From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 341 Every Gryffindor is Dangerous Goods

"What the hell! When is it!"

Hermione got up from the bed in a panic, and subconsciously reached for her neck. There, on a long and thin chain, a small shiny timer lay peacefully.

Just when she put her finger on the timer to turn it habitually, she finally woke up.


'It's vacation, no need anymore...'

She finally remembered this matter, glanced at her own dormitory, and then looked at the time lazily.

This would never happen normally, but now...

‘Is it already nine o’clock? ’

But time means nothing to her - the small timer around her neck has the effect of interrupting time. In the past year or so, her schedule has been completely disrupted.

Because of the class schedule, she needs to use that precious time converter to buy herself at least an extra hour and a half every day, and even three hours or more when there are many classes.

This seriously disrupted her work and rest routine. She needed to spend longer days than others before she could rest, and during the only rest time, she had to complete more homework than others. This also eroded her rest time. .

Her long-term sleep deprivation has made her grumpy, and she doesn't have enough energy to read as much as usual.

But it's worth it - it's something that top students have to get through.

At Hogwarts, if you want to obtain enough OWLs certificates, you must do this. The best students in the past have spent this way, from the third grade to the fifth grade, using converters to take enough subjects. And use this to obtain multiple certificates.

But the kind of time travel that is enough to drag down the spirit is not a romantic journey. In the second week, she almost messed up the class.

She secretly asked the current President of the Boys' Student Union about this, and Percy told her - 'It's a pretty tough journey, but after you get through it, you'll be glad you went through it. ’

"There are still two years left. If others can do it, you can do it too!"

In the empty dormitory, Hermione cheered herself up and said.

Even without looking in the mirror, she knew that she looked terrible now. Her hair had not been taken care of, and her face had not been washed. More importantly, without using magic to cover it up, those dark circles under her eyes caused by her chaotic schedule must have appeared.

But it doesn't matter, those girls in the dormitory are not here.

After being wild for a while, she finally got dressed and began to figure out what to do today - Harry went to Sirius's house, Ron returned to his own house, and she was so groggy that she forgot to communicate with her family. I changed my mind...

'But it's okay, they will definitely be able to see something different... I will definitely have a good rest when I go back...'

After checking in the mirror, she looked at her teeth hesitantly, gestured with her wand, and finally gave up the idea of ​​casting a spell on her front teeth.

But my mood wasn't very good because of it.

"Two bastards! They secretly ran back by themselves!"

She muttered and got sulky, and while no one could see her, she kicked up her shoes angrily until she reached the center of the lounge.

But there is no one in the lounge. Today is Easter after all. Those who want to sleep in have not gotten up yet, and it is impossible to stay here at this time when there are entertainment activities.

After reading boringly for a while, Hermione stood up decisively and walked towards the entrance of the lounge.

She didn't know why, but a strange idea came to her mind - taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the castle, she would take a walk around the hidden corners of the castle in order to discover the secrets hidden in the castle.

For example, like Myrtle's bathroom, a place where almost no one has ever stepped foot.


"So, I can't cast spells?"

"Of course not, Harry."

William sat on the sofa and wagged his finger at Harry.

"Casting magic outside of school is a very serious charge. It can range from expulsion to being sent directly to Azkaban. You must always be vigilant to keep yourself away from this danger that is easy to trigger but has serious consequences."

"But, Hermione...didn't you mean..."

"That's another thing. She was escaping from danger with my permission. Although I can also authorize you now, I will not let you develop that bad habit - Azkaban It’s not a nice place, and I hope you will never have anything to do with it in your life.”

As the professor of the only school in the British wizarding world, William naturally has some privileges, but it is very troublesome to use this right - he must make a report to prove that it is appropriate to grant this right to students.

The reason why the matter is so strict is also very simple - this matter is within the scope of the confidentiality law and is taboo for ordinary wizards.

But even so, Sirius next to him still made a sigh of relief.

"As expected of you, Harry, we never thought about applying to the professor to cast spells during the holidays!"

This sentence caused William to stare at him - saying this in front of the professor, was he afraid that Harry would have too little confinement when he returned to school?

"It's time for you to finish your homework, Harry. I remember Professor Lupine told me that he assigned some very interesting homework. I think other professors should be the same."

"Yes! Professor."

Looking at the smiling William, Harry suddenly felt that he had been cursed by some evil spell just now, and he actually had the courage to ask such a deadly question.

Harry, who almost subconsciously touched the wand and relied on it to keep warm, immediately rushed towards his room upstairs without stopping after agreeing.

Sirius glanced at his godson, who was running faster than the goblin, and opened his mouth wide. It took him a long time to make a joke in a complaining tone.

"He also listens to you too much, Professor William."

William raised his head and stared at Sirius with the same smile.

"Don't be idle, Mr. Black. From my personal point of view, you need to read books about cooking magic. Otherwise, in the subsequent report, it will be difficult for me to convince Professor McGonagall to agree to Harry spending most of the holidays and holidays." You stay together.”

Although it is a bit unkind to say this, this is really not William's calculation of yesterday's accounts.

Although theoretically, as Harry's godfather, Sirius should have custody of Harry, he actually does not... Ministry of Magic law does not support this theory.

Moreover, Harry is different after all - for Harry's safety, the Minister of Magic came to find William and gave him the same spellcasting rights as an Auror, and Professor McGonagall even sent him, a formal professor, to look after Harry...

Not to mention that the law did not support Sirius, but it really supported it. William also believed that the Ministry of Magic would pass a new law with unprecedented efficiency.

When Harry turns seventeen, that is, before he reaches adulthood in the wizarding world, countless people will be fixated on the issue of Harry's custody. If Dumbledore hadn't personally endorsed it, Harry would be the safest at the Dursleys. I don't know how many people in the entire magical world are willing to help take care of this child.

As a school representative, considering Harry's own emotions, William had set his demands very low.

Whose guardian is more excited than the child when playing games with them? Maybe there is this kind of thing - but how can you have such fun in front of the professor?

William didn't even pick on this problem, he just asked Sirius to try to learn how to cook - at least it couldn't be said that after a vacation, two people played games without sleep and food because of hunger, and their bodies were exhausted, right?

If he didn't ask for this, what was he here for? Traveling?

After the Easter vacation, could he go back and report to the professor - "Don't worry, Professor McGonagall, the two Gryffindors, one big and one small, are living very happily. Although they are playing and hungry and have lost weight, they haven't completed much of their homework." , but Sirius is indeed a qualified guardian...'

It's such a shame to say this... He has to be worthy of the school's salary.


"Yes, at least you must be able to cook. I can't say that both of you are hungry..."

Sirius left muttering and cursing. Before leaving, he rummaged through the bookshelf for a recipe left by his previous owner for a long time. Finally, he was satisfied and left with a copy - Sirius was too bold to take action, and the other party left most of the furniture The original model has been retained as is.

Isn’t it just cooking?

Just light the fire and use some magic on the ingredients to get it done. It's not like he has never seen a wizard who cooks before!


There wasn't much to enjoy in the castle—or not, for a Gryffindor.

Almost every Gryffindor begins exploring the castle's recesses shortly after enrolling, and although the results are mixed, on average they leave the rest of the Houses far behind.

Although Hermione focused on studying using the time turner this semester, due to the rule of the time turner that two people of the same time cannot meet, she found many places suitable for hiding people this semester.

But here comes the terrible thing, these places cannot be shared.

Unless she reaches sixth grade, she must continue to use the time turner, and if these secret locations are shared, it is very likely that Harry and the others will discover them.

Thinking of this, she even wanted to take off the damn time turner around her neck and throw it away - she almost lost time to communicate with her friends!

But no, she needs to be the first... Besides, even if she has to drop it, she still needs to return the converter to the professor properly and let her hand it over to the Ministry of Magic.

So, she started wandering around in a rage.


The sudden sound came, and Hermione immediately stopped the pace that she had just been kicking something away.

'The spell of the Oblivion Charm is - What was I thinking? ’

She pretended that nothing happened and looked at the source of the sound.

It was Ginny. She was holding something and spinning around hesitantly... It was obviously not very hot, but her face was flushed.

"What's wrong?"

Because she is Ron's sister, and the two have communicated more privately since last year, they are considered acquaintances.


Ginny hesitated, her eyes began to wander, " is in the lounge, right?"

? ? ?

Hermione glanced at the package and found that it seemed to be filled with many round things—should they be Easter eggs?

"Easter eggs?"

"Well," Ginny nodded, "I made some eggs and painted them to look like Easter eggs. I'm going to... prepare to give some to Ron."

Easter eggs require much less courage than last year's Valentine's Day love letter, but after all, Professor Lockhart can remain anonymous...

Random thoughts emerged from Ginny's mind, and she wasn't even sure what she said.

Seeing her messy look, Hermione didn't even know how to tell her that Ron had gone home.

But you definitely can’t hide it, and there is no need to hide it.


"Ron has gone home? Harry is not at school either?"

After learning about this, Ginny's courage suddenly returned - she had a fiery personality, and even her brothers thought she looked very much like her mother.

"Ron didn't tell me! Not even a letter!"

"Fred and George too - Ron went back, and they don't know anything! They are still sitting in the school library doing homework!"

She was really angry. She got up early in the morning and went to the kitchen to ask the elf to get eggs.

After boiling the eggs, he patiently drew on them for a long time, but Ron secretly went home without telling her anything!

Originally, the eggs were distributed to the two brothers who stayed in school, but now they are gone - no one knows anything about it, not even Ron when he returns home!

She angrily put down the fruits of her mid-morning work, and then sat with Hermione, sharing and complaining about her brother.


“What’s the right amount?”

In the kitchen, Sirius looked at the recipe with a confused look on his face...

Why are the ingredients that Hufflepuff wizards can handle so easily in his hands so disobedient?

It’s even harder than learning new magic!

Why are Muggle recipes more complicated than Hufflepuff recipes?

Wave your magic wand to magically destroy the contents of the pot, and then take out new materials.

"Cooking is so complicated, why do those Hufflepuff guys enjoy it so much?"

He really didn't understand - there was a house elf in the Black family when he was a child, and later he went to Hogwarts to study and have a house elf. He went to James' house during the holidays, and he didn't need his help with food. After graduation, he joined the Order of the Phoenix. The Order of the Phoenix has a dedicated person in charge of food.

After defeating Voldemort, he went to Azkaban, and the prisoners didn't have to worry about the food in Azkaban...

"It was fine yesterday, now..."

He complained to William in a low voice, recalling what exactly had caused Professor William to issue such a perverted order, but to no avail for a long time.

The new ingredients clattered into the pot, and they jingled and danced with the help of the wand.

"I need to find some magic cookbooks..."


"By the way, there's also that guy Lupin!"

He suddenly remembered something important - Lupin seemed to have been mentioned earlier, and that guy had assigned a lot of homework!

"Obviously you were the one who complained about having too much homework!"

Half complaining about the memories, he suddenly smelled something bad.

"No! It's blurry again!"

After all the fuss, a pot of poison came out...

He picked up the wand without changing his expression, waved it gently, and the food disappeared...

Well, next one.

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