's escape, the school was surrounded by a large number of dementors, which seriously affected the students' learning environment...]

The previous nonsense was quickly ignored by the two of them, and they looked directly at the last sentence.

"Therefore, starting from this week, a make-up class system will be temporarily implemented on Saturdays, and the new class schedule will be issued to everyone soon."

The signatures below were still the principal and vice-principal, Professor McGonagall - this obviously did not explain the problems they encountered, so the two had to re-read the nonsense above.

"Professor William's conjecture that dementors affect students' learning quality is recognized by most professors - and the scores obtained by students' homework during the same period are even more..."

! ! !

The two of them froze on the spot, and those adjectives and sentences ran out of the announcement one by one as if they were cast by magic.

"A serious decline in grades", "a decline in the quality of weekend assignments",...

"Are you kidding me?"

The two looked at each other and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison.

However, the signatures of the two principals below must not be faked.

"I've asked, and the rest rooms of the other three colleges also have this," Lee Jordan said weakly, "Starting from this week, it will probably be until Sirius is caught."

"What does it have to do with Sirius!"

Fred realized that he had made a mistake when he said this, but Ginny still explained with disgust.

"If Sirius cannot be caught, the Dementors will not be removed for safety reasons." Ginny looked at her two brothers, eager to take out her wand and try the magic she learned today.

Although their names were not mentioned throughout the report, who in the entire Gryffindor lounge didn't know that the twins claimed to have found a way to deal with the professor's paper last weekend?

‘Is this your method? Did you make the entire school take the blame for you? ’

This is not just one person’s idea, but the idea of ​​the vast majority of people – if it weren’t for the drastic drop in test paper scores mentioned in the announcement, why would the professor choose to make up classes on weekends?


"Okay, Ron, don't be so angry," Harry persuaded Ron in the dormitory - just now Ron almost took out his wand and started a duel with his brother.

Compared to Ron, he was actually not that angry, and was even a little bit happy.

Although he had to make up classes on Saturday, if Hogmog moved to the school and held a fair, he could go there even without getting a signature.

He was even happier than Hermione - after Hermione confirmed the two announcements, the look on her face was not so happy, but a little hesitant, which made Ron feel a lot better.

"It's all Fred and George's fault!"

Ron said categorically, "As long as the school has to make up classes, I will never forgive them!"

"They also have to make up lessons, Ron. Who would have thought of making up lessons?"

Harry tried his best to persuade him, but it had no effect.

Ron lay directly on the bed and began to sulk.

Harry scratched his head helplessly and gave up - Ron was not unlucky during this period, and he didn't even dare to think about what would happen if he were Ron.

"First, Banban becomes a human..."

Harry tried not to discriminate against those who had changed, but he still couldn't accept the eye-catching picture - Peter Pettigrew facing...

"Then, in order to get rid of the psychological shadow, I found a cat..."

The next day, the cat that had eaten the cat food put three dead mice under Ron's pillow with a proud look on his face...

"The long-awaited trip to Hogmogg has turned into a make-up lesson..."

The perpetrator was his own brother...

Harry sighed and could only be secretly happy - the market was great too!


"Take extra classes? Market?"

In a damp cave. A black dog stared at the newspaper on the ground in a strange posture.

It would not be easy to find such a place in Hogmogg - they were already too familiar with this land, and according to the newspaper, he had no idea what information Lupine would provide.

"Still no news about that guy...where is it hiding?"

He tried to persuade himself to calm down and think about this problem, but he couldn't.

"You pretentious rat! Did you eat your brain, Lupin? Isn't it such an obvious scam that no one is aware of it?"

"Oh, Dumbledore..."

"No matter before or now, he is so good at deceiving..."

"Hogwarts is actually protecting that bastard!"

"I'm going to tear it apart!"

The burning fire in his chest became hotter and hotter, and he had to cancel the transformation to control himself not to rush out and tear the guy apart.

"No one can trust, no one..."

"Lupine has informed them of my Animagus... Hagrid is trying to capture me..."

"I have to bet... is it the school hospital?"

"No... I can't get in... I can't get in without Dumbledore's protection..."

He began to question and deny himself crazily again.



"The Captivity of the much did that brainless guy Lupin say?"

"Did that bastard Black's Animagus talk about it? Why wasn't there any relevant report in the newspaper? That idiot has relented again? If the Dementors knew about it, they would catch Sirius immediately!"

"Damn brainless Lupin, why is it all him? He is the one who survives in the sun, and he is the one who can cast spells freely. In the end, for everything I have worked so hard for, he is the one who gets the honor!"

"Why do I have to look at other people's opinions even if I wake up and whether I can enter Azkaban, but that bastard Lupin can enjoy everything with peace of mind? He is more hateful than those guys!"

"I'm lying here being controlled, and he's become a professor!"

"That guy Snape doesn't wash...that guy Lupin must be licking..."

"No... I must not wake up. Only when Sirius is caught can I be treated... That school doctor... still wants to treat me? Haha..."


"Why are there only these few boxes?"

"This is a make-up lesson for the whole school... Do you just accept it with peace of mind?"

In order to do an interesting test, William specifically asked Professor McGonagall to portray himself in a more hateful manner in the announcement - making up classes would be considered a negative impact no matter what.

But Hogwarts students were more enthusiastic about learning than he thought. If it weren't for the scattered boxes, he would have thought the system was broken - but the quality of such boxes was average.

"I love studying so much that I don't even feel disgusted with making up classes..." William shook his head helplessly. "If I had known, I would have given extra classes to the fifth grade last year..."

'Forget it, let's study magic. Cards are basically disposable...learn more magic, study it more deeply, and make it more reliable. ’

The blessing elixir hasn't been fully researched yet, so we'll figure it out together.

After looking at the poor boxes, William took out the black magic book and began to translate it with difficulty.

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