From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 336 There is a difference between attending class and attending class

The ice and snow have melted somewhat, and the sun is shining brightly, which looks very dazzling from a distance.

But when you get closer, you will find that there is obvious dust on the half-melted snow, which looks a bit dirty - just like the energetic-looking teenagers running around the Black Lake.

"If you go faster, the people running behind will be swallowed by the water!"

William happily ran beside him, supervising the first-year students.

He was not joking. At the end of the team, two dirty-looking water masses were chasing behind them, rolling slowly but surely with the team.

Although the water mass must be controlled by William himself due to spells and manipulation powers, it is enough to teach first-grade children.

When they fall behind, they can use any conceivable spell to attack the water mass to slow down its creeping speed, but if they fail, they will be taught a lesson by the cold water of early spring.

There is no need to worry about catching a cold. William has prepared a whole pot of cold-repelling potion in advance. Except for the extremely spicy taste, it is of top quality in other aspects.

Coupled with the magic of drying clothes, this is a first-year classroom.

"Okay, stop right here!"

William shouted to the children at the front while directing the water masses behind to release the unlucky ones who failed before the finish line.

"Tony, come on, drink the potion."

While throwing the potion, he waved his wand to clean up the water on the little unfortunate guy.

After watching wisps of white smoke coming out of his head after drinking the potion, William walked to the other students with confidence.

"Well, this week's results are a little better than last week - Ravenclaw plus five points, you seem to have found another very effective spell."

He was not shy about his praise - the three Ravenclaw children who were left behind had just used a very creative variant of Transfiguration to trap those water balls for nearly half a minute. This was a great first grader. It couldn't be more perfect.

Looking at the students who were smiling extremely happily, William nodded.

‘Although this is unfair to senior students, students still have to start teaching from the first grade. I can even change the syllabus and adjust the scope of study on my own. ’

Last year, Professor Lockhart gave William two of his biggest fortunes. One was that Lockhart’s messy teaching methods made William’s teaching methods look more formal, and the other was that professor’s messy course schedule gave William a great deal of wealth. Big imagination.

To be honest, he had never thought that the Hogwarts curriculum could be modified in such a drastic way, but after Professor Lockhart did those things, William suddenly understood.

‘Last year I didn’t dare to let students run around like this, and I also changed the contents of the textbook on a large scale. ’

In fact, the coursework for first-year freshmen is almost completely different from the past. William has deleted theoretical knowledge on a large scale - don't freshmen like to use magic wands? Very good, you have been learning trial and error throughout the school year. Except for the grip and position of the wand and a call for help spell, the rest of the class is all about giving them time for trial and error.

Of course, there is also the physical exercise that William considers important, but he changed it a little to make it a little more interesting.

Except for the fifth and seventh grades, the final exams for other grades are all set by the school itself, and there is no comparison in the British wizarding community. This provides a very good environment for William's drastic reforms.

Although Lupine has come to Hogwarts, in terms of seniority, he is the senior professor of this course.

‘Well, it’s very effective. Just maintain this progress before the end of the semester. ’

If they still use the exam papers from previous years, these children will probably fail in the exam - they really didn't learn any theory this semester, they basically learned random little curses, and also learned how to apply the spells taught in other courses.


Looking at the chaotic students below, William smiled, 'But if you can really fight...the second-year students will never be able to beat these naughty kids! ’

Although this will lead to more violations of school rules, William is not afraid of this - Professor Binns has always said that he is short of manpower.

Taking the senior class last year laid a good foundation for him. After figuring out what is required for the OWLs exam, although the courses in the first five years are not to be separated at will, it is not difficult to divide them.

Even though he was able to recover from last year's fourth grade, which was so bad, he had no worries about losing it.

'Next year, we can revise the first-grade curriculum. The existing magic is still a bit confusing. It is best to add more main bodies to it. The main body of magic that can form the magic system... is another serious task...'

There are so many kinds of magic spells that even Dumbledore may not be able to understand them, but there is such a thing as a magic system.

Take Professor Lockhart last year, for example. He was good at very few magics, but William was quite coveted by his Oblivion Curse, and almost all of his abilities revolved around his Oblivion Curse.

The position of the wand, the method of holding the wand, the position you are accustomed to standing in, and even your smile and appearance all serve the purpose of the Oblivion Charm.

William himself is most proficient in the Iron Armor Curse. He can now even easily add protection to himself with a snap of his fingers, followed by coordinated evasive movements and unexpected attack methods, and finally various offensive methods including black magic. .

As for Dumbledore, although William has never seen it with his own eyes, he can only guess from the information on the card that the core must be the activation spell in transfiguration - of course, there may be more, but it must be the activation of various objects for attack. Defend against activation spells that even move oneself.

But not all magic is suitable to be the core of the system. He is just getting a glimpse of it, so he can only give students some suggestions so that they can put various possibilities in front of them.

They don’t have to know the system knowledge, but by using it, they will be able to find the magic they are best at, and then learn to use other spells to coordinate with it.

Add a little bit of theoretical knowledge, and by then, their self-defense skills will be enough to pass the OWLs level.

'It's just like theoretical knowledge... don't panic, if it doesn't work, just use it with the fourth grade... Anyway, I will adjust the curriculum. ’

The students below waving their wands around have not yet realized that their future will be clearly arranged, and they may even spend their fourth grade for the joy of the moment, but they are indeed happy now.


"Lesson plan?"

Professor Flitwick looked at William in front of him, confused.

"Professor William, what do you want from my lesson plan? The fifth grade students are about to take the OWLs exam - didn't you just give them a 100-day countdown some time ago?"

The Head of Ravenclaw tried to put his words tactfully, "It's almost the Easter holidays, and they have enough homework."

Even so, William finally got the lesson plan from the kind dean.

After all, this thing is a teaching aid for professors - something like an outline. What is taught in class is determined by this thing, but almost all professors do not strictly abide by it, and improvisation is common.

William wanted this just for reference. Since the first-year students might not even be able to use it to disarm, he was also thinking of ways to use the magic taught by other professors. In the past, he still cooperated passively, but this time he decided to choose I chose to take the initiative.

‘We also need to get a copy of Professor McGonagall’s lesson plan. The whole system of transfiguration magic is like Tiger Balm, and it works well with most magic. ’

'In the entire magic system, every time I sort out the inferences, I can find surprises...'

Although it only designs more course content for first-year students, the results are quite gratifying.

Naturally, the magic system, which he had barely compiled by himself, could not be perfected all at once, but he found several magic spells that could be added to the course.

Not only that, he has several wonderful ideas to experiment with, and that alone is worth a whole chocolate frog!

Just as he was told, William started picking the lucky ones from the side drawer.


The owl, which had not found a name it liked for almost a year, flew over and landed on the table with a distinct sound.

"Your snacks aren't in this drawer!"

William nodded its furry head angrily and dug his fingers into the feathers.


There was a very quiet tapping sound of its upper and lower beaks. It tilted its head and looked at William, pretending not to understand.


I haven’t eaten the chocolate frog yet…

William snapped his fingers, the drawer next door opened, a small bag of high-grade owl food flew out, and then the drawer closed by itself.

After a while, all he could see was the back of his owl's head.

‘What kind of card is this pack? ’

William opened the package with great interest - after taking a look at it, he stuffed it into the book as a bookmark, and it was Dumbledore again...

"Dong dong dong."

The office door rang, "William!"

Adams's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?"

After cautiously opening the door and confirming that it was indeed Adams, William threw a bag of chocolate frogs over and asked curiously.

"Lesson plan!"

Adams raised something in his hand, a thick book of lesson plans.

"You borrowed it from everywhere. I found it for you. The notes I copied from Professor Sprout are also in it."


William understood the truth, but what did he want from the lesson plan for the herbal medicine class?

Although this is also an official subject at Hogwarts, this course itself does not teach spells...

Herbal medicine includes recovery or other applications, but compared to professional potions, herbal medicine is a bit inferior...

Compared to the extremely dangerous magical creatures, there are only a handful of plants with offensive power in herbal medicine, and the ones that occasionally appear have various problems. They really have nothing to do with the self-defense system...

"Well, I was about to find you," William took over the lesson plan, "has this matter spread in Hogwarts?"

"Isn't that right? Everyone is speculating whether you are going to give another mock exam to the fifth graders and give some comprehensive questions."

Adams casually opened the chocolate frog and said, "But I don't think I can use yours for potions. Professor Snape won't let you get involved in the potions class."

‘What kind of rumor is this? This is a first-year course, okay?’

It's a pity that it's not easy to explain. case other professors think it would be good to have a mock exam...

William almost laughed.

But soon he stopped laughing.

"Cornelly Agrippa!"

Adams glanced at the card and exclaimed.


William also stood up and stared at the card.

This card is the rarest of all the Chocolate Frog cards - much rarer than the lifeless Song Jiang in Little Raccoon, and comparable to the Blue Eyes White Dragon gold card.

Let's just say that after all the Chocolate Frogs William had eaten and asked about the rest of the school's cards, this was the first Cornelius Agrippa he'd definitely heard.

This is one of the two cards that most card collectors are missing...and a small number of them are missing even more...


Adams shook the card in his hand and handed it to William - he did not collect the card.

"Why didn't I open that package just now?"

William looked at the packaging bag in Adams' hand, feeling regretful and surprised at the same time. Did he feel that he had eaten it himself?

But after he got the cards, he no longer had to worry about it.

Well, all it takes is one card!


"We have the unified exams, just before the Easter holidays."


"It's true. Professor William has started to take exam scopes from other professors. Someone has seen it with his own eyes."

Before the Easter holidays, a very terrible news began to spread crazily among the fifth grade students.

After several Hufflepuffs with a high reputation for never telling lies proved that Professor Adams personally sent the exam syllabus and other things to Professor William's office, the rumor could no longer be stopped.

Afterwards, Professor William, who could not hide his smile, provided the final proof for the rumors.

According to reliable information from the sixth grade, Professor William laughed the entire class and didn’t stop!

"The professor got what he wanted!"

After the Transfiguration class ended, the twins said to the other students, "But it doesn't matter, we have less than a hundred days to finish, and next year's students have a whole year!"

The comparison made everyone laugh. The wonderful life of this year's sixth graders and the guys in the fourth grade are their magic weapon to survive this year.

"Isn't it just the joint entrance examination? Professor William is not good at all subjects. Except for self-defense, which is a bit difficult, what is the difference between the other subjects and classroom training?"

Fred stood in front of the bright red countdown at the back of the classroom, cheering for the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw children, with the bright red 68 days shining behind him.

Since the 100-day countdown was created by the professor, many classrooms have brought this thing.

This is a good thing, giving people hope while giving pressure.

"Get ready for the exam!"

George stood on the chair, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and roared in agreement with his brother, "Isn't it just the joint entrance examination! Come here!"

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