From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 352 The assessment of twins

As the last second-grade child was brought out by the teaching assistant who was staying inside, the assessment for the second grade ended.

Unfortunately, there is still no perfect score.

Even if the assessment itself allows them to form a team, dealing with a giant monster is still a bit difficult for lower grade students. The game completely changed at the end. No one cared about who could get the stone ball, and it became a comparison of flying postures. General Assembly…

There was no other way. Although they came to watch the fun, the entire track was blocked. Except for the failure screen, it would be a bit entertaining to watch the students fly out. Why not compare with this, and rely on the results to figure out a process?

"Fifth grade, get ready!"

He turned back and shouted at the students, and at the same time, he also used his voice to remind the teaching assistants inside to release whatever they needed to. The fifth graders were very tough.

'Um? ’

Turning back, William found that something seemed wrong, that there seemed to be something extra...

Pretending not to care, he slowly turned around to check, and finally discovered something was wrong - the tablecloths on the Hufflepuff side were all set up!

They even bribed the professor - Adams brought a lot of snacks to the professors, and Professor McGonagall even placed a plate of desserts and snacks on a tablecloth in front of him.

"Damn it, how come those Hufflepuff guys can come up with snacks at any time?"

William was stunned and complained to Lupine next to him.

Be serious, today is an exam, not a spring outing in the beautiful spring!

However, the fifth graders have gradually stood up now - although they are a little curious about why they are, they subconsciously followed the order from Professor William.

"Everyone is in good spirits..."

William looked at the students and tried not to focus on Thelma, who had cake foam at the corner of her mouth - after all, she didn't explain it in advance, and she wasn't eating snacks in class. If she caught it, she would be deducted points.

"I believe that the first and second grade assessments have given you a preliminary understanding of what we have to face. The rules are similar. You need to sneak in alone, pass through all obstacles, and then defeat the giant monster."

"Same as the lower grades, you will get corresponding points every time you pass a level, but the difference is that if you step on the trap, a certain amount of points will be deducted."

"For you, there are only two ways to get full scores, either to get the stone ball around the troll's neck, or to defeat the troll without stepping on any traps."

"Students who get full marks will receive homework-free treatment before the OWLs exam, and the bonus is the same as that of other grades."

"Two tracks will be opened first, and the third track will be opened after slight improvements - OK, line up according to height, still the same rules as before, the top three will get an extra twenty to ten points in the later stage! Be prepared , start the assessment!”

The last one was made up during the second-year exam. He discussed it with Lu Ping and felt that the benefits and risks of the students exploring the path in front did not match, so they patched the rules - after all, there were only two professors in the group, Just discuss this matter.

"Are you ready?"

"That sounds good to me - what about you?"

"I feel great."

After having a confusing conversation that no one else could understand, the twins left the team and stood directly at the front.

"Professor, let's sign up for the first group."

The two laughed happily and then high-fived.

‘Such a fun thing, we can only give it to others as a reminder! ’


"Dong dong dong."

Fred tapped lightly on the wall, but there was no response.

There is no doubt that the wall here is too thick and the sound cannot be transmitted effectively - but he is not in a hurry, the road is still long, and they have enough distance to test.

The troll will destroy the stone balls ten minutes after they enter the passage. If you want to get full points, you must be faster. This was designed before.

But they are different, they have twenty extra points - although the price paid is that they can't get any information from the guy who failed before, but these twenty extra points are genuine.

There is no conflict between studying hard for a year and cheating together. Those who cheat on the OWLs exam will be admitted to Azkaban. After finding a breakthrough in the exam designed by the professor and getting full marks, they will not be punished in any way.

"Dong dong dong."

A slight knocking sound came from the next wall, and he immediately knocked on the wall in response.

The next second, the two of them raised their wands at the same time and pointed towards the wall. Although the wall was not allowed to be destroyed, it was not difficult to use wands to make communication more convenient. In order to deal with Filch, they had done a lot of research. Contact method.

"how do you feel?"

"Dark and small...what do you think we will encounter first?"

The sound was a little distorted through the wall, but the moment they heard each other's voices, the twins breathed a sigh of relief - a solo adventure and a communicative semi-team are completely different things.

"I don't know. There are completely different assessments for the first grade and the second grade. We don't have any reference samples. The professor suddenly moved the fifth grade assessment forward."

"Yeah, he also restricted senior students from destroying walls... If there weren't loopholes in the temporary addition of extra points, it would be really hard to get full marks..."

The two communicated through the wall, trying to find more places to take advantage of.

"Except at the end point, we can't meet at other places. From the perspective of those students flying, the innermost place where the giant monsters are imprisoned or controlled in some other way are all connected by seven roads, and there is also a place inside. A seventh grader who is responsible for not letting the situation get worse."

"If we go at the same time, there is a chance that the trolls will be caught off guard, but the greater possibility is that we will also become flying... Well, Quaffle, damn it, those trolls' equipment is too luxurious."

"Yeah, if Professor McGonagall allows me to bring a wooden stick like that to the game, I think the points of those guys in Slytherin will be reduced by at least half."

The two made random jokes, drifting the topic to one side and then abruptly bringing it back again, until they encountered the first obstacle.

"Hell, this land is so restless... I think we might get bitten when we pass by."

"Shall I come first?"


Fred nodded and pointed his wand at the land in front of him that looked wrong.

"There are many obstacles!"

no effect.

The next experimental spell was clear water like a spring, but it was still ineffective. There seemed to be no danger in that land at all.

"The flames are blazing!"

Still invalid.

Knocking on the wall, the two connected with their wands again through the wall and began to discuss - the only thing they could support each other with was their wisdom.


"There are still four grades that have exams in the afternoon. This is not an easy task... How about we just have lunch here?"

While the twins were thinking hard about dealing with that strange land, William was thinking about how to make the time arrangement more reasonable.

The sun is shining brightly today, so having lunch outside is not a difficult matter. Professor McGonagall is also present, and it only takes one sentence to apply for something.

It's just troublesome for the elves, they have to take them out after they finish making the meals in the kitchen.

For the sake of convenience, he decided to entrust the kitchen to make some sandwiches and put them in baskets for easy distribution.

But this still has some minor troubles...

"Professor William?"

"Ah, Professor Lupin, what's wrong?"

"Are you worried about the Weasley brothers?" Lupine asked curiously, comforting him, "There is something wrong with their choice. To be honest, if we let the rest of the people explore it first, they are more likely to get full marks - —They are both extremely talented at finding hidden places like traps.”

Why do you think I forbid students from damaging the venue?

William is not worried about those two guys at all. To be precise, he is not worried about any guy in the fifth grade. If the questions from the Ministry of Magic are as difficult as last year, the current fifth grade level can guarantee more than 90% passing. Got it.

Although as a responsible professor, he also assigned sufficient questions and papers so that they could learn more, the vast majority of them could already be regarded as qualified students in this subject.

But he would never admit such a thing, just like he would never tell Lupine now that he was actually thinking about what to have for lunch.

"I'm quite worried about what loopholes they find that can be exploited - but it doesn't matter, every exploit they find now is a means to prevent future mistakes."

William spread his hands.

He didn't just teach one class of students. Once the loopholes were discovered, it would be easy to fix them later. He even wished that the two of them could find all the problems at once.

"It makes sense..." Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, then smiled and looked at the venue, "In the future, we should add some observation holes to make it easier to see inside - by the way, did the twin brothers go in for too long?"


"We have to be more careful..."

Using the wand to deal with the mud on his body, the two continued to communicate.

They swore that if Professor Lupine stood in front of them, they would pull out their wands and start a duel right now.

Forget about the swamp, forget about the misleading hinkpunk, but what the hell are those traps about?

Originally, the two of them had made an appointment, one would pass carefully, and the other could follow the guide - they could communicate a lot of things to each other in short words, and there wouldn't be any loopholes.

The first two levels are to pass one level, and the other one does not have to expend too much energy to break the traps, and then change people in the next level.

But the swamp just now is not a place for teammates to guide.

What they have to do is not to avoid traps, but to find a passage among the dense traps - and this passage itself is not safe. The traps it passes through are only relatively weak and not that difficult to pass...

"Which college are the two people behind us from?"

When the two of them were recovering their strength there, they suddenly thought of this problem.


The two people who were resting against the wall got excited at the same time, and their eyes revealed ambiguity...

"These traps look good...but...a little lacking?"

"Well, the professors don't seem to have any preference for using dung eggs..."

The two communicated happily, and the fatigue caused by the hard work of walking through the swamp seemed to be swept away by some magical magic.

The seventh graders on both sides, who were responsible for keeping the students safe from accidents, looked at the two people who were busy setting up traps. After hesitating for a long time, they still didn't find any violation of the rules.

Within a few minutes, the two confident people left the swamp area with satisfaction and began to move towards the next area.

"How's your hair, dear brother?"

"Half of it was burned, what about you?"

"The right eyebrow is gone. I'll probably have to go see Madam Pomfrey later."

The two people who were full of confidence were now burned to death. For the first time, they realized how destructive the flames were - the fifth graders had no protection as a matter of course. After all, their self-defense skills had to be considered qualified after the OWLs exam.

The two used their bodies to re-recognize the importance of protection that William had always emphasized.

"It's not just the head soaking spell... we should also learn the art of transformation..."

"If you use clear water like a spring to create a sufficient amount of water and transform it into a shield, the mechanism just now is not that difficult..."

This method is completely feasible, but they can't do it. It's like everyone knows that if you store enough gold in Gringotts, you can get a hundred or more gold galleons every day - but even pure-blood families can't. There are not many people with that much wealth.

"Have you rested enough?"

"Okay, what about you?"

"Same, I hope we can work together better than the troll... You won't drag me back, will you, George?"

Fred made a joke that wasn't funny, then moved quickly forward.

The one on the far left - this is the opponent they just discussed. Focus on a giant monster and knock it down, and then cooperate.

In less than half a minute, the two of them reached the center at the same time.

The mattress here is very high, and the light is bright - the fully open ceiling makes it easy for the troll to hit the students with a stick, and it also makes it easy for the sunlight to enter.

"This is really bright..."

"However, those guys don't look friendly enough..." The two said as they picked up their wands and started casting spells at the troll on the far left.

It was twelve feet tall, with dull skin as gray as granite. Its huge and stupid body was like a huge pile of gravel, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top.

The two of them had only seen this kind of thing in pictures - because of the smell, few professors were willing to actually put this kind of thing that would make people sick for three or four days into their classes.

The Eye Disease Curse and Obstacle Curse flew out at the same time, but none of them had time to see the results. They subconsciously released a stronger Iron Armor Curse for themselves, and then kept moving towards the right.

Even so, their mouths did not stop.

"Damn it, didn't Ron brag about knocking one out for half a year? Why is this thing so big?"

They all thought that the twelve feet Ron mentioned was a boast, but that kid couldn't even brag?

"It's really heartbreaking...I'd rather he lied about some aspects..."

Of course, it missed, and even angered it - the troll's head is the key, but it's too small, and you have to be lucky.

The wooden stick made a huge sound, which could be heard clearly even through the Bubble Curse, but that was all.


Two disarming spells were fired at the same time, hitting the nearest troll's wooden stick, and then flying backwards with it, leaving deep marks on the dirt wall - in order to prevent students from being slapped on the wall and getting hurt. Seriously injured, William and the others worked hard to make the wall here less solid. Of course, these trolls were also well educated not to approach the wall.

But this has nothing to do with the twins. When the wooden stick was released, the two of them hit the huge wooden stick with the floating spell almost at the same time. With tacit cooperation, it spun again and made a huge noise, and then swept across it heavily. The troll's head.


There was a dull sound of hitting leather, and the high-speed wooden stick directly taught its original owner a painful lesson.

But the twins did not just relax. As before, one of them controlled one end of the stick to remain still, and the other controlled the end of the stick to move at high speed, directly pulling the evil stick towards the second unlucky guy.

At this time, the third giant monster will react - just like what is explained in many books, they are stupid and stupid.

The high-speed wooden stick was blocked by the raised wooden stick, making a not-so-clear sound, and then brought the third giant monster down.


It hit the ground heavily, making an unexplained sound.

The last giant was stunned for a moment, then dropped the stick and hugged its head.

It's not cute - they're huge, crouching down and holding their heads like a garbage heap filled with rot.

"Oh hoo!"

The twins cheered, then bumped their butts against each other - and then started to dislike each other.

"Just knock them out again!"

The two men once again raised the huge weapon with their wands, but a familiar voice suddenly came.

"Okay, the test is over, they all surrendered!"

Percy's voice came, and then two magic spells were issued almost simultaneously, knocking down the still conscious troll.

"You are too still have to help them wake up and prepare for the next assessment..."

Percy observed the troll, complained, and summoned two broomsticks from the hiding place behind him.

"Congratulations - just sit and fly out, you passed the exam."

The two people, filled with joy, took the broom and soared into the sky facing the sun.

After the two figures appeared, huge cheers came from below - they were not beaten away!

"I feel like we were perfunctory..."

Fred, who woke up from the surprise of winning, looked at his brother and communicated with his eyes.

George also woke up, "Percy seems to be more concerned about the troll..."

"It seems right..."

But the cheers below were so strong, it was not a lie at all.

"Let's go!"

The two shook their heads and flew directly downwards.

ps: The modification is too slow. I will update a 1,000-word easter egg-like extra tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... The text is in progress...

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