From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 316 Gryffindors


The two of them looked at Peeves and froze on the spot.

They really didn't expect that Peeves would do something so brilliant - he copied the contents of the parchment through some unknown method and distributed it, and then destroyed the original.

"Hehe," Peeves spun around in mid-air, "It's too common to find people based on handwriting. I won't be fooled like that!"

"So..." He looked at the brothers arrogantly, "Don't even think about ruining my plan, Weasley!"

George and Fred looked at each other and pulled out their wands in perfect agreement.

Regardless of whether it is true or false - this wave must not make Peeves so proud.


"Professor! Oh no, there are sudden unusual noises in a room that cannot be opened!"

In William's office, William, who had just purchased a bunch of candies and was happily sorting them, suddenly heard the panicked shouts of first-year students.

"What's wrong?"

He carefully opened the office door sideways, and then looked at the students running in and asked.

This is a first year student, a Gryffindor.

"Um...Professor," the child who was delayed at the door gasped, "I was just exploring the castle, and then I heard an unusual noise coming from the underground classroom..."

"What kind of movement?"

Although he knew that it was unlikely that the student would lie to him, he still had to ask clearly.

"It's just...a blood-curdling scream..."

"Take me there."


Half an hour later, in William's office, the cabinet that stored potions that had hardly been used was opened, and the potions in crystal bottles were taken out one by one and handed out.

The two strange-looking twins stood there in tattered robes, with no expressions on their faces.

"Drink this again..." William found another bottle and handed it to one of the Weasley brothers - after all, he couldn't tell the difference. "This should offset the hiccup curse."

"And this, to cure your toothache..."

"This... can theoretically cure some messy curses..."

He handed the two hapless people bottle after bottle, trying not to laugh.

After following the Gryffindor child to find the abandoned classroom, he made a little judgment that it was not an own incident or a trap, and decisively blew open the door.

Sure enough, he found the twins hanging there.

After using magic to remove part of the curse and allowing the two to regain their ability to walk, William really didn't dare to continue using magic to remove it - for various reasons, he had been thinking about highly offensive magic and magic for easy escape, treatment It can only be considered average there.

Therefore, the remaining curse can only be taken back to his office and dealt with slowly - not to brag, but in terms of medicines to remove the curse, the school hospital is definitely not as complete as his office.

"Seriously, the state you were in just now... was enough to teach seventh graders." After dealing with most of the curses, William couldn't help but ask, "What kind of trap did you trigger? You can actually fall into such a trap." How cursed?”

He shook the parchment in his hand that recorded the curses to help find medicine. "These exam questions for you are all beyond the scope. There are more than a hundred kinds - to be honest, I have only seen some of the curses, and even the incantations." I don’t even know what bad things you did to deserve such hatred?”

"Just looking for..." George tried to move his tongue - it was not very flexible yet.

"Oh, I drank too much of the antidote and may have had a reaction... There's nothing we can do about it." William observed again, and after confirming that it was correct, motioned for him to continue.

"We are just looking for... trouble with Peeves, and then..."

"Okay..." William waved his hand to stop him, "I understand, you made trouble for Peeves, and then you were cursed by him like this, right?"


The two nodded wildly.

"Why are you provoking it..."

William was speechless for a while - although Peeves seemed easy to bully most of the time and was very respectful to the professors, it didn't mean that the elf couldn't be beaten.

"I remembered," he covered his forehead, "your confinement for that period of school history has been lifted, so you didn't participate in the editing..."

He briefly told the two of them how Peeves used the props in the trap to dominate Hogwarts for three days - Professor Eupracia Moore, the headmaster at the time, released the students as a last resort. After three days of leave, Peeves was given great privileges, allowing him to end this crisis of dominance.

Anyway, either the principal, professors and prefects at that time were all idiots, or Peeves was like a god of war - William preferred the latter.

"There are too many stories about expelling Peeves in school history, but no one has ever succeeded. And according to the existing historical data, the bigger the prank it plans, the stronger its determination to protect the prank, and the ability it has. The stronger.”

William looked at the two of them with sympathetic eyes, "Judging from the curse on you, it is obvious that you have ruined its big plan..."

"No..." The two looked at William pitifully, "Why has no one ever said this?"

"There is a history of the school..." William looked at the two of them, "You participated in writing most of the content, aren't you interested in reading the rest?"

‘Things I made while in solitary confinement—who would be interested in reading that! ’

The two of them secretly showed their disgust at the same time, and then Fred changed the topic, "That professor, that..."

He had just finished speaking when he was stopped by George's eyes - Professor McGonagall's was not caused by them, but Professor William's was!

As a result, the original request for advice was swallowed up. After scolding Peeves for a while, the two left the office in despair.

After leaving the office, feeling that some parts of their bodies were not obeying their orders from time to time, the two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"How to investigate the matter?"

"I have no clue... You can't look it up from word usage, right? Or from the channel through which Peeves obtained things?"

"Don't even think about it..." Fred shook his head, "I'm not going to look for it... I'm going to the library to read and study."

"Are you serious?"

"What if I get beaten up by Peeves again, and then I can be used as material in the professor's class, earn a teaching assistant's salary, and by the way promote other students' understanding of the curse?"

While he was talking, his feet began to dance involuntarily.

"That's it, the old monster has been around since the school was founded!" He stabilized his body angrily, "He was beaten so badly!"

"So, you plan to study hard so that you can play some?"

"And you?"

"I think it makes sense. At least you can't be beaten so badly that you have no room to fight back - hell, even Slytherin's Nimbus 2001 is not so desperate!"

The two cursed Peeves while supporting each other towards the lounge.

Today's violent beating had a great impact on them - study hard, at least study the three courses of self-defense, transformation and magic.

The professor has said that wizards basically rely on these three to fight.


"It's almost time, we have to go back."

Although Sirius was in high spirits, Lupine still followed the doctor's orders and prepared to take him back.

Fortunately, Sirius had no intention of protesting - he was more comfortable staying with Harry and Lupine than visiting the market.

"It's great that you are back."

At the entrance of the hospital, Madam Pomfrey showed a rare smile, "You are not so punctual when you are studying."

When she went to work today, she knew that Sirius had been to the market yesterday, but she was not too angry - moderate exercise was also necessary.

The only thing she did was to ask the two of them to control their hanging time today, and to her delight, both of them did it.

Lupine and Sirius looked at each other and couldn't help showing awkward expressions - if they were alone, they would have smiled knowingly, but there was Harry wearing an invisibility cloak behind them.

"By the way, Professor McGonagall came to see Mr. Black today," Madam Pomfrey said. "But she was not in a good mood, so she left the fruit basket and left - no wonder, after what happened."

"Something like that?"

Madam Pomfrey hesitated, but ultimately did not choose to tell her - she didn't like to talk too much, and if it wasn't for Professor McGonagall's visit to inform her, she wouldn't even mention it.

Sirius' face suddenly became stiff, but Lupine was looking at Harry who was hiding behind him and didn't notice at all.

After Madam Pomfrey was busy with her own business, Lupine sent Harry off and asked the professor about what happened on the way, before returning to the school hospital in surprise.

"What's wrong, Sirius?"

When Lupine saw Sirius lying on the bed without saying a word, he asked worriedly - although Sirius still had to be hospitalized due to Madam Pomfrey's judgment, he could usually sit up and never lie down. of.

"Feeling a bit tired."

Lu Ping had no doubt that he had it, "Okay, then have a good rest today. I'll go correct this week's paper."


Sirius nodded and closed his eyes - but for some reason, he had an unexplainable feeling.


Although the parchment investigation incident was popular for several days, and the twins actually dealt with the toilet for a few days, after no more interesting investigation papers appeared, this form of stuff eventually fell into obscurity.

Although there were similar surveys released, such as the Professor Snape version and other versions, the former was slightly popular for a few days, and then was abandoned more quickly due to its rather average quality.

Although everyone was looking forward to the Weasley brothers, who were inexplicably incarcerated but refused to admit that they had done it, to reach new heights, the two seemed to be frightened by this confinement and began to study seriously in class and go to the library to complete their homework. ——It’s like a different person.

"Hey, Fred! That's right!"

On the pitch, Gryffindor Quidditch captain Wood shouted that the prize money for winning last year's game had brought them a huge boost, and the broomsticks were finally not out of date.

But this also means greater pressure - the next game is with Slytherin, you can't lose to the Snake House again, right?

"Sorry," Fred apologized with a yawn. He didn't fall asleep until one o'clock yesterday.

After finishing a set of papers, the time came, and there was nothing he could do.

"We need to try harder, man!"

Even Wood, who was privately called a madman by the team members, just moved his broom and patted Fred on the shoulder - everyone was spreading rumors that this time the two of them were under too much pressure for various reasons and were on the verge of collapse. Just look at the news. It can be seen that they are definitely cursed.

It is said to be the Effort Curse newly developed by the self-defense professor - although Professor Flitwick said when students asked that there was no such spell at all, looking at the effect alone, everyone had to doubt it.

The remaining people in the team looked at the twins sympathetically and cooperated silently.

“Not bad – no, very good, very good, I’m looking forward to winning this week!”

Wood encouraged morale at the end.

Harry was panting and thinking about what to say to Sirius later - he was really looking forward to Sirius seeing him compete this time.

As for Wood...well, Wood is very good at explaining tactics, but when it comes to encouragement, he is really...

The road from the stadium to the campus hospital was not close, but Harry felt as if someone had cast a spell on him and he was running very fast.

"Professor Lupin."

He stopped at the door of the school hospital, and then breathed heavily to say hello to Lupine.

"Harry, you're here," Lupine smiled weakly and looked up from his paper, "Sirius is reading inside. I think he must be very happy."

"Professor, you?"

Although he couldn't resist the urge to run in, Harry still said a cautious greeting.

"It's just a small problem," Lupine smiled a little reluctantly, "Professor Snape has prepared the potion for me, and there won't be any big problems from now on."

'Snape's potion? ’

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then it dawned on him - this was the only secret he hadn't shared with Ron and Hermione.

Professor Lupine was a werewolf, but a mutual friend of his father and Sirius.

In a previous conversation, Sirius accidentally let slip an interesting anecdote from the past, so he was given a serious warning, prohibiting him from sharing it with everyone.

Although he had been prepared in his heart, he still didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Lupine didn't care.

"Go find Sirius, Harry." Lupine smiled, "He has been in a bad mood recently."

"Yeah," Harry nodded and entered the ward worriedly.

Sirius was reading, but he noticed as soon as Harry entered.

"Just finished training?" Sirius smiled and pointed at Harry's hair, which was always messy but was particularly messy today.

"Well, we have a game coming up - against Slytherin, will you go and see it, Sirius?"

Harry finished speaking in one breath before he felt it was too abrupt.

But Sirius almost jumped out of bed with joy, "Of course, of course, to Slytherin!"

He grinned, smiling extremely happily, "Of course I will go, Harry."

Then, Sirius touched his newly grown hair, "It will take some time. Madam Pomfrey doesn't recommend that I use some magic on myself, otherwise my hair should have returned to its original appearance long ago."

"By the way..." He seemed to remember something and hesitated, "Harry, if you have time today, spend more time with Lupin. You know, the moon is almost full."

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